Tuesday 26 September 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,26/9/17 Polling where it counts 72:26; Bolt's dumber than we thought; Bolt's Bullies Rage; Bolt proving a threat to reason; Fossil Fuel Failure ; Bolt hate for Peter Fitzsimons is really Personal; Watch Bolt and McCrann lie about BHP;

Poll finds that, among those who have already voted, 72% voted yes compared with 26% who voted no  

Marriage equality support rebounds and yes side leads in voting – Guardian Essential poll | Australia news | The Guardian 


 Abbott even manages to divide his family

The push to legalize same-sex marriage has officially received the support of Frances Abbott, the daughter of Tony Abbott.

 SSM: Frances Abbott backs same-sex marriage Yes campaign - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


 The Cognitive Ability of "no" Voters proved

Specifically, there is a strong and statistically significant association between higher cognitive ability and a greater likelihood to support equal rights between same- and different-sex couples.This may shed some light on why those who stand against equal rights may not be persuaded by evidence-based arguments in the ongoing same-sex marriage debate.

This shouldn't be a surprise throughout history it's been proven and Bolt has always complained about our universities, the ABC,  our Art's and sciences being filled with people arguing for equality, social justice, human rights and social policies that progress towards those ideals. It must be reminded that Andrew Bolt failed University and his mate Tony Abbott gained his Rhodes scholarship not on any grounds of economic standards but largely for sport and the aggressive support of the Jesuits of St Ignatius College.

  SSM: How cognitive ability shapes attitudes on equal rights for same-sex couples - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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Matt Ridley on the new threats to reason: "The spread of fundamentalist Islam, the growth of Hindu nationalism and Russian autocracy, the intolerance of dissent in Western universities and the puritanical hectoring of social media give grounds for concern that the flowering of freedom in the past several centuries may come under threat."  
 Has anyone noticed that the "No" voters in this debate aren't applying "reason" only emotional arguments trying to scare the bejezuz out of the voting population? Name calling along with confirmation biased evidence is proffered as "reason" where there is none is offered against Marriage Equality, Abbott tells women they are best behind an ironing board that's reason and any argument against that is the unreasoned dissent of 'frightbats' . 97% consensus among global climate science is declared by Bolt to be a religion that's reasoned thinking on the part of Bolt. The cry for 'universal human rights' is unreasoned thinking in comparison to the Nazi chants of white supremacists calling for Jews and Muslims to be rounded up and kicked out of the USA. Bolt supports the rise of the ADF in Germany that wants the monuments to Jews be removed from the country and the wisdom in Mein Kumph be brought back to the education system. Yes Cognitive inability certainly does shape Bolt's thinking


Bolt's Bullies Rage

A young Brisbane woman who was flying rainbow flags outside her house in support of same-sex marriage has had her windows smashed in with rocks in a late-night attack police said may be linked to three other incidents nearby.

 Same-sex marriage supporters homes targeted by vandals - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


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Amazing coincidence. August: "Samuel Mazur has referred Hobart Cornerstone Church’s David Gee and pastor Campbell Markham to the Anti-Discrimination Commission for comments they have made about gay people." Now: "A Tasmanian transgender teen was [allegedly] physically assaulted...  Her mate Samuel Mazur was ... able to shove the attacker away."
 I guess the above is just convenient SSM yes voters reporting violence against them. As I said Bolt is all over poor Tony the victim but totally skeptical when yes voters get a media mention. He doesn't mention the reality of Kevin Rudd's Godson.


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The Turnbull Government's disgraceful "emergency" laws to police free speech during the gay-marriage campaign were resisted by just Pauline Hanson's One Nation and Australian Conservative Cory Bernardi. Now Senator David Leyonhjelm admits he took his eye off the ball: "I actually feel a bit guilty that I didn’t kick up more of a fuss about that."
  Wow, 3 people plus Andrew Bolt does that have any impact? It seems not given that the polling 72 to 26% of the vote so far shows a massive rebound in favor of the "yes " vote.

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We've seen little global warming and we're too small to make a difference anyway. But Labor's plan to slash emissions has a huge cost: "Professor McKibbin, of the ANU’s Crawford School, analysed the impact... The Coalition target in theory would sacrifice $18 billion in economic output [in 2030] compared with a cost of $30bn for the Labor target."
The "me" mentality is staring us in the face with Bolt telling us "we"  can't make a difference and therefore "we" aren't part of any global community stuff them. In a crisis, an island as small as Cuba sends doctors, engineers, and teams in their hundred to help nations suffering without a second thought. What do we do sweet FA! How would you like to be Bolt's next door neighbor? Nevertheless, if Cuba sneezes Bolt there telling just how dangerous they are and what global impact they have and it's necessary that we all pull together and maintain the 50 trade embargo on them. He goes apeshit telling us we need to send troops to the Middle East and the Ukraine and show that we are a concerned global player. Suddenly Bolt's "me" becomes a "we.  Thinking needs to be contained global pollution doesn't.The man is an intellectual museum piece.
Bolt's fossil fuel heaven has come to a standstill in the face of hurricanes Bolt claims are "normal".  Developed states Texas, Florida, and territories like Puerto Rico are facing billions of dollars of costs which makes fossil fuels look extremely expensive power source when you consider they are useless and will take up to six months to power up again. Currently, the only power being generated is via renewables. There is a lesson to be learned here

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 They say those that can't-do pretend they can teach? How is it McCrann isn't sitting on the board of any Corporate entity and as such why is it Bolt thinks he's the voice of reason over and above CEOs of Corporations like BHP and AGL. BHP hasn't just turned overnight. The supported Gillard's Super Tax and even her Carbon Tax so why print this BS when this support dates back as far as pre-2013. The only people here that are ignorant is McCrann and Bolt or is it they are conveniently ignoring the fact that this was in step with Labor policies."BHP seemingly believes that if it joins the Global Warming campaign against energy sanity at home, it will be left free to keep pumping more and more iron ore and coking coal and oil and gas — and so hundreds of millions of tonnes of explicit and implicit CO2 emissions — into the northern hemisphere..."McCrann
There is nothing secret about BHP's support of an ETS what's secret is BOLT and McCrann can't accept the rational economic thinking of the Big Australian. Going back to 2010

BHP boss Marius Kloppers: It's time for carbon tax - The Australian

Sep 16, 2010 -

"Mr. Kloppers's call for a carbon tax undermines the passionate objections of Tony Abbott to setting a price on carbon before there is a global consensus.
"We do believe that such a global initiative will eventually come and, when it does, Australia will need to have acted ahead of it to maintain its competitiveness," Mr. Kloppers told a packed Australian British Chamber of Commerce lunch in Sydney." 2010


Green scares and gutless politicians have created this gas crisis. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
Bolt and McCrann were trying to make out it was incompetent CEO's AGL BHP in some sort of tryst with politicians. just about everybody on the block is to blame. Abbott was the one to refuse any partisan deal on energy as far back as the Gillard government when even the heads of the biggest mining companies were calling for a carbon tax. They knew was little more than a "gutless" politician serving his own interests without any focus on the country and its place in a commercial world. Abbott favored uncertainty why because uncertainty is a political tool. He got his leadership position because of the ETS and he hopes to do the same now. Truth be known he's happy to see Australia languish.


The Herald Sun's Terry McCrann has a message for BHP Billiton boss Ken MacKenzie: why on earth are you demonising coal by endorsing a clean energy target and dumping the pro-coal Brendan Pearson as head of the Minerals Council.  From The Bolt Report.  
26 McCrann and Bolt are lying to the public BHP haven't caved into the Greens at all as far back as Gillard BHP have been arguing for a Carbon Tax as far back as 2010 they have been pro Gillard policy of either an ETS or Carbon Tax. as far back as then, they thought Abbott to be an opportunistic wanker nothing more. They wanted what AGL wants now a tax on coal.

BHP boss Marius Kloppers: It's time for carbon tax - The Australian

Sep 16, 2010 -

"Mr Kloppers's call for a carbon tax undermines the passionate objections of Tony Abbott to setting a price on carbon before there is a global consensus.
"We do believe that such a global initiative will eventually come and, when it does, Australia will need to have acted ahead of it to maintain its competitiveness," Mr. Kloppers told a packed Australian British Chamber of Commerce lunch in Sydney." 2010
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I would definitely go for aged garlic cures and Wilkinson advertising them instead of Andrew Bolt's ads for The Spectator and other extreme Right-wing Pulp Fiction that has absolutely no health benefits whatsoever to offer. Is this all Bolt has to whinge about the wife of Peter Fitzsimons? What a small-minded weed is Andrew Bolt just how was he raised and by who. As the saying goes someone created this ugly man this Dorian Grey in the first seven years of his life and left him little hope.

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Strange. A Catholic archbishop says something about gay marriage that a Muslim leader said, too, only worse. But only one is savaged. Why? With Sharri Markson on The Bolt Report.
Division is Bolt's game but not in the case of Marriage Equality but not this time the 'yes' vote won't be turned into an Islamophobic battle. They accept the freedom of religious belief. They also accept the freedom of Christian beliefs but not when it's been politicized as it has by the ACL, the Churches. This isn't a fundamentalist religious battle at all this is a battle to change the secular and legal definition of marriage and that's not the argument Bolt wants he wants it to be a religious one. Don't for one moment believe that Bolt is supporting Muslims and their freedom of religion he's not he's simply trying to deflect it away from the very losing battle that Catholics are facing they are divided just as much because of what their leaders advocate and what Abbott and Kevin Andrews advocate but their gobsmacked by the fact Francis Abbott has headbutted her father and the Catholic church.
Why doesn't Bolt have a go at Ms, Abbott? Is he going to tell us just how misguided she is for supporting Aunty Christine who Bolt has had a go at trying to convince us that she has made a victim of poor lying Tony?

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