Saturday 11 November 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/11/17; Abbott the shadow boxer wit a crystal jaw; Using Christine Forster; Bolt complains about the way he uses statistics,


 "To dump another prime minister, like another swipe on political Tinder, runs the risk of confirming the shallowness of the enterprise."

"Abbott would also give the Liberals something to fight for ... provided the MPs themselves actually understood what that must be."Bolt
 While the rise of Authoritarianism was always part of the News Corp agenda. The wimpish uncertainty in these Murdochians Kenny and Bolt are self-evident here just listen to the nervousness of tone of Herr Commandant Bolt.
  The call to bring Abbott back from the dead has always been on the cards as a primary goal of News Corp and never more evident than Murdoch's personal involvement at the Alfalfa Club in Atlanta in Feb trying to fake boost him. The rise of Abbott and the destruction of Turnbull is essential to Murdoch's media takeover of Australia and the leading voice behind the IPA's corporate takeover of the country. The urgency is written in the silence of the Murdoch press about what's in the Paradise Papers and the real bleed and burden to our economy and the pockets of ordinary Australians tax evasion.
Welcoming Mr. Nope Nope Nope back is welcoming back the ransacking of Australia. The push for the return of mismanagement over genuine problem solving necessary. It's all or nothing for Rupert who knows he hasn't another 8 years at the helm and that's the urgency of risk he must take to get his puppet in control. It's now or never.
 The shallowness of the bluff and the destruction of the Liberal Party is the stake that's on the table not really the destruction of News Corp. Failure, however, will prove that Rupert is never right 100% of the time and will give the next generation the balls and incentive to take the company in another direction. After all the consolidation of Trump has been a total failure given the recent elections like Virginia and the Abbott like results in the Polls for Trump. Fox is hemorrhaging revenue.  The Trump fervor just isn't happening anymore.The grab for Sky UK seems to be falling apart along with the demise of May and Abbott is still and always will be seen as a total disaster down under. If 21rst Century Fox is up for sale something serious is up because News Corp rested on its profit-making shoulders like the world on Atlas is Rupert really Atlas? 
"Today, authoritarians rule an increasingly large part of the globe, but the leaders of the free world lack the motivation and gumption to create a new U.N.-style League of Democracies. In the meantime, as individuals living in a free society, we believe it is our moral obligation to take action to expose human rights violations and to use our freedom to help others achieve theirs."
Corporate Tax evasion, lack of transparency and  Authoritarian control were always tightening under Abbott a good place to start and a noble fight would be to liberate them. Remember Abbott never won the election that the ALP lost. A dog could have won and it did. Abbott was never a leader always a shadow boxer with a crystal jaw.

 The fitness of Murdoch is questioned in the UK. Why is 21rst Century Fox now up for sale?

Image result for Image Fox news logo
  • As exemplified in Fox News’ culture of sexual harassment and racial discrimination, there is an identifiable link between 21st Century Fox’s poor corporate governance and what is broadcast on the news outlets it owns.
  • Recent Russia-related coverage and commentary on Fox News and in The Wall Street Journal signify that the Murdochs and their news outlets continue to meddle in politics in damaging ways.
  • Regulators should be acutely aware that the line separating opinion and news programming at Fox News is nonexistent. The hiring of former White House national security aide Sebastian Gorka to a news position and a recent report from British broadcasting regulator Ofcom ruling that individual segments on Tucker Carlson Tonight and Hannity were in violation of broadcasting standards reinforce this fact. There are many more segments on Fox News programs from the last year that should be taken into consideration to assess 21st Century Fox’s commitment to broadcasting standards.
  • Sky’s warning that Sky News could close if 21st Century Fox’s bid is not approved is suspect at best. No evidence has been presented showing that Sky News’ closure was being planned before 21st Century Fox’s proposed acquisition.
  • The CMA should also consider that aside from Sky News, 21st Century Fox post-merger would have access to -- and potentially take financial and political advantage of -- information about consumers by way of internet service.

 Media Matters submits supporting evidence after testifying to U.K. regulator against 21st Century Fox, Sky deal


Leftist thugs use illegal immigrants as an excuse to assault people here: "Tony Abbott’s sister Christine Forster ... was attacked by an angry group of protesters who surrounded her and her partner outside a Liberal Party fundraiser. Ms. Forster had her jacket torn to shreds." Makes Sam Dastyari's treatment seem mild, so where's the outrage?

No Bolt you can't get away one day attacking Forster for her disloyalty to her brother not daring to attack his daughter Frances and then using Christine as Joan of Arc for the Liberal Party it doesn't wash. Maybe it's time to ask Christine or would that be just too risky that she just might not claim the martyrdom position you're giving her. She is after all the inappropriate mother you and Abbott spoke of a danger to her children.


" No, the illegal immigrants on Manus Island are a mere excuse. These Leftist protesters really just wanted an excuse to go bully someone. They are the fascists they denounce."Bolt
Blot's own words  show he's "flipping" 
1) It started with asylum seekers being called "illegal immigrants" when the world recognizes the fact they aren't and only fascists apply their own definition of illegal.
2) Christine Foster has been raised as the flag bearer by fascists for something she doesn't support. Notice Bolt made no attempt to ask her what she thought. He merely used her.
3) The purpose of the fundraiser was money to keep people suffering and the support for Dutton declaration that 600 humans under threat and suffering are simply doing it to themselves and have been for over 4 years.
4) The cry we are the victims by Dutton Bolt et al just doesn't wash and that's becoming increasingly self-evident. They tried to silence the doctors, the teachers, the social workers and threatened them with incarceration and are now calling them the bullies once again using Christine the "yes " voter that Bolt said hated her brother and was a case for social welfare to investigate as a mother. Now she's his Joan of Arc. The problem is she doesn't get a say.


Two idiots heckling Sam Dastyari in a pub makes us all racist, according to Fairfax's Jacqueline Maley: Bolt
Bolt can't stand the heat when his argument logic is applied to him. Two Muslims declaring vengeance for IS anywhere in the world is sufficient proof for Bolt to tell us all Muslims are a threat. But it doesn't apply when he is caught in the same net as two patriot Blues. As Bolt casts the shadow over Waleed Aly he hates the sting when it's done to him. Waleed doesn't say ouch! because he knows Australians don't believe it. The same can't be said of Bolt.
Bolt stays silent on the sexual culture that was exposed as central to News Corp but he's is quite ready to throw Hollywood and One Nation under a bus to keep the focus off Murdoch's organization and Bolt's personal and often failed harassment of women within it. He once used to call Miranda Devine the Devine Miranda until she bit back.

Pushing hard for an Election Now!  Abbott to be the leader of the opposition again. What the hell if they lose and destroy the Liberal Party in the effort. They wanted to manage but never learned but we did.
Now, this is fake news on top of calling the people of PNG idiots who couldn't see what was going on. Yes, Children were born a Rohingya married and wants to resettle in PNG and has been refused.
Does Bolt even write this stuff he's been a professional for over 30 years and  we get this "
"An activist at yesterday's protest outside a Liberal party fundraiser, where guests were abused and attacked:" Bolt The man can't help but rely on others to write for him.
Australian Government struck deals with PNG and Cambodia and paid them 100's of millions of dollars for agreements that are and were never going to work. They silenced professionals with the threat of jail to not speak the truth. When all else has been proven to be false. They still have Murdoch to turn to. Remember Chris Kenny's "Nauru is a holiday resort" article. Dutton's "I'm the victim"

 Sack the Liberal Party Organizers and shame Pete Credlin and her husband for failing to do their job. Crossing Ts and dotting Is is the function of the backroom Paul Kelly and Nikki Savva realize that and are Murdochians who recognize that only to be attacked by the revivalist zealots. Does Bolt tythe to to the conservative wing I doubt it he's a Dutchman first who thinks like a Boor second and would never give up his dual citizenship third.
" Credit to Miranda Devine, reporting on Tony Abbott's big fundraiser last night without any digs about "Delcons" or Abbott's failings: " Bolt
What a slap in the face for a journalist to be praised fro what they didn't write bu obviously could have. How much Murdoch manipulation is revealed in this sentance along with sexist paternalism from Bolt. One might well ask why this fund raiser was scheduled for a time when Turnbull was overseas? There are plenty of unanswered questions  News Corp won't attend to in this Shakespearean play. Only 900 attended hardly a landslide unless you qualify it like Bolt and say "off a small base". Has anyone ever attended a revival meeting Miranda was right it was like attending a Cult. Remember Jones Town.
These are ghosts so far removed from reality the onlt threat is not supporting the separation of  power. The conservatives want Christian Sharia enshrined in our constitution particularly the Public Service. Their concept of freedom is not for all citizens. Nor is it it would seem a pillar of the Liberal Party

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