Thursday 7 December 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 7/12/17; Can anyone guess where Bolt is going for his Xmas break?; Israel and America say Fuck to thr rest of the world; When the Milo Show has to pay; Rowan Dean feels free to walk out;

Why Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel

Why Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel 

 The international community, including the US, officially regards East Jerusalem as occupied territory. Additionally, no country in the world recognizes any part of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, with the exception of Russia, which announced its recognition of West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel earlier this year.


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Bolt has suddenly turned Milo from the hero into an innocent victim. Firstly he's not an Australian Citizen the alt-Right and Patriot Blue have publicly declared and reported to and through News Corp and other media outlets that they decided to turn up to fight the protesters in and on the street. The protesters made no such provocation they were there to protest but were attacked along with African residents living in the Housing Commission flats. Bolt conveniently ignores that and lumps them into one group, his Left.  So Bolt as he usually does has twisted the facts along with the Herald -Sun and other News Corp media.  You can guarantee they all made and are making money keeping this story running for as long as possible. The Bolt Report is soaking it up for ratings as well advertising revenue. Milo Yiannopoulos their tool for profit.
Secondly, the organizers were aware and warned but continued recklessly to put on a commercial event that would in all likelihood become violent without employing sufficient security and expecting the state to assist. Milo made it clear that he was a commercial "brand" a product here primarily for a performance with the intention was to disturb and incite Australians. The promoters even expected Patriot Blue and their ilk to attend. The PLF and Reclaim Australia all wanted to be there and not to just protest but to fight and the show was going to go on. So given this wasn't an Australian production and there is a separation of the state allowing free speech for commercial gain they have now been handed the bill that is only fair. So who will pay will no doubt be worked out between Mr. Costas of Penthouse, Milo and whoever else was involved with their contract. As we say they will need to examine the fine print. The police are paid to be at the AFL and the Tennis it's commercial practice Andrew Bolt.
Bolt's complaints won't set this aside and Milo and his crew might just expect more of the same in Sydney and the Gold Coast if their fans turn up to fight.

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The not so free speech show your expected to pay for tickets, please

The devil wears Gucci: Yiannopoulos caused a storm of controversy.

During his 'Big Gay Q&A', hordes of people leave while I spot a queue: the only event I've ever attended where the men's loo line is longer than the women's. I spot right-wing commentator and Spectator editor Rowan Dean strolling out, halfway through another Yiannopoulos-tirade. Even his most ardent fans seem to be seeing him for what he really is: not a show pony, but a one-trick

  'Pauline for PM': Inside Milo Yiannopoulos's farcical Sydney talk


 Typical of Bolt floating banners that are in fact a lie. Mark Latham saved absolutely nothing. This is a Charity drive for Mark Latham and every cent will be spent by Mark Latham that is the truth.
PAYWALL Amazing how John Stone like Andrew Bolt missed the guts of the IPSOS poll that found 80% of Liberal voters do not want to see a change in the Liberal leadership.right!
 However, it also showed the preferred Liberal Party leader for the first time; 
32 percent of voters preferred Ms. Bishop, whereas 29 percent picked Mr. Turnbull. Tony Abbott (14 percent), Peter Dutton (5 percent) and Scott Morrison (4 percent) were well back in the field.
PAYWALL  This looks like payback Rupert Murdoch was kicked out of China and has never forgotten that and weren't the Chinese wise in that decision. Today they say there is s press beat up about their political influence in Australia and it's largely by News Corp using antiquated Cold War propaganda tactics. How right they are on that score and what we are seeing is Cold War propaganda to threaten a warming relationship for political purpose only. Bolt is threatening the best relationship we have ever had with China economically and even socially.
 Remember when Tony Abbott was made "Pivot of the Pacific" he went to Europe and tried to have us become honorary NATO members. He closed Radio Australia allowing Chinese soft diplomacy to run its course. He removed the voice of Australia from the region saying they all have the Internet. Pacific Islanders are lucky to be surviving let alone have the Internet the idea Abbott was selling. Dastyari was never as friendly to the Chinese than Tony Abbott so yes this is a beat up and the Chinese are right.
Foreign influence well you can't get greater foreign influence than Rupert Murdoch an American controlling the media in this country and increasing that control 115 sounds a very very small figure  given the quid pro quo influence Murdoch has over the LNP and had over Tony Abbott
As for donations, the Liberal Party received the same amount from China as did the ALP and the Chinese that Sam was close to are currently working with the John Alexander team in Bennelong.

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and who are amplified and promoted by the likes of corporate media by media's paid talking heads like Andrew Bolt

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