Wednesday 6 December 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,6/12/17 Trust the Trumps is Bolt's catch cry; The Murdochian's get in a huddle crying victim; John Alexander shines for Turnbull;

Image result for Image the photos Ivanka hates

Bolt's link and reference are to the Daily Caller.  He might as well have been referencing Milo for what it's worth as information. Bolt obviously doesn't understand the meaning of the plea of "guilty" submitted by Flynn on the advice of some very expensive lawyers. Had Flynn fought the case and been convicted he'd have been in deep shit. People generally plea guilty when they know they are. Unlike Bolt, Flynn's not whining or claiming he's innocent.
 Trust the Trumps rather than the FBI? Well, a family can conspire more easily than an organization like the FBI with mixed loyalties which would make it more difficult.  Trump's son has been found dancing with the Russians pre-election and when this investigation comes to an end we will see if charges will be laid. His son-in-law Jarred Kushner has been caught out time and time again for not revealing his true financial interests in a game of "catch me if you can" when the rules are quite clear.. As recently as this week he was caught out not revealing his interests and his position on the board of a foundation funding illegal developments in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza, and Bolt has the gall to prattle on about trust?Jared Kushner didn’t report Funding Illegal Israeli Squatter Settlements

The Australian is backing claims along with Andrew Bolt it sounds like the Trumps crying victim because they are being investigated. Let's step back for a moment. Bolt is s convicted liar and as little as yesterday had egg on his face backing claims that George Christensen had said and that swathes of senior Liberal MPs have said when whatever Bolt has said has proved to be wrong. The Australian well it's the National masthead for News Corp it's not there to make money and is known for doing just the opposite. It's there to push Murdoch's political want which on any day is standing shoulder to shoulder with the IPA backing the conservatives over Malcolm who is in their way making soft decisions against their interests and Bolt calls Jane what she is a hypocritical Conservative Warrior who has admitted her favorite source of information and news in the mornings is the ABC's Radio National.
So what do we have here other than a convicted liar and an opportunist working for Murdoch media and trying to please the boss by crying, victim? Bolt's comment on Milne a joke. Maurice Newman when the chairman of the ABC board appointed Scott as CEO twice. Bolt hated Scott but still continues to paint Newman as a conservative icon. It goes to show the lack of principles involved here when all just back the side and duck any principles.
Bolt's quietly grinding his teeth unable to say what Turnbull will that Alexander's win is a reflection of the government and begins to cement Turnbull's position as the leader and that smarts Hey Bolt!!

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Strange: "Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese has no records for his father or his paternal grandparents, declaring on the form he had never been a citizen of a country other than Australia."  But Albanese last year told 7.30 that his father was Carlo Albanese and lived in  Barletta, Italy, where they met.
I made it clear that I didn't want anything except to meet Carlo, who I thought was my father."
Bolt lets this fade into the background that Carlo isn't necessarily Albo's father at all. British justice we believe state you're innocent until proven guilty. Bolt works on another principle that's the fascist one your guilty until your proved innocent. Bolt has become the equivalent of the accused drop box outside town halls in Spain which encouraged dobbing during the Inquisition. The Nazis also found this system to their liking as well
Bolt loves revealing peoples private lives but when others in the media reveal his he and his wife go apeshit and cries foul. Double standards by which to live abide in the Bolt family.

 Bolt seems to be in some sort of depressed submission. Turnbull has rebound the Economy looks to be flattering Bennelong and New England haven't been the disaster Bolt had hoped for and so if Bolt kept complaining about the party it would seem sour grapes. So what to do turn on Bill. This is exactly what he did just before Abbott was deposed. He lost the energy to keep covering for Abbott promising he'd changed only to see him make a fool of himself again and again and again. Bolt went silent on Abbott and suddenly focused on Bill. Here he is he's doing it again. He's been focusing on Malcolm silent on Abbott and trying to be a right-wing hero and so turned on Bill. Can you expect anything else from this faux commentator who uses clowns like Milo to boost his ratings? He has Hanson and Milo on together, not for them but himself. The man is desperate.

Bolt has suddenly turned Milo the hero into Milo the victim. Firstly the alt-Right and Patriot Blue have publicly declared and reported to News Corp and other media that they decided to turn up to fight the protesters. The protesters were there to protest but were attacked along with Africans living in the Housing Commission flats. Bolt conveniently ignores them and lumps them into his Left.  So Bolt has as he usually does twisted the facts along with the Herald -Sun. You can guarantee they made and are making money keeping this story running for as long as possible. The Bolt Report is soaking it up for ratings as well.
Secondly, the organizers were aware and warned but recklessly continued an event for commercial gain an event that would in all likelihood become violent without sufficient security. Milo made it clear that he was a "brand" a commercial product here for a performance hats intention was to disturb people. He even expected Patriot Blue, The PLF and Reclaim Australia wanted to be there and not protest but be there to fight. But the show was going to go on and now they have been handed the bill that is very fair. So who will pay will be worked out between Mr. Costas and Milo and whatever their contract's fine print has to say. 
Bolt's complaining won't set this aside and Milo and his crew might just expect more of the same in Sydney and the Gold Coast if their fans turn up to fight.

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