Tuesday 5 December 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 5/12/17; Milo Bolt's Liberace of politics; Egg on his face; The photo of a seige don't miss it; Bolt's Statistics;

Image result for Image of dangerous clowns
Milo, Bolt, and others are spruikers of a very limited, narrow and regressive ultra-conservative ideologies. They promote Racism,  anti-feminism, anti- Islam,  anti- Social Justice and simply critics of any progressive and liberating ideas and enable others like Patriot Blue, Vanguard America and Britain First. Nobody denies Milo's ability to say what he does with all the pomp and expletives but his critics are responding to their right to protest them and more so the corporate sponsorship of these targeted opinions that incite hatred and deny the equality due to all peoples in a democracy. Milo's  meansess is just that What he promotes is the antithesis of liberation and advocates the total restriction of others for the benefit of the few.
Bolt just happens to be News Corp's the tool to bring about the attention to a political sideshow that's about as useful as the Elephant man or King Kong who unlike Milo don't spit in the faces of the majority of average Australians that believe in a fair go.
The real Milo Men aren't phoneyhis supporters are real and Bolt is laughing

 Britain First supporter drove van into curry house with aim of killing a Muslim The Independent

A Polish-born Britain First supporter who said he wanted to “kill a Muslim” gave a Nazi salute and shouted “white power” before driving at a curry house owner, a court has heard.
Marek Zakrocki, 48, launched his drunken attack outside Spicy Night, a takeaway in Harrow, north-west London, on the first anniversary of the Brexit vote on 23 June.
Window-fitter Zakrocki was charged with attempted murder before he pleaded guilty to the lesser charges of dangerous driving and beating his wife.

 "Senator Jane Hume, if you can't appeal to the Milo crowd and if you can't condemn the thugs trying to shut them down, then your side really is useless. My editorial from The Bolt Report." Bolt
Above is a picture of a Milo supporter enabled by the likes of Milo and cheered on by Andrew Bolt Below is also a Milo supporter Senator Leyonhjelm who believes you can say anything even if it enables violence. Many conservatives however turned their backs on Milo when he publicly promoted paedophilia as an act of free love.
1h"David Leyonhjelm hosted Milo Yiannopoulos at Parliament House today found him to be "reasonable, rational sort of a guy". From The Bolt Report on Sky News." The senator walks with Britain First and Vanguard America and Patriots blue who all believe Milo is reasonable and are all encouraged and enabled by him.

Bolt goes all out in this Gobellian attempt to sell Milo Yiannopoloulos and normalize toxicity and hypocrisy in Australian Democracy.  He's selling Milo like cigarettes without warning. Bolt amplifies little more and more of the need for political regression.
History tells us where we came from where we have been and what we have internalized and now see as normal and take for granted. By unraveling what we have socially constructed over time and taken for granted distinguished from reality or it's reinterpretation we just might begin to see the direction we need to take and give guidance to the next generation to improve. Whatever is the case it will be their choice, not ours.

Murdoch media's attempt to commercialize Milo Yiannopoulos isn't for profit but it's for attention a distraction to keep us from focussing on progress.  It fails to inform and attempts to hold back any movement forward but it's an attempt to keep the nation at a standstill. Toxic bullying laughter fails to educate and Milo represents little more than a Kardashian distraction.
  The selling and commodifying of Milo Yiannopoulos as the comedic Liberace and model of a successful entertainer, is largely at the hands of only one media organization News Corp and Andrew Bolt's the vehicle for pushing shit up a hill with a pointed stick making out the glitter bug is a shining light. Bolt is trying to sell a toxic message just as the media in  New Delhi are selling toxic cricket to India telling the lovers of the sport that the city smog isn't foul and they are experiencing a true test match.
News Corp sells us, Milo, telling us how rich and successful a young man of influence he is when he's not. He packaged like Liberace glitter and trinkets straight from the Hunger Games and sold by Bolt the man in the suit but Milo is nothing without the corporate wealth and sponsorship of the Murdoch media.
 Milo is scripted. It's why Bolt doesn't interview him but gives him space on his show. His script mocked the 'yes' vote for marriage equality but Milo got married himself recently. He claims he resigned from Breitbart and is now self-employed but was sacked and has little or no sponsors in the US. He hasn't been banned he's simply not wanted by conservatives anywhere in the Anglosphere but Australia which simply goes to show how starved we are  when  Milo is packaged as reality

Bolt's desperate failing to get any traction himself with his unnamed sources that flop the poll figures that show 80 % of coalition voters don't want any leadership change including Bolt's secret weapon George whose denied Bolt. He needs a tools side shows to spruik to bring on his shows and have News Corp write about supported by panels of Roskams and Cousens to listen to and support Bolt in what he  calls "interviews" where his silence is patronizing and deafening allowing the likes of Milo  the space to air his scripted message not to enlighten us but bully us with glittered crap. It's neither a message nor an ABC interview by a country mile.

Image result for Image of Andrew Bolt egged

 Bolt fails to acknowledge the independent IPSOS Poll that showed 80% of Liberals DON'T WANT A CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP  the opposite of the message that Bolt tried to sell us all week and when was it going to happen but NOW. So what has Bolt pulled out of his editorial bag STOP BULLYING ME MALCOLM? Yes, Bolt is the victim with the corporate mike yelling foul and unfair and expecting to be believed. He needed Peta Credlin and Cory Bernardi on either side of him because they were very noticeable in their absence as was George the accused marionette that seemed to have escaped Bolt.
How often have we heard Bolt say he's independent and doesn't have a "boss" it seems he does. How often does Bolt tell us he doesn't say the truth because the lawyers prevent him. I believe him at least when he doesn't tell the truth or even look for it. Maybe it's why he's sitting with egg on his face.
So who were the senior unnamed men in the Liberal Party that Bolt spoke to in Adelaide and Perth? They are significant unnamed sources yet again will they stand up in public and be named for Andrew Bolt? The IPSOS Poll has statistics to validate their reputation Bolt doesn't. He only seems to have had a secret whinge fest with unnamed senior VIPs in the Liberal Party and we are to believe him? He doesn't care he's not paid to be believed only controversial. So bring it on Malcolm is the sound in the schoolyard along with I'm being bullied.

 This photo hardly looks like an event of being "besieged" but it's the single photo all of the mastheads at News Corp are using to sell that story of hundreds. It looks less threatening than the photo of  Bolt in Carlton claiming he was being attacked and needed to defend himself with a king hit.
 Image result for Images lying with statistics
Let's clarify what Bolt is saying here" 1) Britain "is" being Islamised...Bolt
2) His link actually says "Could be " by 2050. There is no suggestion in the PEW report that it is the rest is speculation
3) So what is Bolt playing at if he can't report facts accurately, Fact or Fiction?

"Under the model which assumes median migration levels, the number of Muslims in the country would rise from 4.1m in 2016 to 13m in 2050."  Bolt's evidence seems odd in 2014 there were according to UK census 3 mill Muslims in the UK. So in 3 years according to Andrew Bolt, there has been an increase of 1mill Muslims or 330 per annum.
The net immigration statistics, however, show that approx only 246k immigrants arrived in the UK and not all Muslims.  So over three years, there'd only be an increase of 750,000 immigrants of which less than half were Muslim. That may have been 330K  but certainly not the 1Million Bolt's referring to since 2014.
Bolt's reference the religious writer in the Telegraph makes no mention of the Nett intake but seems to assumes the traffic is all one way nobody is leaving the UK no Muslims anyway. Why would that be?
 Furthermore, she assumes that only practicing and devout Muslims will be in the UK in 2050. Bolt has falsely claimed Australia is a Christian country when all is said and done the latest Census showed us that only some 25% claim to be practicing Christians so we aren't the Christian Nation he says we are. No such consideration is given to the Muslim population of the UK or to the Australian either by in 2050.

Fact or Fiction
  Bolt tends to prefer fiction to fact. By the way for Bolt to be right needs the annual increase in the Muslim Pop over the next 33 years in the UK  needs to be 275k which is more than the current total number of nett immigrants today which is 246k and of which less than 50% are Muslim so you'd have to say Bolt has relied on Fiction for Fear rather than statistics for truth
No mention by Bolt that the House of Windsor has Muslim heritage is there or soon to be Afro- American another significant change since 1066. They seem to have forgone Bolt's tradition.

 Dusty and dad


A mistake that will hurt the government among football fans: "The father of AFL superstar Dustin Martin is expected to be allowed back into Australia after Immigration Minister Peter Dutton conceded a legal error was made in the decision to deport him. The deportation of Mr. Martin ... meant he missed his Richmond player son’s AFL grand final win."


Dutton is renown for his errors, not his successes.

No mention by Bolt of the IPSOS poll and the 80% coalition voters who don't want a change in PM.
Seems a repeat of last night from the man who says he works an 80 hour week.
How is it Bolt can't confront the fact of the IPSOS revelation that 80% of LNP voters don't want to see a leadership change. Yiannopoulos may amuse the alt-Right and he's free to do so nobody is paying attention to him. Who they are paying attention, however, are the spruikers selling tickets as if they have some value other than snake oil.
Schoolyard name calling is what Bolt calls necessary debate along with the recycled picture News Corp took yesterday and has been reposted time and time again. Bolt's Blog is looking like the afternoon after a Les Girls bash the afternoon later with sequin dresses shoved into bags and guys racing off to play football with mascara still running down the faces. The hysterics over Milo are pathetic but generally the sounds of people wanting their money back even worse. 14,000 tickets whose saying 14,000 Adelaide 1200 Melbourne 2000 where are the other 10,800 coming from. We have seen how loose Bolt is with figures elsewhere in this blog but the venues Milo's playing don't hold the numbers being talked about. 3x 600 in Melb is only 1800 people it doesn't add up.
Given Milo splits the take after expenses and doesn't get paid up front he and his management team don't make the squillions he says he does. He is what he is just a sideshow of expletives.

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