Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/2/18; Bolt's spelling must have effected by his fall; Has he forgotten he supports the biggest liar he ever experienced Tony Abbott; Hanson was his ratings draw card?; Accelerating rising oceans, Accelerating CO2 Acceleration is what Bolt often ignores;


Bolt's longest blog of 2018 and all his own effort it seems. It is little more than a sleaze fest gossip blitz of the kind you'd find sitting at the check out chicks registers at Woolworths and the Banner tells it all. 
There'd be photos, of course, to be seen if you subscribe via Bolt's PAYWALL to the Murdoch press and of course, there are self-boosting links back to himself. That's the quality of work you can expect from Bolt. Bolt's boosting who here Bolt & News Corp. 
All this news about liars coming from the Andrew Bolt who spent all his energies boosting Australia's Trump of liars our ex-PM Tony Abbott and he definitely won't stop doing that.
Bolt's in a queue and a long way at the back of the line Sam Dastyari is so right making that call. As for Turnbull looking stupid, it seems Bolt has no idea what a coalition means. The Liberals don't run the National Party and their politics doesn't allow them to bag each other out. But then Bolt doesn't really pander to team play.


Bolt seems to ignore the fact that Abbott cut the ABC budget by $200 mill that's 20% on his figures and that inflation has had an enormous impact since 1988  just on the basis of those two things alone the ABC's budget has been massively slashed. The pop of Aus in 1988 was 17mill and the ABC cost $500 mill or $29 per year to run roughly a 30% increase in 30 years when living costs have increased x8.
 Bolt's wages haven't been that efficient or cost-effective that's for sure.  When it comes down to value for money who would Australians vote for given Bolt's a 30% subsidy paid for by us to a company that pays little or no tax. Ratings indicate he's certainly not value for money. 


Bolt ever so readily accuses the ABC not of redressing the errors of Historians but the total revision of history which he regards as having "saved" Aboriginal Children rather than having "stolen" them. However his single get out clause is that some a minimal of errors were made in sending these kids from one set of brutal circumstances to another as have been documented in the harsh conditions Bolt denies existed in Religious and State Welfare institutions.  The exaggeration on Bolt's side is the fact the administration of welfare provided these kids was one glove fits all approach. Siblings were separated children were told their relatives had died only in some cases not reunited for some 50 years if at all. Bolt makes no mention of what actually occurred but simply focuses on the general policy it's intent not it's practice.
He readily blames the Poverty of Aboriginal Culture as an absolute which fails to explain the impact of Colonial Culture which remains and is in fact reflected in Bolt's seeming insistent denial that Western Colonial Culture had no negative impact on the First Australians. Where did the estimated 750k peoples go leaving 2/3rd s missing after 40k years? Why has the introduction of Bolt's  Humane Welfare been such an absolute failure and what was its intention given it wasn't until the 60s that a single Aborigine gained a tertiary degree. 200 years and suddenly many are more educated that Bolt himself. Not by the way because they have denied their Culture but because many didn't allow the negative impact of the West influence them.
How is it we are seeing the increasing negativity of Western Culture impacting on whites and blacks alike, in fact, it's fast becoming colourless with poverty, homelessness, drugs, alcohol, mental ill health spreading like wildfire across Australia and not in just the Aboriginal communities. It seems if we are expected to believe Bolt then there are an increasing number of white Aborigines about who adopt ways of survival in cases of poverty brought about not by his Poverty of Aboriginal Culture buy the widening poverty that's increasingly guaranteed in Western Culture and yes Children are in danger and are increasingly white a danger Aborigines have endured for 200++ yearsYou may have to reconsider your reality, Scott – » The Australian Independent Media Network
For Bolt to suggest that Aborigines have been treated fairly since Invasion Day as well as other Australians is the myth being countered hear and White bad behaviour and attitudes have endured ever since and are reflected in Andrew Bolt himself. Then the Dutch certainly didn't have a record of just treatment and attitudes in its Colonies either. They certainly aren't missed in Sth Africa or Indonesia and currently, extreme right-wing attitudes like Andrew Bolt's also flourish in the Netherlands as well. It's not difficult to see where Bolt's aloofness stems from.
Bolt's is more than stupid isn't he? He's ignoring the presence of SBS and NITV as public broadcasters of note.It's as if they don't exist for him and they don't. He'd prefer none of them to in his desire for a privatised world.
 Michelle Guthrie isn't distressed but it seems Andrew Bolt certainly is. If he attends meetings the only reason people of diverse backgrounds might attend are there to protest or they are there to buy. Bolt hates visibility in public places because he's paranoid and insecure. The fact that Guthrie wants to "Look and sound Australian" is admirable she celebrates diversity. Andrew Bolt certainly doesn't.
 Is that worth subscribing to Foxtel for? Bolt's obviously still on holidays or should I say his producers are.

Bolt doesn't reall give a tell all story when it comes to poll only a selective one.
Two-party preferred
If an election were held today, the two-party preferred vote for the Coalition would be 46%, and Labor would be 54%
Primary voting intention
If an election were held today, the primary vote for the Coalition would be 36%, Labor's would be 37%, the Greens' would be 10%, and One Nation's would be 6%
Preferred prime minister
42% of respondents think Malcolm Turnbull would make the better prime minister and 27% think Bill Shorten would make the better prime minister.
It doesn't point to the woefull polling seen when Abbott was PM that's for sure. Peter Dutton  and Scott Morrison offer nothing to lift stocks. So this excercise for the moment seems fruitless. If "not 'all' to do with Barnaby Joyce" Bolt doesn't offer any insight into what it does have to do with.
Image result for Cartoon of chaos theory
 Bolt the professional still can't spell but he will readily point out the mistakes of others. Again "perceived to be of African appearance," doesn't stop Bolt drawing the conclusions as proof of a trend due to our refugee program. Despite the fact, the ABS clearly released figures that have shown a dramatic drop in the crime rate in the past two years. Nor does he mention that it was a 17 year old not likely to be a refugee charged with murder yesterday or the other crimes of violence in a city of 5mill people that happen to have been caused by white Christians highly likely to be connected to immigrant families as well. Cause and correlation are terms that never get in Bolt's way when it comes to blame. If and African laughs in Africa that's sufficient for Bolt to connect it to crimes committed by Africans in Melbourne. Jew haters do just that to any economic shift on the planet they blame the Jews as Bolt does the Africans Muslims and other minorities he simply dislikes.


What 25 years of satellite data tells us about rising sea levels

Ocean at sunriseArtists impression of Jason-3 satellite

Key points Acceleration is what Bolt ignores. The crisis getting faster as is Bolt's ignorance on the Science

  • It was thought sea level rise was accelerating at steady 3mm a year
  • Analysis of first 25 years of satellite data shows rate going up by 3mm a year, plus 0.08mm a year, every year.
  • Acceleration largely being driven by melting of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets and likely to increase in future, say, scientists

  •   Related image



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