Monday, 23 April 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,23/4/18; Hanson, Guns, and Bolt support Israel right to shhot and kill children; Oops! Kelly should have answered those questions; Newspoll; Bolt and his 80 hour week of productivity; Migrants

  Banking royal commission: Regulators should be sacked, Abbott

From the man who can't keep his mouth shut, Abbott's advice is oppose everything my government once stood for

The Abbott government's 2014 budget set in motion $120 million of cuts to ASIC's funding over four years, leading to the loss of more than 200 staff. At the time, the government emphasised a greater role for self-regulation instead of government intervention.
Former ASIC chair Greg Medcraft was vocal in his criticism of the budget cuts and pushing for tougher penalties for misconduct.
In 2016, the Turnbull government restored the funding and boosted the regulator's investigative powers. The Age
 "How many Australians continued to be hit with 'fees for no service' in the two years the government continued to protect the banking industry from a royal commission?" Shorten 
How many would have not suffered the consequences of bad financial advice if Abbott hadn't come in and slashed and burnt ASIC, the ATO and other regulatory bodies that he insured were too understaffed to fulfil their appropriate tasks? Abbott's certainly is a yo-yo when it comes to principles.
The Trickle Down Effect so much supported by Tony Abbott and the not so exceptional case of unregulated Charity benefits
 And a charity given more than $2.5 million in government funds ahead of the 2015 centenary of the Anzac Day landing, gave no money to the veterans’ groups it claimed to support, while spending more than $1 million on television ads and marketing. Department of Veterans Affairs documents obtained by Fairfax show the department continued to finance the Camp Gallipoli Foundation after discovering the charity had attempted to funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars in management fees. A Fairfax investigation in 2016 found the Returned Services League and Legacy never received $900,000 in promised profits from Camp Gallipoli, leading to the charity’s deregistration later that year. (The Briefing)

 Massive manhunt for Waffle House shooting suspect - CNN

The Waffle House shooting suspect thought Taylor Swift was stalking him and showed other signs of delusion
Gunman kills 4 at Waffle House near Nashville

(CNN)A massive manhunt is underway for the gunman accused of killing four people early Sunday at a Waffle House near Nashville, Tennessee.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has added 29-year-old Travis Reinking to its "Top 10 Most Wanted" list after he allegedly opened fire at the restaurant in Antioch, southeast of Nashville at 3:19 a.m.
Reinking's alleged motive is unknown and authorities warn that he may still be armed with a rifle and a hand gun.

 Not Black, Not Muslim, Not a member of ANTIFA NOT BOLTWORTHY
iaImage result for Images of sniper targets


Pauline Hanson goes to Afghanistan and proves she's a good shot.

Andrew Bolt's Breaking News:
 When no other politician has publicized their abilities to kill Bolt does it for Hanson. He displays her warnings to any Afghanis she might encounter that they are dead. Hanson has openly declared all Muslims are unwanted and not just that don't see politics the way she does. Even in their own country, Hanson's the sheriff.
This war has gone on longer than WW2 and we are losing the battle as we lost Vietnam as we are losing in Syria and as we have been losing wars for the past 75 years. We were cannon fodder once for the Empire in WW1 65,000 were sent to die. We are however winning in Manus, Nauru and lest we forget we won the Frontier wars in colonial Australia. Should anyone Pauline identifies as unwanted in here land she has her gun and Andrew Bolt is definitely behind her.
What Andrew Bolt and Pauline Hanson support is a constitutionally declared Christian Nation as Israel wants a Jewish one and if they could remove those that don't fit.

Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms | The Electronic Intifada

An Israeli general has confirmed that when snipers stationed along Israel’s boundary with Gaza shoot at children, they are doing so deliberately, under clear and specific orders.
In a radio interview, Brigadier-General (Reserve) Zvika Fogel describes how a sniper identifies the “small body” of a child and is given authorization to shoot.
Fogel’s statements could be used as evidence of intent if Israeli leaders are ever tried for war crimes at the International Criminal Court.
On Friday, an Israeli sniper shot dead 14-year-old Muhammad Ibrahim Ayyoub.
 How EU pretends not to see Israel’s calculated slaughter in Gaza | The Electronic Intifada

 The US fails to acknowledge Gaza has civilians | The Electronic Intifada

 If you disagree you should lose your rights as an Australian citizen
 Calls for stripping Natalie Portman of Israel Citizenship for criticizing Shooting Palestinian Protesters | Informed Comment
Question how is it Bolt and Hanson do nothing but complain about this country?

Malcolm Turnbull admits 'political mistake' on bank royal commission
In trying to defend the indefensible, she struggled to cut through with anything that was remotely beneficial to her party’s credibility. If anything, it highlighted what a nasty piece of work they are.
Everything she said, stood in stark contrast to her party’s persistent opposition to it, for so long. Meanwhile, revelations during last week’s hearings that customers were given poor financial advice, were charged fees for no service, that a dead person was charged ongoing fees, that the corporate watchdog was deliberately misled for years, makes us salivate over what might be revealed when things resume next week.
Client theft, more compromised financial advice, financially ruining peoples’ lives; who knows what other surprises are in store.
This government’s actions in cutting funding to a multitude of community services show us only too well, how concerned it is for the welfare of its constituents.

The Minister
 The Hypocrisy is Mind-Blowing - » The Australian Independent Media Network
Her Leader
Malcolm Turnbull admits 'political mistake' on bank royal commission


Bolt's gobsmacked 2pts the difference in the polls when 4pts is often seen as normal for governments to fall behind. Shorten shouldn't be nervous maybe Andrew Bolt should. His job was to ensure the government remained behind in the polls in fact if News Corp could move Islamophobia from 9% to 30%  with their thousands of negative articles on Islam how is it they haven't been able to do the same with their thousands of articles mocking Turnbull and boosting Abbott? Bolt seems to have been a total  failure in the art of fake negative spin and PR.
 Why should Shorten be nervous? Andrew Bolt and News Corp have had the wind knocked out of their sails nobody seems to be listening to them. Abbott might have to wait around for 6 years after the next election. Heaven help us News Corp will still be boosting him and the prospects of ongoing failure seems stronger than ever.

Image result for Images of an egocentric
Well you know when Bolt is lost for words he writes about the irrelevant past and he tries to remind us just how much he is the centre of things such as Rudd's attention. Having told us that for the past 2 weeks he's proved he's paranoid but not relevant. Bolt has bagged out Lindsay Fox as a fool, in fact, he's bagged out 1000 reputable Australians and called them fools.
 Bolt uses repetition like water torture hoping it will erode disbelief if done over and over. However, it's a lazy man's work shows he's certainly no value for dollar to News Corp.
 In truth, he's been killing time and magpies over the weekend training them out of what they do naturally with some behaviourist Andrew Bolt conversion therapy. He has at least 2 birds eating out of his hand and slowly killing them and eventually their fledglings.
One might think Bolt's gone all Bolshie on the government calling them a pack of liars. Demanding the nationalization of coal fired generators. All it proves he has no principles and he's not even fighting for a side but to destroy one. Apparently, the Immigrants have stolen the jobs from Aussies or Immigrants have created actually created the jobs and been a boost to our economy the $5 billion boost
Bolt calls bullshit. Bolt talks about the "feeling " of overcrowdedness the feeling of 2 cities Sydney and Melbourne. However, he doesn't talk about the feeling of buoyancy on every main street of every suburb. The businesses that have sprung up and are run by migrants and those they employ.  He tries to convince us that the 270,000 that arrived last year and as if all are on welfare an expense to the nation when less than 10% are assisted, refugees and those, not single mothers do eventually get jobs.
 He and Dutton call for like-minded countries (those with right-wing governments) to take up Austria's hipster Nazi Party's idea redefining the International agreed definition of what it means to be a refugee. They agree that White South African Farmers are in desperate need, with their lives at risk in a hostile nation. Tony Abbott told us 400 white farmers were killed last year alone. When that was found to be bullshit the Conservatives shut up without correction. The tactic being, get the idea out first let others spend their time clawing the truth back. Bolt and 2GB will assist.
 Dutton has been worming his way out of the fact that he like James Molan grabbed their factless ideas from the media like News Corp. If it was in the Daily Telegraph it must be true without any need for fact-checking what's really going on. Molan jumped on Britain First's bandwagon and now even the UK Conservatives have had them jailed in the UK for hate -speech and lies.  Dutton has turned unwittingly to the ideas of the Austrian Hope, not Hate Party otherwise known as Nazism for Hipsters forcing White South African Farmers to become their cause celebre. That's Boomgate Dutton for you. Bolt on occasion touts him as a worthy PM

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