Seven in 10 Australians believe a strong, independent
public broadcaster is critical to a healthy democracy, according to a
poll by the Australia Institute. Photograph: Richard Wainwright/AAP
majority of Australians believe a strong, independent ABC is critical
to a healthy democracy and oppose a cut to ABC funding, according to a
new poll.
The Australia Institute poll found 70% of people wanted a
strong ABC and 60% agreed the ABC needed a “boost to long term
Fascism has really arrived in Australia and goes unreported by Andrew Bolt a great fan along with Tony Abbott who said " politicians are better a second time around" at her book launch recently.
1 day ago ... Pauline Hanson written into One Nation constitution as effective president for life. Only after resignation of hand-picked successor will national ...
The One Nation senator Pauline Hanson has been written into her party’s updated constitution as effective president for life.
With no term limits on her presidency, the constitution names Hanson
as leader of the party’s national executive as well as the registered
officer for its divisions, giving her considerable heft, News Corp
“The president of the party is Pauline Lee Hanson,” the constitution
now states. “Upon resigning from the position of president, Pauline Lee
Hanson shall appoint her successor to become the next president of the
Bolt hates the fact that Newspoll has changed it's methodology and doesn't actually show that the LNP is being trashed 49:51. Isn't a significant measure is it. It isn't enough to root for Tony. However does Bolt even read the papers? Why hasn't he notified us of the Fairfax Ipsos poll which unlike the News Corp poll has the LNP behind 46:54 much more to Abbott's and Bolt's liking.
The strangest article today was seen in the business section of the Age where it has Rupert Murdoch calling for government help against Facebook in much the same way as he calls it for help against the ABC, they are both competition. In both cases he's on the moral high ground claiming Facebook is damaging "journalism" due to fake news and the ABC is left-wing and biased because it asked questions of accountability. But doesn't Facebook get its news from organizations like News Corp and aren't they both in the practice of churnalism having dumped their journalists for opinionists? Haven't they both help destroy journalism, in that case, making the ABC more relevant? In the case of the ABC Murdoch's gripe is that the public broadcaster is a mix of left-wing bias and is allowed to compete subsidized making an unlevel playing field or hindering the "free market". In the case of Facebook he's calling for government regulation of the "free market" and in the latter he wants the ABC deregulated and destroyed to enhance the "free market". Both it seems to have nothing to do with principles of journalism nothing to do with freedom at all just business and government alliance for Murdoch sake against competition in the realm of PR, influence and marketing for those with the most $$$ to spend. It's not those 100,000 workers that the Herald Sun suggested were illegal and threatened Melbourne armed with banners that's for sure.

Best concentrate on divorce, stress, anxiety and dysfunction that exists in lower class families and blame the inadequacies of the adults to cope on them Bolt finds himself in a bind when he says many can't cope but many can divorce is good and divorce is bad floundering with no explanation. In fact, Bolt's all over the shop trying to sound wise when he's not.
Why do anxiety and stress exist in the families? Why does it exist in all classes and across the board? Bolt never looks to comparative statistics and outcomes in other countries except for the likes of the USA which we have been increasingly modelling ourselves on and if the stats are any indication we are doomed to increasing failure.
However comparisons with countries that have shown a marked success are never mentioned by Bolt because it just might shine a light on the fact that we are totally wrong in the way we have structured our institutions to release the the stresses forced on all families and the individuals within them and why there is so much breakdown RD Laing a psychiatrist in the 70s UK of the Politics in the Family organization itself that inevitably results in breakdown medication and self -medication across the board and not just given to children of any particular class that can be found in homes.
Those Democratic Socialist nations realized to reduce the stress on all individuals long-term institutional changes needed to be made to take the stress of all individuals no matter how their lives are structured and now the outcomes to those radical changes have in the 2000s begun to bear fruit in the outcomes after 30 years plus.
There is no magic formula Health, Housing, Education and all Social Services are free to take the social psychological pressures off all individuals raising children to be independent and adults too enabling them to make the choices they want for themselves without the over the complexity of forced reliance and over dependence on each other. Because if the world caves in due misfortune the state is there to back citizens up. The outcome of that social engineering can be found in schooling, health, jobs for all citizens and not just the magical few. But Andrew Bolt will never direct any reader to examine the outcomes in countries like Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and others because it's too dangerous for him.
Column Who are the real bigots here: superstar Israel Folau, or his persecutors, who are trying to drive him out of rugby union? Everything about this “scandal” smells of a witch-hunt by hypocrites. They are against Folau not for what he does on the field but what he believes.
Give Cate Blanchett another Oscar, this time for playing the modern global-warming preacher. She's nailed this one, portraying the telling of untruths, the alarmism and now the useless gesture by wearing the same Armani dress twice in four years.
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