No Bolt the Liberals don't have a "woman" problem they have a "male" problem and more so from conservatives. They have had that problem because historically they have been the foundation and role models on which patriarchy that has been represented in Australian culture since settlement. Liberals more so than Labor have been a boys club the Melbourne club where women weren't allowed. However, because women were paid less and treated as lesser than men is it any surprise that more joined and have a higher profile in Labour? That more stood up and demanded their rights they became communists too.
Is it any surprise when it comes to divorce more women walk out on their men than men walk out on their women and men are more surprised and psychologically damaged. They take the position for granted more than women. After all, it wasn't that long ago when men killed their wives a mitigating circumstance in sentencing was if the wife was having an affair. No the Liberal's don't have a problem with women Abbott, Bolt and the conservatives clearly know where their place is and have said it out loud. Unless of course, the women are like Sophie Mirabella.
If one does a worldwide comparison why is it Australia and in particular the conservative Liberals in Australia lag so far behind the rest of the world when it comes to women in politics and leadership roles. There does seem to be a bias that Bolt wants to deny and he wants to generalize from in the case of Prentice. Women in India Pakistan Israel the EU and the Americas all fare better than they do in the Australian Liberal Party. All have a higher profile and none need a dickhead male like Andrew Bolt to sit there and do an Abbott and try to explain why it is they simply aren't up to scratch so Democracy has taken over and this is only a Labour and ABC "distraction" and not a trend. It's only a distraction for Bolt when women complain then their 'frightbats' and if the ABC reports it an opportunity.
Bolt is complaining about the fact that the dumping of Prentice is being 'reported' a job of news reporting something he doesn't do. According to Bolt ex-obit writer, it wasn't a reportable issue. Is Bolt the person the Liberals need or want to turn to for damage control? Is he trying to sweep it under the carpet while banging a drum? That would be dumb than dumber. No, he's just trying to grab attention for himself riding on the back of an issue that has already passed him by in the news cycle.
Definitely Australian Fascists without any shame for the lives lost to the snipers they want to support. These men if that's what they can call themselves share no Australian values or principles whatsoever. Follow the events below and they are self-explanatory. Neither Bolt or Abbott speak of these tragic costs to human life.
Let's face it Abbott's a politician in the mould of Putin any chance he can for a photo shoot of himself as an ironman. Neither are Team players and neither is Trump. They love the competition and love to destroy their enemies basically happy to leave blood on the tracks. Bolt just a camp follower a hanger-on who seized the opportunity to gain attention as much as he can for Abbott and in doing so for himself. That doesn't mean he, not a conservative he is and a bootlicking one at that.

Andrew Bolt plays trivial pursuits with his news presentations while Gazans are slaughtered. Those wounded on Monday include 203 children and 78 women, according to the ministry.
Andrew Bolt's response "How weak is Australia, boycotting the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem tonight?" 7 weeks over 100 Dead and 10,000 shot or injured many for life sent to under supplied hospitals unable to leave the Gazan Israeli enforced Ghetto.
Why is it MSM media in Australia CH 9 and 7 broadcast the Israeli "version of events" that simply justify the killing of anyone Israel basically wants. They get away with assainations in other sovereign countries, murder in ghettos of unarmed demonstrators, women children medics and press all lumped in as Hamas inspired terrorists 300 meters from the separation fence. Reports are rarely done from the Palestinian side or even analysed from a child's, mother's,press's or medic's point of view in fact murder and death are interpreted as if snipers haven't any other choice .
Palestinian Health Ministry officials said 55 protesters were killed and 2700 injured either by live gunfire, tear gas or other means.
Gaza City, Gaza Strip: In a jarring contrast, Israeli forces shot and killed at least 55 Palestinians and wounded more than 1200 during mass protests Monday along the Gaza border, while just a few kilometres away from Israel and the US held a festive inauguration ceremony for the new American Embassy in contested Jerusalem. Murdoch's Fox & Friends hosts blame dead Gazans for being shot by Israeli snipers
Fifty-five Palestinian protesters, including six children under 18, have been killed by Israeli fire during demonstrations on the day of the US embassy's inauguration in Jerusalem, the Palestinian health ministry said Monday.
Tuesday marks the commemoration of Nakba Day, a term which Palestinians use to describe their forced mass exodus from their homes during the establishment of the State of Israel. It is celebrated among Israelis as Independence Day. Thousands of people have gathered near the border to take part in Monday's protests.

Scandal!: "Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating a $150,000 payment that Donald Trump's foundation received in 2015 from a Ukrainian billionaire in exchange for his talking at a conference." No scandal!: "The Clintons have ... accepted between $10 million and $25 million from [this Ukrainian's] foundation for the Clinton Foundation."
An Iranian refugee and her 17-year-old son, at risk of suicide, have been forcibly returned to Nauru against psychiatric advice.
The Guardian reports that Fatemah and her son, known by the alias “Hamid”, had been in Taiwan for two months, after Hamid’s suicidal ideation resulted in them being transferred from the Australian-run camp on Nauru. Despite psychiatric reports saying Hamid’s mental illness was caused and exacerbated by his five years in detention, and experts warning against his return, Australian Border Force officials took the pair from their Taipei accommodation, removed their phones, placed them in two separate vans with four guards each, and chartered them back to Nauru. |
Now what would Bolt say about this NEWS
Australia’s energy watchdog will investigate suspicions that electricity networks and gas pipelines have overcharged consumers by $400 million a year to cover their corporate tax bills.
Network charges have been the single biggest factor in rising household electricity bills over the past decade. The charges cover the cost of the "poles and wires" used to transmit and distribute electricity.
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