Thursday, 5 July 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,5/7/18; Hating Trump Bolt did; ANU offers Studies you decide. Ramsay offers dogma repeat what I say; Malcolm Frase walked away;


7mFake News from Bolt it seems Farrago wasn't making reference to kill only conservatives as Andrew Bolt falsely tries to make out. In fact in the paragraph below more ALP students appear on the list. Given the numbers Bolt says are on campus hardly any conservatives would be harmed.

Student magazine Farrago published the satirical article, “An Exhaustive List of Whom We Shall Kill on the First Day of the Revolution”. The list includes “The Liberal Party Club”, “The Labor Right Club: they gave us Kevin Rudd”, “The Labor Left Club: they stuffed up so badly Kevin Rudd came back”, and “People who lose 30 Newspolls in a row”.

University of Melbourne acting vice-chancellor Mark Considine said the article should not be taken seriously.
“Without denying the use of inflammatory language — noting the heading is ‘Rant’ — the university also values freedom of expression and actively encourages respect for diversity of opinion,” Professor Considine said.
He said Farrago was an independent publication over which the university had no editorial control.

As usual, Bolt gives an uncritical platform to a select minority of 2.  Something he criticized Reuters for doing in the post below. Quite the hypocrite is our man Bolt. Given he also criticizes our ABC for broadcasting critical reviews the man is carousel brained.



Say no more

The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is a far-right,[2][3][4][5][6] pro-Trump[7] website. It was founded after the United States presidential election in 2004,[8][9] according to its founder Jim Hoft, to "speak the truth" and to "expose the wickedness of the left".[10]
Over time, The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation that is supported primarily by advertising revenue.[11][12] During the 2016 presidential campaign, over a million unique visitors a day visited The Gateway Pundit.[13] The website is often linked to or cited by Fox News commentator Sean Hannity, as well as Drudge Report, Sarah Palin, and other well-known conservative people and media outlets.[14] The website is known for publishing falsehoods and spreading hoaxes.[15][16][6][17]
Bolt's references do break records, don't they?
" After the 2010 midterm elections, Silver concluded that Rasmussen's polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points according to Silver's model."
Amusing isn't it in a review of pollsters Rasmussen fails and is regarded as biased conservative pollster Needless to say favoured by News Corp and Fox News
For heaven, sake has there ever been a separation of powers in what we declare a secular democracy and parliament? No, and Andrew Bolt certainly wants god in the life of this nation. It's meant to be in keeping with his agnosticism.
 Bolt can call the left "authoritarian" with "fascist tendencies" but nobody can call Dutton that. "Please Explain" is an unbiased question. Bolt expects an uproar of bias as a response. The man is a self-proven idiot that simply has been to paid to be the organ grinders monkey. As such he's too obvious to be convincing.

Just go back to October 12th just before Trump won and see what Andrew Bolt wrote about Trump and you will come to the conclusion as to what an ass-licker Andrew Bolt actually is.

The ANU no doubt runs courses on Marxism it doesn't have a Marxist degree. It runs studies of Marxism as it runs studies of WCIV and as it runs studies of Islam etc. Yes, and it allows students to present and debate these ideas. the campus isn't training ground but a learning ground. something Bolt never experienced at Adelaide where he claims fraudulently he was educated.
Malcolm Fraser was once the hero of the Liberal Party, John Hewson was too they walked away so what is the point Bolt's making? He too once worked for the Labour Party and said he loved it. Mark Latham has changed loyalties too. What idiotic point is he making here? Bolt claims there are no Tribes Race etc but whos the first to raise racialism, culture and point to those who aren't Team Australia

 As usual
Bolt's Blog is a PAYWALL to News Corp. Abbott flies in the face of Science and declared his instincts are better than facts and simply declares Science to be a religion. Bolt agrees yes these two have both declared Climate Science to be little more than a religion. On what basis? Abbott on intuition and Bolt on any straw he can clutch to back him. In fact, Abbott once declared himself a sceptic totally redefining the meaning of the term which better describes the rigid methodology of scientists rather than at best his agnosticism which really requires doing nothing or at worst ripping the funding off scientists and trying to formulate laws like Trump to even have data published. 
Abbott is desperate and has shown just how much he is by declaring a reversal to agreements he signed and committed Australia to in Paris. He's even turned Socialist advocating governments take over the ownership of utilities he assisted in selling.
Bolt takes up Trump language to justify breaking trust " The argument against this dumb deal - it's useless and painful, and does not bind the world's top three emitters to cuts - remains regardless of who makes it." The real outcome of trust is totally unimportant. Apparently, the damning history of the worlds broken agreements needs to be rewritten to put all those that broke them in good stead. Hitler broke agreements wanting to put Germany first and a fine man he was. Apparently, Abbott had his fingers crossed and Bolt saw because he was behind him.
Here is the lie "and when the planet doesn't warm as predicted." it's never been about just warming over a 100 year period it's been about the rate of warming that's threatening because reversal is even a more difficult process. Bolt's rhetoric doesn't alter the fact that the rate of warming has accelerated this century. Doesn't anybody get sick of Bolt and his meaningless statements? "In fact, it contains a get-out class for all signatories:" WTF does this mean? Science is a tide and when all combined peer-reviewed research agrees in the direction in which we are progressing suffice it to say the probability is better than intuition.  Even Bolt checks the weather reports listens to his doctors and doesn't call them religious fruitcakes.
No mention here of Abbott's loyalty statements they too apparently don't matter any more so what does? The theory it seems is just keeping talking never stop and let fate do the rest. That's why Abbott was running this country into the ground and wants to continue to do so.
I notice Bolt maintains his idiotic statement by 2 Law professors not epidemiologists but teachers about 5.4 extra people dying he or they it appears haven't bothered to interview that 0,6 of a person that didn't die to see how they feel. 
You know the "logical howler" Barry of Media Watch made he referred to the obscure unpublished non-peer-reviewed piece of research Andrew Bolt used to make his point research nobody else has bothered to pay attention to.  Here is Bolt's intelligent response when his reference is revealed as spurious "Ho, ho, ho. Some South Australians are still alive, so why worry?"Bolt
That alone seems like a man standing naked without an argument.
 "Europe let in millions of Muslim illegal immigrants over the past 10 years. Now it's freaking, turning back the boats, banning the niqab and even demanding immigrants in ghettos hand over their toddlers for deprogramming. But is it all too late?"Bolt
Can you get more simplistic exaggerations an lies than this wrapped into a single paragraph? The letting in of immigrants over the past 10 years Australia has let in tens of millions over the past 75 years. America has done the same as having any number of countries and the Bolt's are an example of that.
What boats is Europe turning back? Not the one Bolt called Europe's Tampa the one that docked in Malta the one Bolt failed to tell us he was wrong on. Guess Australia was too late for letting Chinese, Aghanis,  Indians and Islanders in the 1900s that ones whose families took up citizenship and unlike Bolt, not dual citizenship. The ones who are committed to staying and don't dream like Bolt of going home to Holland. By the way, the Danes unlike Australia aren't stealing children nor are removing them from their families to de-culturalise them as the good Christian Australians did to our indigenous people.
Besides the Danes aren't Europe. Their Socialist and strange Bolt is actually cheering socialist intervention to promote equity without denying diversity which Bolt actually advocates. Imagine Bolt screaming if we improved our welfare services offered to new arrivals like this.

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