Monday, 9 July 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,10/7/18; Bolt's not an animal he's a man and that's his problem; Blaming Dutton in a Conspiracy; ABC, Journalism vs Opinion;

Clementine Ford

Has Bolt been trying to steal Miranda Devine's thunder?

“Women are the weaker sex and I think it is outrageous to be demonising the very people who protect us.”
Miranda Devine The News Corp columnist believes women should be nicer to the men who protect them. Who will protect Australia from Miranda Devine remains to be seen. 

How News Corp are these two in-house or outhouse egoistic enemies.  Today Bolt won't ever be found trying to protect Miranda Devine who he once waxed lyrical about calling her the Divine Divine. He has no problem following her for ideas and space to fill without any acknowledgement.


What a pompous prat Andrew Bolt is. He put an all-male choir dressed in uniforms on in his Tips to lead into the wail of male victimisation by women's cultural complaints of who men really think they are in our cultural mix and social psychological attitudes with regard their societal position which needless to say Andrew Bolt supports.
Men aren't monsters or animals Bolt calls out and they can't be blamed for the actions of a few exceptions. The whole of mankind men can't be blamed for the actions of a few.
Yet Bolt readily blames the Sudanese, the Lebanese Aboriginals for the actions of a few and it's their cultures the cause. He blames the ABC because of it's collectivist thinking along with journalism taught in universities for his media dislikes. He spends constant and regular effort to blame Indigenous Culture for the dysfunctional behaviour of some. But you can't blame White Christian men like Bolt for theirs.
"We simply aren't animals" he cries and he's right they are simply men raised in a society and culture in which they have been socialized to believe they are the more dominant force and not simply equals where women are concerned. Our institutions our culture social structures and even our language reflect just that in which women play unequal roles and have grown to fear and resent it. "Unfair" cries Bolt.
Bolt claims the extremes are exceptions and not part of a continuum. Apparently, the extreme pushback by women he's experiencing at present is not justified. That, it seems to Bolt to be a major attempt at an undeserved overreaction and a dangerous cultural shift.
But then Bolt has never been empathetic when the less powerful in our society complain and demand change. He simply has a tin ear and doesn't listen. He cries victim in any debate that demands a shift or loss of privilege. He's the only income provider in his slack ass family he's nobly told us. He has bent over backwards to take them on Xmas holidays where he doesn't want to go. He is not an animal that has to perform these burdensome tricks like a mule but he's a man. Well yes, he is and it seems that relationship is built on a foundation of resentment.
Well, women feel it too Mr Bolt and by and large they fear the dark, unwelcomed approaches of men which aren't exceptional but everyday occurrences. Men Bolt, lie about the relationships they are having or have had in the past. They kid themselves just as Bolt did when he called an ex-fiance a liar for telling the truth about his BS that he was simply "a belly dancer's minder". Why then did he publicly apologize if he didn't lie, and the woman revealed that truth? Bolt's defence "I was mindful of my wife". Well, Bolt you weren't the minder at all of your wife or your fiance you simply lied and in your alpha explanation treated them as less than equals to be manipulated and weaved into your grandstanding fantasies and they deserved better, But then you're a man.
You need to conduct relationships with a civility but you don't. Sudanese women aren't to be mocked for your pleasure because they have a Beauty Contest but you belittled the crap out of them showing your racism to boot. Yassmin, Susan Carlin, et al become objects of derision to be verbally molested simply because you have the resources to do so but more they are women and the way they look. You aren't the victim here you are being treated by women in a manner that you treat them and they seem to be telling you they are sick of it. They don't like it and are holding up a mirror and calling you bitch, cunt to your face as you do to theirs. Because you deserve it. As do the hordes of Western men like yourself saying their not animals while boarding planes to sexually entertain rape and gratify themselves in the third world.  These are men who claim to be gentlemen like Bolt and who DON'T DESERVE THIS VERBAL ABUSE.
Well, when the dogs of war are let loose as they were in past wars the atrocities were conducted by men. Rape was declared a legitimate weapon to be used which was only occasionally revealed but more often than not was brushed under the carpet too. As Andrew Bolt is trying to do now.
This is typical of Bolt's uncritical say nothing reporting being handballed to Cory Bernardi to try and kick a goal for their side. That's the Bolt Report, that's not the news, that's not the ABC but that's political planned and a conspiracy. Hardly believable given it's Peter Dutton's Department Bernardi is accusing of protecting ISLAM.  Why haven't either Dutton and Bolt asked the appropriate people rather than promote innuendo instead?

Given the two posts above Bolt simply segues into the ABC's "ease of storytelling" Berg moves from the IPA to RMIT and Bolt declares he's a different man a light switch that turned his IPA mind and values off. Doesn't Bolt constantly remind us of the fact the Shorten was a trade unionist or how X was once a lackey of the ALP. It's called context something Bolt avoids whenever he can as history and context seem to be his enemy and often reveal how stupid he is. After all, he says he's an Indigenous Australian. How dare ex-conservative NZ PM Jim Bolger crack up and laugh at him.
"I accept you might have written the book on the RMIT payroll but that’s immaterial to viewers and to not say so doesn’t misrepresent you in any way, we’d argue."ABC
Journalism something Bolt never studied but was only trained in and hated because it relied on "facts" "verification" and "critical analysis" was something he turned his back on for just opinion instead. Opinion if looked at by a journalist needs context to be understood and it certainly makes sense when applied to Berg

"Ease of storytelling" to "impart who you are to the viewer" is actually another way of saying "how we could paint you as a Right-wing extremist whose arguments could, therefore, be dismissed without further thought".ABC
When Berg told the ABC that he was surely the best judge of whom he actually worked for, he got this revealing response from Media Watch: Bolt
No doubt you’re the best judge. But that’s not how journalism works. ABC
The ABC's response was explanatory and intelligent Bolt's well yet again simply opinionated.

The arrogance is astonishing. So is the bias, which is one more reason for selling off the ABC. Bolt

Image result for Cartoons of Boris and Brexit
" The swamp is drowning the will of the people and, with it, British sovereignty."Bolt
You couldn't get a more stupid comment than Bolt's 
Politics is drowning the will of the people because the truth of Brexit was never revealed in the first instance and the consequences never thought through. Now that they have the people have changed their mind as the truth hasn't remained hidden and benefits do not outweigh costs as was promised. Simple Abbott lied and the people became aware of the lies they wanted him out and Party obliged. However, they haven't been able to regain any trust. They have simply gained some respectability to race again. Boris is simply looking out for himself as Bernardi and Abbott are.

Image result for Cartoons of Israeli victims of Palestinians


We and our allies donate and assist in Israel's historic vision of ensuring the Middle East remains as fragmented as possible. Abbott readily donated $500 mill a year into bombing the crap out of anybody even those Israel assists to cover for them. We opposed the growing secularisation of the Middle East by leaders like Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad, Egypt and other Nth African states. We supported the Islamic Brotherhood to help overthrow these leaders on behalf of Israel who biggest nightmare was a united secular Pan Arabic Front with united armies to stand against it. Israel's preference always being chaos fragmented infighting among tribal groups.
Why is Israel currently helping terrorist groups in Syria groups if any of us helped with donations would see us jailed? What's the tradeoff? On the illegally occupied Golan Heights, it's Oil. How is it Rupert Murdoch is both an advisor and investor in Genie Oil and Gas operating illegally in the Syrian territory of the Golan Heights? What's the trade-off with Israel? More oil than the Saudis has for Media, of course. The largest media company in the Western world the Anglosphere has become an Israeli propaganda machine for the rights of its owner to explore for oil illegally.
Murdoch Media totally overlooks Israel's butchery, the maiming of Palestinians, the running of the largest outdoor concentration camp, it's illegal occupation and annexing of Palestinian territories, it's apartheid domestic policies policing of free speech and it's own press and on it goes more and more. Illegal arms sales to dictators, assassinations in third countries, illegal rendition corruption and more. Meanwhile, Bolt complains of donations to the PA which assists Israel in its dirty work policing Palestinians from demonstrating.
Bolt is obviously handed copy when speaking for his poor Israelis who shoot children blockade medicine to hospitals and ensure Israelis are the least well-informed citizenry on the planet. Does anyone realize Israelis weren't what the IDF has really been doing for fear of a reaction by their own citizens?
 Shari Markson was almost arrested for what she witnessed when there because she was a foreign journalist but then she works for Murdoch. The reality, however, ISRAEL IS ALSO A TERRORIST SPONSORING STATE that receives $5 bill from the USA in donations a year.
So yes why donate to such violent haters?


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