Tuesday 17 July 2018

Andrew Trump's Blog,17/7/18; Bolt's propaganda exposed; Nigel Farage and Andrew Bolt both have less than 2% support in their areas of operation; UK demonstrators have done their math has Andrew Bolt; Israel handed Bolt a story even Israeli's weren't told.

Winner Of US Election Meets With Donald Trump In Helsinki – The Shovel


How is it Bolt has information counter to what's being reported in Israel by the pro-Netanyahu press? Sounds like he just reads and writes what he's told to or makes it up.

Andrew Bolt's Propaganda exposed

Yesterday Andrew Bolt Blogged in defence of Israel's bombing of Gaza it was an apologist's report if ever there was one. 200 rockets turned out to be 60 mortar shells. Bombs dropped weren't reported but collateral damage of 2 children killed was when in fact 1400 Gazans were killed and 2  Israelis slightly wounded.
Bolt never mentions the fact that Gaza is a concentration camp full of children, blockaded from medical supplies food and the right to work with a daily encroachment and illegal occupation protected by the Israeli State and the IDF.

Closer to what actually happened and what Netanyahu promised. 

Caracas (TeleSur) – Israeli occupation forces struck 40 targets in the besieged Gaza Strip Saturday, in the most extensive Israeli military assault since the 2014 “Operation Protective Edge” in which over 1,400 Palestinians were killed.
Tensions in Gaza have been on the rise since Israeli forces have killed over 130 people participating in the Great March of Return and wounded thousands. On Friday, after an Israeli soldier was mildly wounded by a Palestinian protester who threw a hand-grenade Israel retaliated by striking “Hamas targets”.
Since then Gaza militants launched around 60 rockets and mortars into Israel, causing minor damage to a synagogue and reportedly wounding two Israelis who are not in a critical state.
According to the Israeli army 
“The focus of the attack is a wide-scale strike of the Hamas Battalion HQ in Beit Lahia, which includes urban warfare training facilities, weapon storage warehouse, training compounds, command centres, offices and more.”
 However, Israeli airstrikes Saturday have injured hundreds of civilians, and killed two Palestinian teens who were at a public park next to an unfinished building, Gaza’s Health Ministry reported.

The link to Bolt's propaganda is here below along with a more accurate report about the Gaza bombing


The Hamas terrorist group fired more than 200 rockets and mortars from Gaza at Israel, injuring three. In retaliation, Israel bombed Hamas militant targets, killing two youths. Guess which half of this exchange was totally omitted by the ABC in its weekend report? Guess which angle its AM report today lavished most attention on?

16/07/2018138 LINK


Gaza: Israel Unleashes Heaviest Airstrikes Since 2014 Assault

The very nature of journalistic integrity is critical reporting and questioning what governments say they are about to do. Bolt seems journalism is subversive it's nature because it isn't an extension of sitting governments. Best reflected in Tony Abbott's querying of the ABC "whose side are you on". Investigative journalism isn't on the government's side it's there for our benefit of transparency in a real Democracy and not as a supporter of either the opposition or the ruling party. We are aware when people like Gorka suss they are reluctant to move their lips because lying is a natural state as it is for Andrew Bolt. In the case of Bolt caught out or not he just moves on because if he stops to explain, he generally gets caught out as having nothing newsworthy or informative to say to allow people to make their own choices. That would be asking too much and too dangerous.

Nigel Farage has about as many followers in the UK as Andrew Bolt and his Report has in Australia. How is it Bolt calls an introduction to  Farage an "interview" when it's simply a platform offered to single-minded and unquestioned opinion. Andrew Bolt is little more than a Murdoch anchor-man for conservative puppetry. 
While the Summit was on the front page of the Global MSM accompanied by a critical analysis. Murdoch media best analysis was reduced to what just might be called an uncritical statement of what occurred. They were neither for or against Trump nor vitriolic about the 99% of media he disgusted. No outrage as Bolt attempted below. No denial that Trump seemed like he was a Russian Spy, turning his back on his own Intelligence agencies making Putin look a total winner. Just blind acceptance on the part of the Herald Sun as if nothing of significance happened or that America on all sides has risen up against the Donald. Putin triumphs over Trump at the US-Russia summit

As Trump engages Putin, his deal with Kim collapses
As Trump engages Putin, his deal with Kim collapses

250,000 Hypocrites according to Bolt more than were present at Trump's inauguration demonstrated in the centre of London. We all know what China is and accept it's move away from the severity of a revolution that actually saved 1billion people. We also know the direction Trump is taking a once admired Democracy in. Under Trump, the American Defense budget has increased by 23% to $700bill. National Nuclear Security by 17.4% in 2017 Homeland Security by 12%
According to US Generals "Indeed, Petraeus and O’Hanlon argued that the U.S. military is “awesome” and therefore does not need a massive increase in defense spending, particularly since the government already spends more than the next eight countries in the world combined and spends significantly more than its strategic competitors—including three times more than China and 10 times more than Russia."
So Bolt really does support America's drift to "dictatorship" abandoning the 40% of the nation on the edge of poverty and below.
Andrew Bolt the deficit watcher and paranoic is applauding an increase in the US deficit from $20 trillion to 30 a 50% increase Who is the hypocrite here if it's not Andrew Bolt rooting for Trump the guy he hated on October 12, 2016, and literally called an idiot that couldn't and shouldn't win the election.

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