Monday 13 August 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/8/18; You will never hear this from News Corp; Immigration 46 years ago is the same today; Bolt prescribing the news not describing it; Apologies for bias ring hollow;When the Nazis aren't united;

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Andrew Bolt has no trouble treating data from 46 years ago and shifting it to any context he wants to feed his unreasoned opinions. Context and the data it holds history are meaningless to him.
 He was 13 back then imagine what he'd say if we transported him into today's context to feed the fact that he was a migrant kid back then filled with his mothers hate for this country and as a result isn't and has never been one of "us". However, that doesn't mean all immigrants that landed here back then were the same as he was or that they have his deep seeded hatred of the place he has. Quite the opposite they don't. If everyone were like Andrew Bolt he might have an argument but they aren't and they don't have that deep seeded connection to some other place that kernel of disrespect.
Italian's Greeks Vietnamese Chinese, Turks see themselves as Australians not "new Australians" a politically invented term only ever used in this country that nobody ever understood. But Italian, Greek, Chinese etc Australians who unlike Bolt love the place and whose kids love it even more.
The degree to which this country has progressed or digressed and the job our politicians have done can only be assessed through the lens of history and one thing is for certain in those 46 years Tony Abbott's government has the record of doing the least and was the greatest stopping progress in its tracks while encouraging the level of immigration we have now. We established an $8 billion dollar education export business and we assisted industry by allowing skilled labour in some million plus people came in with Abbott doing nothing. The income the government made helped to support and improve the quality of life of those old people Uren spoke about. Tony Abbott helped destroy or put the brakes on it by cutting pensions. He helped increase that feeling of overcrowdedness too. He blocked payments and blackmailed the Labor states when it came to infrastructure. Remember those pre-election promises of no cuts well that was a lie there were cuts. The LNP has now doubled our spending debt and has done nothing about our Infrastructure. That's the context with which Bolt now wants to blame immigration the only progressive force this country has seen and like Abbott he wants to put the brakes on that too. 
Imagine if there was no son of migrants like Andrew Bolt would there be a difference to the sound bytes we hear? Not at all because News Corp would still be here with its concentration of media ownership and a business model that needed to attract the money of the 1% the wealthy business and the power elite and so produce PR for their benefit rather than news, information and critical analysis for ours. Thank heavens they haven't totally killed the ABC yet. 


Column Attention Liberal MPs. Tomorrow is when you start fighting or be forever damned as sheep. Tomorrow is when Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull calls a party-room meeting to tell you what to do about the National Energy Guarantee. But tomorrow is when you tell him to shove it. There is an election to win. 


Read Bolt's banner he's a day ahead of himself prescribing the news rather than describing it first. Bolt's opinion like anybody's is his. However, facts and data aren't they are public property. There are no facts here it all belongs to Bolt no News Corp
Why does Andrew Bolt only refer to the GBRF as the Green Climate Fund? What association is he trying to make with this not so Green Fund?
A reality you won't hear from Andrew Bolt. Only 5-6 Liberals may have indicated yet Bolt seemed to try to tell us were "lots" of MPS that disagreed with Turnbull. None seemed to read, listen or care to attend to Andrew Bolt's advice apparently. Some said Andrew who?

Bolt isn't speaking for the LNP that's for sure then for who? Abbott and Joyce the two losers he describes as winners the 5th columnists of the SS LNP the Jihadis that have done more to try to sabotage Australia for their personal gain than any other politicians that went before them.
"And now Liberal MPs are asking: why back Turnbull's global warming policies?" Bolt
There is one thing you can rely on Andrew Bolt to do is not name "those Liberals" he's so certain are there. He's as close to the inner circle of the Federal Liberal Party as I am. 
All he relies on is a "private poll" With Tony Abbott holding out the threat of crossing the floor over the NEG and several MPs privately confirming they may follow him, an exclusive Newspoll conducted for The Australian" Bolt
Given the Sky New's and News Corp's bias so heavily defended and apologised for over pushing why should anybody believe there is anything to read here other than the same PR. After all, they have apologised countless times, haven't they?

Bolt's right and he's found Blair Cottrell USA to defend so much for all those apologies from Sky last week. "We don't support neo-Nazis" Andrew Bolt does. Where did he get this Front Page of the Herald Sun? It was originally published as a White Civil Right's March it failed because of the lack of unity on the Right
"Kessler told reporters that his rally was poorly attended by other white nationalists because of alt-right infighting and leaders within the movement telling followers not to travel to Washington DC to attend the rally."

Fox & Friends Sunday’s only coverage of the August 12 white supremacist rally in Washington D.C. mentioned only that “tense protests” were expected in Washington, and focused largely on an alleged “Antifa mob” in Charlottesville, VA. August 12 marks the one year anniversary of a violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, during which an attendee with white supremacist and neo-Nazi ties allegedly drove a car into a group of counter-protesters, killing one woman, Heather Heyer. White nationalists have planned to mark the occasion with a rally in Washington, organized by the same white supremacist responsible for Charlottesville. Media Matters
 Has anyone noticed just how close Andrew Bolt is to everything reported by Fox?
Ignoring that those protests were again in response to the presence of white supremacists, fearmongered about an “anti-police bash led by an Antifa mob.” 
 If it were Blair Cottrell does anyone for a moment think Andrew Bolt wouldn't be declaring him the victim?

It's typical of Bolt to Mock young girls mistake as if he doesn't make any himself. He has severely mocked himself last week so he has to take it out on someone in Sweden who's intentions were good unlike his.
 Bolt's words  "Right to reject" is a political term invented by MPS like Dutton. Illegal Asylum Seekers" another one. Even if from six years old this son separated from his mother lived quietly without a criminal record in Iran Bolt turns to  Trumpisms to justify the continued forced family separation " Look at the Problems Sweden has" said Trump. Strange Sweden wasn't been told of these widespread issues Trump and Bolt know about. Yes, Sweden has a right-wing government now and so humanity may have flown out the door and this girl was concerned. Only Bolt stands there laughing no doubt like the townsfolk of Aalsmeer did when they shipped Jews off to be gassed.
" I doubt Ersson, 21, wondered whether Sweden might be right to reject Khawari’s refugee claim, given he’d lived safely for 20 years in Iran and Sweden is struggling to assimilate its big Muslim minority."

Australia is a multicultural nation and the ABC more than most tries to represent Australia as it is and not as it isn't. Bolt has admitted he was puzzled by the fact that people thought he had an accent when he never thought he had an accent in fact that fits naturally with his racist politics. He sounded as if he has an Afrikans background. Bolt was taken aback because he was sure he had an Aussie one. So since then, he's done everything he can to remove any trace of it and he's not a comedian.
Sha however is and  has used his accent as material for jokes which Bolt rides on the back of and to provide his expert advice as to why the ABC has had a fall in ratings "
To many, this problem is typified by ABC's new breakfast hosts Jacinta Parsons and Sami Shah [who replaced white male Red Symons]... Bolt There's no identity politics here is there is there?
What Bolt doesn't refer to is the $285 mill cut in budget applied by the LNP government that has decimated the backroom and production staff at the ABC. Not so Sky News however that pours money into Sky News after dark and the Bolt Report which had advertisers abandoning the ship along with some staff. Given the money invested how is it Bolt gets between 3-5 k viewers out of 6 million Victorians nightly and Waleed Aly a dark and tanned Egyptian gets 600,000?

Andrew Bolt is a proven denier of Global Climate Science but a grand supporter of Medical Science it would seem. One is a religion to him the other it appears is not. Yet both use the same methodologies in their approach to their research and both like all sciences rely on probabilities in their conclusions, not the exactness.
How is it Bolt can have such differing confidence in the two it would seem his religion is simply faith and opinion based on no reasoned other than. "Amanda is also a lovely, lovely person." Bolt
Amanda's team weren't 100% certain of success but nevertheless operated on the basis of probabilities of their predictions and the massive peer-reviewed research that had been done in previous years before them. Yes, they stood on the shoulders of other scientists. Bolt denies that entirely for the same efforts of global climate science of which there's 97% agreement.
He simply proves that he bats for a side and not Science

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