Tuesday 14 August 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,14/8/18; Bolt on Sunday Reported what didn't happen; The big Dry; Bolt's no St Sebastian; Pretending David Speers is encouraging MPS to join Abbott. Bolt's the snake in the grass;

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 Yesterday Bolt reported what didn't happen today he begging and calls it a message;
Are we idiots? This isn't an opinion this PR
 1) How long can we accept the being the worst polluters in the world? How long can Australians listen to the 1% fable of leading us to the promised land? This is sound byte heard since John Howard was a boy.
2) Isn't that the most idiotic promise now 2 countries the USA and Bolt's Australia are that 1%? Bolt actually repeats the spin that's never been true, that 190 nations working together can't stall what mankind has done to the planet these past 200 years? It's a fact that 97% of science now agrees on the deceleration of CO2 emissions is a must. Bolt and the 1% want to push the coal accelerator pedal to the floor to make Australia the grasshopper in a race that no longer makes sense.
3) It might have taken science 200 years to discover the obvious correlation between man's industrialisation increased CO2 and the acceleration in the rate of global warming. However, it is after all science with ant-like methodology and constant scepticism, not a simple opinion that informs us. It's a method that's given us the benefits we see today. Bolt calls science just another religion but offers nothing better than self-interest in its place. He sounds very much the grasshopper in the allegory.
4) However, Bolt is only a part of a much larger self-interested beast  Sky News and News Corp that's publically admitted it's financial interests don't rely on facts or analysis but profit and it's in their interest to have Bolt lie.
 " I have a message to the Liberal MPs - why don't you finally get the guts to make a stand against your Prime Minister's global warming idiocy? Do it before he leads you over a cliff."Bolt
Simple Question: 
Is this the sound byte of a reasonable man or a Corporation working for its own self-interest?
He doesn't seem to know and seems oblivious to the fact that less than 6 heard him. In fact, even those 6 weren't listening to Andrew Bolt.

Isolated in the Party room is the expression used to describe Abbott. More moves than the Karma Sutra on Climate Change.  Abbott promised loyalty, no undermining, and no sniping all his intention seems on revenge against Turnbull. What's Bolt adding to the mix? He's behind Abbott and will support and encourage any betrayal possible no matter how dirty it might be and totally of no value to the country. But then that's Bolt. How sneaky is the man suggesting David Speers is the one encouraging MPS to join Abbott and some 8 others to cross the floor. It's not Speers at all it's all Bolt.
Bolt seems to be having a love affair with Andrew Hastie ex SAS member. Isn't the SAS under special investigation at the moment for war crimes or is that just Ben Smith our greatest living hero?

 Image result for Fahrenheit 451


Marieke Hardy, artistic director of the Melbourne Writers Festival, is only a step from being a book-burner. She approves of attempts to stop the sale of books she doesn't like, and wants to protect her festival audience from the "distress" and "hurt" of ideas they don't like, either. Good on Virginia Trioli for challenging her.

Andrew Bolt is truly a butthead to Tim Blair's Bevis isn't? He's the biggest moderator or censor if you like of comments on his own blog and would if he could but can't censor the head of the Melbourne Writers Festival M.Hardy just as did the Festival of Dangerous Ideas a few years back.  Universities their libraries would feel the heat of Fahrenheit 451 if only Bolt could have his way.  Isn't Bolt talking about himself here and what it is he's been doing for years?

" A world like that is where mediocre opinions are protected from debate, and where mediocrities like Hardy run our writers festivals, using your money." Bolt
Image result for Image of St Sebastian

1h11I sent letters to Bol's blog and he never published any even when I challenged him. So should he expect better treatment from the SMH?
1) What makes Bolt think Ford bothers to watch his show? After all very few people do so should we take Bolt's word for what he says as true given his record of the opposite?
2) When did Bolt criticize Cotteral? He certainly was heard defending Sky and not criticizing them. Poll his viewers and you will find even they don't believe him.
3) Bolt criticized the ABC in defence of Sky News interviewing Cotteral which is not exactly a criticism of Cotteral and his views, is it?
4) Opposing Racism well that's really a straight out lie and even Bolt's racist friends would double over laughing. He's been convicted of it yet remains in denial. Isn't that a sign of Psychopathy?
5) Did anybody hear Bolt and his son cackle on the IPA sponsored Podcast last December about his demeaning of the concept of a South Sudanese Beauty Contest? His joy at calling women Frightbats. How about his vicious attacks on Yassmin simply because she's far, far more educated than he is.
6) Bolt glittered I suggest people revisit the video and look to see who attempted GBH and the captured the narrative. One that called for committed Christians to fight back like he did with clenched fists.
7) Bolt's been whining all week crying victim like some wounded animal. His defence of Jacinta Price was really the use of Jacinta Price just as he uses Warren Mundine both regarded as traitors to their indigenous roots. Manners or the lack of them don't reverse that reality. A suit and tie doesn't hide the Dorian Gray sitting behind the desk or keyboard. Wasn't it great to see Craig Emerson walk because he simply couldn't take it anymore.
Bolt deserves every bit of abuse he gets but unfortunately, he loves to use it to declare himself a saint shot with arrows a martyr like St Sebastian. Even his colleagues can't abide his misogynistic arrogance ask Miranda Devine.

 That's nothing compared with Bolt's description of the" Green Foundation" that got $500 mill. Falsely identifying them as a Green organization. That verges on humourless press pornography an attempt to stir his followers with a crude obscenity about men in oil.

How the big dry could hit your hip pocket

How the big dry could hit your hip pocket

Melbourne’s dams are at their lowest August level in eight years, likely triggering the largest water order yet from the state’s desalination plant.

Steph Ryan, Victoria’s shadow water minister, said the Andrews government was more intent on justifying the billions it spent on the desalination project than acting in the best interests of consumers.
“Melbourne doesn’t have the cheapest water prices, despite the government’s claim, and there is no doubt utilising more desal water will drive up prices further at a time when many people are doing it tough,” Ms Ryan said.
In absolute terms, Melburnians have the lowest water bills of any major city in Australia, with the average household spending $1003 on water in 2016-17, analysis by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology has found.

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