Wednesday 22 August 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,22/8/18; The cacophany of media camp followers suddenly trying to head the parade; Backing a dead horse;

Image result for Cartoons of camp followers


Column Malcolm Turnbull just did it again. Thinking he was smart, the Prime Minister decided to ambush his looming rival, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, by putting his leadership to a surprise vote of ­Liberal MPs. Turnbull thought this would stop Dutton in his tracks. Instead, the narrow 48-35 win just proved he is dead meat

Hijacking the narrative
The cacophony of a paid parade of News Corp camp followers trying to celebrate in order to influence the race before the result is even known.  Heralding the return of a Caesar still hiding in the wings.
There is no reasoned thinking only the opposite here a noise fest of Murdoch media and attacking the Turnbull pinata while SS Australia sinks. 
Meanwhile, the reality remains: Rebel, Supercheap Auto owner says it underpaid workers by $8m
Corporate Fraud, Tax Cuts, money for nothing and no ICAC to investigate corruption at the top. There will be no support from the conservative rump of the LNP (ODT)
The retail group that owns Rebel Sports, Supercheap Auto and Macpac has admitted to underpaying workers by almost $8 million after incorrectly calculating overtime pay and allowances.
And CBA fees from dead clients affected more than 2000
P.S. Flight Center extorts labour + non paid extra hours without benefits to be fare not "fair" competitve. Social media has been the only means to associate in complaint against unjust labour. Staff of Flight Center recieved a reply and offer which was an increase too still less than minimum wage levels declaring it an amazing "improvement". Beware of  not just a Conservative LNP but even a moderate one. Howard and Abbott worked for this and a reduction in Company Tax.

Now reality begins and the undermining of Dutton and Corman begins as the IPA and News Corp begin to push the Murdochian agenda which has always been the return of Abbott and the drive to push their 75 point agenda for this country as they are currently doing in Trumpland. The Independent press is a nuisance and must go in time, the Internet controlled and National Security and surveillance increased. Wait to hear the cries of Chicken Little again and when will the next war begin? We know where the war at home is already Africans, Islam, the Unions, any free association of workers and the ABC. We will see the cleansing of all our institutions of critical thinkers and it doesn't take very long after the fall of the first domino

 What is less likely Let the people decide at an early federal election


 Dutton: “I Have What It Takes To One Day Get Dumped As PM” – The Shovel


Don't miss this, in Sydney on Friday, September 7:  The Spectator Anglo-Australian forum,  chaired by BBC anchorman Andrew Neil with a keynote speech from Tony Abbott. Topic: as a new wave of protectionism sweeps the globe, can Britain and Australia

The return to the era of Knights and Dames and the revival of the Colonial and Apartheid spirit of a White Australia.  Indentured Labour will connect us to the Pacific. However how short-sighted is their promise that mother Britain even really cares it never did before except for the money. We were cannon fodder in their wars and easy profit for the cabal of British investors. All well and good for the 1% of those that managed UK demands before but totally of no use to Australians at large. It was never a 2-way street for Australia. Abbott is still chasing that knighthood.

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Dragging the dead horseback in order to pull the cart

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Just another follower trying to get back in the action. Will Abbott try to throw Pauline in jail again as history repeats and the electorate simply is reduced to a fee-paying audience? Australia was crippled by Abbott will it now be laid to waste? 
 Image result for Cartoon of polishing and boosting a turd
Bolt's avoidance of history, context and lack of analysis is the froth and bluster of the thug claiming victimhood Abbott's not doing it but sure as hell News Corp his PR agent is doing it for him. Abbott's performance is easily analysed and is well known to the voting public and for Bolt to say it's simply ABC hatred is utterly ridiculous. If there were an election today as with the Abbott forced plebiscite on marriage equality the conclusions and outcomes are self-evident. There would be an ALP government in place in Australia.
Bolt's current Murdochian job is to boost Abbott's image and he's not the only one. Millions will be spent on repolishing the turd which isn't an expression of hating Abbott it's an expression of justified anger when talking heads in suits simply assume that capturing the narrative is all that's required. One only needs to look at the history and the character of Tony Abbott which is on the public record of fact and not just opinion to see Australia has always been introduced to a disconnect from reality and confronted with a game of liar's poker with Tony Abbott whether he was PM or not. We saw what he and Murdoch attempted to do at The Alfalfa Club to boost Abbott a total hoodwink was planned by News Corp and Murdoch himself. We know the lies told pre and post the 2013 election. The dissatisfaction he caused the party was his own doing. There is no hate for Abbott its exposure that comes from a long history of yes, facts and not fake ones.
Bolt's thrill his dog is back in the race his words not mine and how right he is because he was never really out of it. But it remains a prize for no service for Australia. Australian's don't want to hear Abbott's side his side isn't assimilated with this country he is as is Bolt 2 unassimilated immigrants doing violence and intending to do more to the rest of us.
Guerilla warfare works it works for Isil a minority that Trump has declared he's defeated. It defeated the USA and Australia in Vietnam despite the media telling us they were the winners. However, when Corporate media sides against the interests of the majority for a minority who hold the bottom line to their throat then any semblance of democracy is just a sheep herding show with amplifiers and broadcasters blazing reducing life's reality to a sport.

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