Wednesday 12 September 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 12/9/18; Bolt takes a single case mocks turns tricks and then generalises from it; Serena broke rules behaved badly bur is far from being generalised but more realistically excused;

Knight's cartoon


Cartoonist Mark Knight is now branded a racist for this cartoon of Serena Williams. What a fraud. My editorial from The Bolt Report.


Mark Knight says "I'm not a racist I'm ignorant of history" I'm just a cartoonist;. He might be ignorant along with Bolt but they are both reflections of a very racist attitude. One symptomatic of a colonial culture that has existed over time and was built on the foundations of colonial past that accepted slave and indentured labour as the norm and that's never been entirely erased. Knight and Bolt are employed by an organisation News Corp whose structure supports a hierarchy of a privileged elite class whose politics accepts the ownership and fruits of the labour of others as their own and not to be shared.
Serena William's has far more truth in her outbursts in reflecting American history and which is far less ignorant of it than either Knight or Bolt.  Their criticism of women and Serena an Afro-American prove that.  Their generalisations are indulgent in the denial of American and Australian history and the systemic nature of the genderism, sexism, racism that legitimated slave and indentured labour in society and not only the tennis industry. Colonialism wasn't American alone but part of an inglorious Anglo world and which remains as a legacy of the British when the ownership of others was the norm and still is today. Serena's outburst was that of the hardship of a black woman and gladiator at work nearing her use and end of days.
 The punching down rather than up is an example of Knight's and Bolt's acceptance of a social psychology and cultural inbreeding that still exists today and upholds the values passed down over the generations. that exists in the form of today's Capitalism and Western beliefs. Knight's cartoon is an example of just that whether he's conscious of it or not just as Bill Leek's cartoon was which Bolt also tried sp poorly to defend.
Bolt, nevertheless still attempts to defend the structure where elites dominate and continue to pass from generation to generation which instinctively continues to punch down on targets that have attempted to reverse the unmeritorious inequity.
Serena Williams is an individual who tried to express her experience in a very emotional and personal way, publicly. Confusing as it maybe was,  it held more of a ring of truth than Knight's mocking cartoon did which was simply bad in taste as Bill Leeks was denying the history of an inglorious past.
Bill Leek's effort stereotyped indigenous Australian history so did  Kight's his cartoon painted a picture that ignored role American history played in Serena Williams struggle and mockingly called her out for what she really isn't. Andrew Bolt tried even harder to cut that black woman down in his editorial's pathetic cut and paste effort. The truth missing was the 2-3 hundred year history that retained in the social psychology of the arseholes who believe they are the Simon Legree's from( Uncle Tom's Cabin) who have the right to whip a slave no matter how good back into line. In Bill Leek's case it was white Australia's consideration of Aborigines and in Knight's disparagement of Serena Williams spoke to the truth of white attitude to Afro-Americans.
 All of News Corp's biases are encapsulated in the attitudes of Bolt, Leek, Knight puppets of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp which discards history and attempt to portray as normal the nature of Black American and Indigenous Australian character in the most negative and archaic Colonial and Cultural terms.

Herald Sun republishes controversial Williams cartoon in defiant front page

 Don't get why this cartoon was racist? Let me explain

Would you be happy if Serena was, say, Irish and depicted as drunk and stupid? Or Jewish with a large hook nose?

Image result for Cartoon s of censored moderation
" One constant in the move from the old platform to the new is comment moderation - we will continue to moderate all comments prior to publication, based on guidelines designed to ensure respectful debate on the issues that matter." Bolt
The reality being it allows no room for debate respectful polite or otherwise and this site never has which has always been an extension of Andrew Bolt's personality.
Note Andrew Bolt makes no attempt to suggest where people refused bail ought to be held given our prisons are so overcrowded? Bolt claims to be an economic rationalist should a remand centre be placed in "his" neighbourhood or an offshore detention centre like Manus and Nauru? 
Those vicious and violent Xavier thugs were mentioned in the Herald Sun, however, their school wasn't nor was the fact they were Tom Walker QC sons or grandchildren of the late Gustav Nossal. Why was that information withheld by News Corp? They, however, got bail and there was no complaint from Andrew Bolt. What was special about them? Sons of an elite lawyer are charged over the vicious assault of two ...

Nor was there any mention by Andrew Bolt of the Xavier and Melbourne Grammer drug cartel that was caught with some $3mill ++ in cash and drugs who were servicing the elite of Melbourne's private school boys no doubt. Some 2000 were on their Cocaine delivery books at $600 a bag when they too were bailed. Were any of Bolt's children or friends buyers?
Apparently, Bolt believes in a class only justice system only. Of course, he does he was all for Dondale in the NT. Anyway one of the Xavier boys got 5years and his partner no jail time at all only a community-based order. However, despite the fact they were organizers of this gang one of their working-class delivery boy got 4 years and one is still to be sentenced. Not a peep from newsman Andrew Bolt. Guess they weren't Sudanese or Aborigines, hey?
Image result for Cartoon s Media man crying for being ignored

Morrison is the PM and speaks to a media that actually has an audience not just an imaginary minority that Bolt insists is his majority base. If they were his base how is it was called a "failed coup". Get over it Bolt you too don't have the numbers. It's why Morrison was seen on the Project and the ABC. Bolt's whinging is the whinging of who he calls the irrelevant if they are tuned into Waleed Aly or the ABC but really fails, to be honest, a say he's talking about himself. Better get Tony Abbott back and that guy who started the Australian Conservative Party he needs a boost.

Mole whacker Bolt is at it again throwing oxymorons about like Left-wing Fascists proving he's only trying to change a narrative but not even address reality. 40 students are Bolt's fictitious left that has taken over our Australian Universities that Bolt keeps warning us of.
Bolt keeps talking about the threat of the fear of debate. Yes, it seems there is a fear of debate in fact given one side was never welcomed or invited to Bettina Arndt speech the one that was going on was only one-sided. Those students really seem to want to get in so they can present their point of view and it seems the can't. Is that why Bolt is never really fond of any real debating formats either.
 How is it the numbers attending the Conservative psychologist's speech aren't mentioned? Is there really such a thing as a  Conservative Psychologist? It seems another oxymoron has been invented by Bolt, Arndt isn't one she just happens to be a Conservative and a poor psychologist if she allows that to interfere with her job.

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The ABC's political editor apparently faked his one example of alleged Liberal bullying: "In the ABC’s dramatisation, the person, wearing a suit and tie, portrays a male Liberal MP demanding a female MP sign a petition." In fact: "Scott Morrison says... senator Lucy Gichuhi has told him she was not bullied by anyone in Canberra."    

16m Link

Bolt tries to ID a man that nobody has ID'd there isn't even a link in his post suggesting any support for his fake accusation. Women in the Liberal Party at least haven't been proven to be fake as Bolt is here. All Bolt has done is offered ap a PAYWALL. That's Bolt's ethics for you trying to be relevant. By the way, the leading male in the race for Wentworth preselection has dropped out of the race believing there is a chauvinist culture not based on merit in the Liberal Party. Other males have spoken of it too. Not naming names but stats speak for themselves. 25% Libs are women while 48% are in the ALP. Apparently, Peter Dutton is hiding his talents as are others from that Monkey Pod Room. 

Bolt loves to look for individual cases from which to generalize wicked whiteness is his term, not anyone else's. However systemic racism does exist and the social psychology of that inequity can be found in all our Institutions and the resultant statistics. Its bias and the resultant inequity can't be argued it's morality no doubt can. When a child no matter what age speaks up against an immoral system because the facts are plain to see Bolt doesn't argue for social change he argues for the punishment of a single child. Our social systems not only favours Caucasians for no clear reason but it slaps down those that speak of that inequity that began some 220 years ago no matter their age or colour worse still if they are black.
 Caucasians created a social system to benefit themselves and it has been passed down from generation to generation and presented as the norm when in fact it's very much historically created for the interests of a particular class and minority of people who happen to be in the main white and it's protected by inheritance rather than merit. Any change resisted stringently by those the system services very much a minority. So no it's not "wicked whiteness" it's the "wicked white few" and those it pays to be their security like Andrew Bolt.

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