There is no link to this post so can we assume it's all Bolt ideas and crap leaking out from between his ears? I don't think so he's never been an original thinker! Bolt is close to the reactionary minority in the Liberal Party one person pictured above and of course to the IPA who are the invisible moneyed minority who don't give a rats about anything other their few individual members, stopping anything that interferes with the 'me' in the lives. Which is basically 99% of the Australian population particularly those that see the Nation as 'we'. It goes to show just how protective they are of their own self-interest when the vote in Wentworth, the internal Liberal polling and the polls around Australia means nothing to them when they suggest the way we do things are in need of urgent change.
This isolated cabal of reactionaries calls themselves the shining light of the real Liberal Party can't for a moment be seen to be blamed for the recent events of the past months. It's the nature of thugs and totalitarians when accused to put the blame on others. In this case, the ABC, Turnbull, and some crackpot rumours they helped spread about Dave Sharma. These are the idiots that wanted Turnbull gone because he was dead weight socialist and when they had succeeded started blaming him for not being there to help Dave. Now Bolt's claiming Turnbull was essential a win in Wentworth. How often did he hear Bolt tell us Turnbull was no hope in May. These were the self-proclaimed Magi of the Liberal Party the voices that claimed Dutton was to be their saviour. There is no mention in Bolt's analysis here of that moronic thought bubble they called a strategy.
So here's Bolt a voice of Murdoch deflecting Australia's and the wealthy of Wentworth's anger at them for having kicked Turnbull out and their reactionary denials of climate change, children in detention and safe schools. Anger at their efforts to usurp our ABC and all the reactionary policies that said NOPE to urgent progress wanted. Yes Abbott's favourite three-word mantra nope, nope, nope, is all you heard from this minority pissant group of would-be totalitarians with their backs to the wall having failed again.
The result this week in Wentworth was one recently flagged by the Liberals in Warringah who showed what thin ice ultra Conservatives like Abbott, Dutton, Kelly, and Hastie are on. When the Wentworth election was on where were they? Bolt doesn't tell you they were in Bellvue Hills not campaigning for Dave Sharma but at a meeting pushing their own agendas the very ones that Wentworth voted against' See how nice I'm behaving': Trump plays the victim after bombs sent to political foes
Bali is a world gathering. Turnbull hasn't been rewarded the world recognizes him as the last Australian PM. There isn't a member of the conservative alliance that kicked him out that the International community recognizes why? All because of their reactions and words don't recognize the International Community. Furthermore, there are too many moderates Bolt and all the other reactionary commentators at News Corp don't recognize so their complaints are simply the expected wall of sound. Has anybody noticed Bolt et al haven't suggested a noteworthy MP other than Turnbull to do the job?
All Bolt is doing is trying to change the unchangeable narrative that this reactionary minority wants to be stopped. The narrative based on fact that they want no change in Australia and it's they that have brought down the LNP. Bolt is spinning a line hoping he can convince a few heads to agree and he will no doubt find some with the intelligence that thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
The fact is there is now a growing opposition in Warringah and that opposition isn't just an individual flag red waver. Bolt once had James Matheson on the Bolt Report and James made Bolt look a fool. Today's opposition to Abbott has grown and now he won't have them on his Bolt Report so well done ABC the Australian public needs to hear their voice which isn't fake news it's real and they will be there in May. Bolt's denial of their existence is about as blind as his denial of climate change, freeing kids in detention and claiming the Sudanese have raised the crime rate in Victoria. It's the same fearmongering we heard when the skies turned dark after the ALP's stupidity lost them the election in 2013.
The invasion force is now 14,000: "Edith Cruz was... scanning Facebook on her phone, when she saw the post about the caravan..: 'An avalanche of Hondurans is preparing to leave in a caravan to the United States. Share this!' Within three hours, her bags were packed." Left-wing groups are behind it.
Bolt's 14000 link is to Bannon's Breitbart
"President Donald Trump and other Republicans have suggested that Democrats paid migrants to begin the journey. "
Elections are here the US Midterms and the right wing needs a hook to capture votes. Combine the Republican voter Suppression that's written off 103,000 voters in Georgia alone and multiply that by the 52 states and that's a lot of voters that won't be voting Democrat in two weeks.
Couple that with the fuel being thrown on the caravan of asylum seekers displaced because of the war Trump has encouraged in Honduras, Guatemala and Venezuela. People now being publicized as criminal invaders women and children called an invasion by Murdoch/Trump media and you see the ultimate in electoral interference in the USA.
Is it a surprise that the caravan of courage 0.004% of the US pop has been labelled the Dantes inferno heading America's way? This procession has been encouraged by the Republicans how by creating civil unrest in their countries. It will be smashed by the Republicans why because it's been fuelled and amplified by the Trump media all for the midterm elections.
Bolt says " You either believe in nations with borders - homelands -or you don't. So this could get ugly.", Convenient when the civil war brewing at home has been encouraged by the US across Central and South America as it was when the, now president, of the NRA Col North, was found arming the Contras and trying to destroy Nicaragua. If you were against the US you were fair game. Is it any surprise the USA has a military presence in 153 of the nations of the world? That it supplies arms and finances groups that will cause disturbances in their favour on call. When will we learn Osama bin Laden was a trained friend of the USA before the turned on him.
Bolt's mind at work pleading for Turnbull to be dumped. The only slapping we have been accustomed to is the paid voices of the Right-Wing commentariat of 2GB and News Corp. First, they called Turnbull brainless and unwanted dead weight. Get rid of him they cried when he left they started Calling him back from N.Y save Wentworth they cried your the only one who can. They didn't call their hero in red speedos in to save them, did they? Now they are back calling him dead weight again. Bolt simply can't make up his mind zigzagging from one moment to the next. Basically, he's telling Australia to stop the world and get off and become a totalitarian state another banana in our case monarchy protected by the greatest POTUS Americas has had since Wahington who is today backed by Americas Military and Industrial Complex's billions.
It was ousting Turnbull and Climate Change that lost Wentworth and it's Climate Change that will lose the LNP government, not Turnbull. It's not working with the rest of the world that will sink us. Australians simply rich or poor can separate and not conflate electricity prices with Global Warming Science and clean energy. Why Australian company directors have started caring about climate change
Bolt is mimicking the Republican demand as to why the Democrats sent explosive devices to Soros Clinton and Obama in order to garner sympathy. They were, in fact, smearing Trump according to Fox. Bolt uses the same tactic to suggest a fake email claiming Phelps had retired due to HIV was actually aimed at Sharma and answers to why the ABC slimed him needs to be addressed. The game Fake News replaces Real News and demands that it be recognized as Fake.
Apparently, Bolt is unbiased and is revealing some sinister alternate motive behind reporting the fact that the email was 90% and address against Phelps and not Sharma. However it's not surprising a racist like Bolt focuses on the racism not generally practised by the left as the most significant aspect of the email and here is Bolt's lie "But why didn't the ABC report that most of the email was actually an attack on Dave Sharma, of Indian descent, disguised as support for him?" Bolt
Why does Bolt assume a plea to vote for Sharma was racist would a plea to vote for Indigenous Linda Burney be seen as Racist or would a plea to vote for Pentecostalism Morrison be seen as racist only a racist who calls out Reverse racism as a fact can come up and suggest this stupidity. the one thing that is evident is the person who sent the email certainly knows the Hindu caste system and is not as dumb as he or she makes out. The email has according to Bolt a political intent and only Bolt a racist can declare a positive attraction to Sharma is actually negative.
Following Bolt logic is a game of snakes and ladders and typical of right-wing flippers with their backs to the wall rather than the left. Who in the Liberal camp will make the demands Bolt insists on Fifield? He's already in deep shit for his illegal interference with the ABC
The government isn't the arbiter of the ABC there is an independant body that addresses what Bolt demands the Government address. Guess he believes because the current government will get the boot they can cross all lines and whateever it is they want. Extremely difficult when your a minority government with cross benchers like Phelps,Hinch and Wilkie and moderate Liberals that would be willing to cross the floor to protect the ABC.
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