Friday 16 November 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,16/11/18; History & Social Reality Internalised accepted by Bindi denied by Bolt; Being for Israel is the new Anti Semitism;

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Doesn't Andrew Bolt love to turn his life into his personal Opera? He has no respect for "we", our internalised social history or even our Nations institutions. He acknowledges them only when they bring him to centre stage as a hero and it's what he's attempting here yet again.  Even in this his editorial he knows but only admits to some saying he might be self-indulgent when he is to the core. Bindi Cole hasn't joined Andrew Bolt at all. She was talking about herself and he remains totally certain and single-minded right-wing prick he has always been. Cole, on the other hand, speaks to her conflicting internalised social psychology and duality while Bolt doesn't for a moment budge from his absolute certainty. Abba couldn't have written a better title to a pop song than Bolt's banner BINDI SUED ME, NOW JOINS ME. 
The fact is it's all a fantasy, a lie. Bindi didn't sue him under our Defamation laws. Bolt was found guilty under the RDA and particularly for having overstepped Section 18D because he was found loose with his facts and had used of a tone that could be interpreted indefensible under Section 18D of the Act. He was brought there because of his refusal to mediate in a complaint made to the AHRC and that there were grounds for a case to be heard. The court found that as a journalist he had no protection, as otherwise offered, for what he'd 'written' and 'published' not what he could have said publicly under Section18D and as such was found guilty not of free speech poor facts and a tone that vilified. Bolt isn't being stopped today as he would like us to think of saying whatever he wants he is however stopped from publishing whatever he wants an action, not just speech or opinion.
 Bindi Cole can say whatever she thinks after 7 years about her life's journey and how it has changed her. But reality shows she hasn't "'joined Bolt at all. He hasn't changed one iota. He still writes his opinions, is as loose with the facts as has always been and still writes in a tone that suggests a true hate of those he regards as 'them'. In the same breathe writes absolute nonsense claiming he's more indigenous than Bindi Cole and Adam Goodes simply because he was born here and is older than them. Yes taking any reason out of the debate reducing it to no sense. 
Tell me, Bolt is the gent in a suit who claims manners and style determine the man for who he really is. Andrew Bolt can be found on an IPA podcast last December with his son James getting their rocks off, their jollies like Klansmen mocking the South Sudanese Community Beauty Contest. Bolt can be heard gagging with laughter which he insists is the right of he and his friends to do in the cause of and as a matter of hate. It was only a podcast but they were burning their cross for us all to imagine.
Bolt's banner leads us to believe Bindi Cole was on the Bolt Report she wasn't. Bolt claims he had a lovely conversation with her without any evidence of that. He went on to say she was unable to appear last night but would be on the show 'sometime in the future'. Remember James Matheson in 2016 he ran rings around Andrew Bolt so much so Bolt cut him off and said "we've run out of time" we'll have you back some time in the future James to continue this conversation he didn't. 

Is Bolt suggesting that support of Israel, in fact, brings love and peace to the world? Is Israel loved because it's one of the biggest buyers and suppliers of guns in the world supplying terrorists and right-wing governments with surveillance equipment while maintaining guard over the worlds largest open-air concentration camp and blockaded Gaza the bare essentials of life of 2 million people for more than a decade? Furthermore, it's allowed 700,000 of its own to illegally occupy Palestinian land in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. That by moving our embassy to Jerusalem and acknowledging the simple rule of might is right is not going to have any pushback?
 Does Bolt suggest Mahathir's advice carries with it no wisdom and giving him the bird and calling him bigot does? 
Yes, Bolt sounds more than just an Islamophobic in the region but an active agent of Israel's today an active promoter of a genocidal road. In fact, he actually sounds very much like a Right-wing Nationalist Neo-Nazi calling for the Jewish diaspora of the world to recognize and return home. Being for and loving Israel is, in fact, the new anti- Semitism. Pro Israel is ant-Semitic? Well, it's anti- Judaism for a start. In fact, there is a groundswell of Jews living outside Israel are increasingly becoming anti-Israel because for is the new ant-Semitic today.
We can take lessons from Mahathir who Bolt calls bigot because the facts are on his side. The same can't be said of Bolt whose in support of a rogue state calling itself a victim to justify committing mass murder of 2 million people mainly women and children. Chomsky: Occupation, Gaza ‘Concentration Camp’ turning Israel Fascist
‘Keeping a Jackboot on people’s necks’

Think who is the useful idiot when actions speak louder than words and context of those actions can be seen so very easily today. Bolt does little to convince us that the narrative Israel supplies the world today supports the actions we see. Bolt a News Corp puppet spends an inordinate amount of time not addressing the facts that are clearly visible. Bolt suggests Carr's crime is "Actually, Carr misleads. He does indeed want our foreign policy to reflect the interests of other nations - Malaysia's and Indonesia's. Reread his tweets." Bolt
Since when and why is Bolt in favour of protecting Australia's Jewish minority over and above all other minorities in this country? Against gays, against the unemployed, we know the list and it's long. Besides Bolt seems to conflate being Jewish is being 'for' Israel it might have been once but it isn't that obvious today. Being pro-Israel is, in fact, a new anti-Semitism. It certainly didn't help in Wentworth


No this isn't right "The ABC is legally obliged to be impartial in exchange for taxpayers' support."Bolt 
The ABC is there to hold everyone to account in exchange for taxpayers support. The term impartial referring to the choice of 'everyone' particularly those that govern us at any one time. ASIC was there to hold the stock exchange to account but as we have seen it didn't and now the IPA  News Corp and the Liberals turning on them for the criminal behaviour of others. The ABC is the most trusted media source in the country News Corp has never even attempted to compete on that level to make money and never will. It's increasingly been a PR merchant and not an impartial one at that. The ABC is and is not there just for Bolt's clientele.
These demands Bolt is making don't seem to have been made of members of the BCA or the IPA why is that their membership fees and donations are tax deductible professional association fees paid and subsidised to the tune of 30% by all taxpayers by the fact it's not tax collected. I'm not a member of any association or union but accept their reality just as I do the ABC. Everyone should have one.

Childish and churlish schoolboys and I'm not referring to Macron.
In the last week, the President’s frayed and fraught relationships have been laid bare for all to see: He’s furious at Kelly for a Paris trip that ended in a public relations debacle. He’s blaming his political advisers for losing the winning narrative of the midterms. And he was caught off guard by his wife’s shot across the bow at one of the top advisers in the West Wing – a sign that their private conversations clearly aren’t functional.
So there you have it. Event after event that calls into question Donald Trump’s mental state. Episode after episode of bizarre behaviour. Countless instances of forgetfulness. Account after account of absurd statements and incongruous actions. Tweet after astonishing tweet from the most powerful man in the world, who believes that tweeting is the way to conduct global diplomacy, initiate trade wars, address worldwide conflicts, threaten adversaries, and carry out international negotiations. He even sees tweeting as a mechanism for conducting global business, in which he believes he is the ‘master of the deal.’
It is difficult to draw any other conclusion than Trump is indeed crumbling.


Yet another lie by Bolt  Frydenberg isn't a Jew defending Jews at all he's defending a State that not all Jews defend in fact there is an increasing number of Jews that no longer defend the current State of Israel. We respect a Democratic ally, the USA, the only one by supporting a non-Democratic State how does that work to show we aren't just another State of the USA?
 Abbott compounds that lie because Israel is no longer a liberal Democracy the bill has been passed that Israel is a Jewish State in which Jews have priority over and above non-Jews.
James Patterson simply seems to think our foreign policy should simply not be dictated by the rest of the Western world and therefore be the opposite of not only our allies but our region. Seemingly all the way with the USA his call.
According to Andrew Hastie, we have no better friend in Israel would that be because Israel shares information with us like it's supplying aiding and abetting the terrorists we are fighting. That it shares it's information on its nuclear capabilities and the number of Mossad agents that are currently operating in Australia.
Wilson isn't shy acknowledging his constituents who he represents and not just the conservatives in the Liberal Party.
Bolt's list seems in short supply of Liberal MPs that agree with him.
Currently, Israel has spent billions of dollars lobbying for support around the world and is increasingly failing in retaining what traction they once had because PR is no longer sufficient in hiding the facts.
Bolt's relatives would have branded me a Jew and had me shipped off to the gas chambers and my mother is on the wall of the righteous here in Melbourne. I think my consideration for not supporting Frydenberg is valid and reflects an increasing global attitude.


Bolt's premise is wrong that we all agree Bourke st was an Islamic terrorist attack that Ali's differed on a fundamental basis from the Gargasoulas attack.
Bolt never actually puts the two events side by side and ticks the boxes that illuminate their similarities and their differences. That's because if he did his very inhumanity might just be brought into relief." Unqualified opinions bloat our public discourse. And perhaps that is the goal. Confusion and obfuscation mean that the debates we actually need to have, the policies and actions we have the right to demand, can be avoided." Randa

There is no effort to understand these attacks but there is a rush, however, to define them and control the narrative rather than understand what happened because that just might take our politics and policies in another direction one that raises mental health of these lone wolf attacks which when one looks back seem more likely less terrorist the explanation Bolt and the government want to be heard.
Bolt logic anybody who says otherwise other than terrorist is a sympathiser. His whole argument hinges on them and us Randa's doesn't and is in fact the reverse. "We" rightfully and justly invaded Afghanistan because of them and Iraq because Howard said  "they" had WMDs no matter we couldn't find any. They were evil and we weren't. No matter  "they" helped "us" kick the Russians out of Afghanistan either but 'they' changed we didn't. Afghanis, who were once "us" became "them" and we have been battling them ever since and losing.
 We have now killed millions of "them" women children all simply have yes become "them" and we claim they have no right to be pissed because "we"are Humanists and they aren't.
 Randa simply refuses Bolt's simple logic the division that instantly dehumanises people and clarifies at the same time. 
Andrew Bolt is clearly a fake Humanist and Randa is right to deny the premise on which his logic is based.
Bolt concludes with what looks like a humanist sentence but it's not because in reality he's called it an Islamic terrorist act. It is however very Bolt.
"I'm surprised The Age thought it a good idea to publish something so inflammatory, so hate-filled and self-defeating just one week after a man was stabbed to death in our streets."Bolt

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