Thursday 28 February 2019

Andrew Bolt's Blog,28/2/19; More on Pell; Jordan Peterson. Milo. Demetriou; and proof Bolt is a poor opinionator;

Imagine that Bolt is using his mate George Pell as a PAYWALL. Who needs enemies with a friend like Bolt who only sees an opportunity to make money out of you. Bolt sees himself as a significant influencer in Australia and as such wants centre stage. However, it seems despite some 2years of declaring Pell innocent Andrew Bolt with the backing of the behemoth Newscorp behind him failed and failed in the most extreme way.

Image result for Image of a liar
 Bolt digs himself into the moron pit further by trying to tell us others are standing where BEHIND him as if he were the leader. He grabs anonymous supporters. Does anonymity carry any heft? Then Newscorp personalities Devine Craven and Sylvester but Bolt even shoulders his way in front of Fr Brennon as if they stand behind him. 
More than that he declares Brennon a "doubter" when in fact he clearly said he was "disappointed" big difference. Brennon said he believed in the law and our justice system and we should let justice be done, and the courts do due process. That alone shows Bolt to be a false witness putting his own slant on Brennon's words. As I've always said, Andrew Bolt is no better than a vigilante when it comes to justice. He brands the Duncan Storrorars of Melbourne as guilty for life and the George Pells as innocent no matter what the law says. Even his mate Tony Abbott hasn't gone that far and what's surprising is Bolt hasn't put him behind him as well. 

“I Don’t Think There Is Enough Evidence To Convict Pell” Says Man Who Invaded...

The man responsible for thousands of deaths in a hostile invasion of the Middle East based off the back of rumours he had heard about Saddam Hussein harbouring weapons of mass destruction, has today said he’s not so sure that we should be rushing to condemn George Pell."
He also believes in our Justice system unlike Andrew Bolt


MAGIC THINKING There are nearly 20 improbablities to the claim that George Pell molested two 13-year-olds in a normally busy room with an open door when witnesses said he was elsewhere. Susie O'Brien's response? Believe the irrational: "The reality is that instances of clerical sexual abuse have... defied all understanding, reason and rationality." Magic it away.



Newscorp gathering forces

 4 Weeks of an "irrational" process was exhibited in what's regarded as the best justice system in the world. Simply because Newscorp failed yet again to achieve their wanted result. One day of Bolt's screaming has been declared more rational by him, and he wasn't even required to attend a single day of the two trials held to date. Bolt acting the moron frothing and screaming reverse justice and irrationality. He also lies twisting words of those who have expressed disappointment but faith in the court process saying they all agree with him when they don't!! Fr Brennon, Tony Abbott John Howard and others he claims to stand behind him, in fact, don't because they all have expressed their faith and belief in our justice system. The system Bolt claims to be irrational and his approach and ability to judge far, far better.
Basically, Bolt doesn't believe the separation of powers; it's far too risky for the elite. He prefers the American system where the courts and justice system are better off politically loaded. Where judges lawyers and even juries can be appointed, bought, and interfered with to produce any desired result by those in power.
 Rationality isn't the appropriate word. Reason only seems to apply when Aborigines, Muslims, and Africans are charged, tried but even then not sentenced severely enough. Institutional CEO's like Pell deserve something different. A jury who can afford tickets yelling from the bleachers like Bolt outweighs any current Australian system of justice. Where a CEO gets a slap on the wrist and a whistleblower 2years to life for revealing the truth.
 Well, we saw 2 years of that bluster by Bolt and Newscorp, the largest conservative lobbying group in the country, bellowing for Pell which came to naught when he was charged. They do seem constant losers. They yelled for criminal charges to be laid against Trade Unions officials during and after the Royal Commission which produced nothing. We saw them scream Pell's innocence and the police guilt when the Royal Commission was held into Child Molestation.  Bolt has even been claiming it was part of Aboriginal Culture and not White or Christian not mentioning that Indigenous Australia is far more practising when it comes to religion. 
Any evidence to the contrary is false, irrational when publicly revealed. Bolt's never wrong at least he never admits it and just deflects attention and focus away from what is clearly evident. That white males in positions of power molest children and those with less power simply board planes and fly elsewhere to do their dirty deeds and Bolt is comfortable ignoring that situation. Reverse justice, reverse rationality reverse facts are all touted by Bolt who sees himself now a Christlike figure, a Pell, a victim, a hero, who can't walk the streets of our irrational city in which he lives and has to suffer irrational Justice, News, education, gender demands, reverse racism and multiculturalism. Isn't what Bolt is referring to as irrational our reasonable efforts to make democracy work?



God how slow is Bolt. Federal government subsidies have been ripped off by Educational groups Employment Groups and Preschool scams but even worse their clients ripped off too, and it's been happening for years. In some cases, clients didn't even exist. Here is Bolt the slowest opinionator in the West telling us about his discovery. I tell a lie, Bolt alludes to the prior knowledge in a quote (not his) at the very end of this post. Saving Pell but sacrificing Demetriou seems to be Bolt's sneaky way of absolving him of the bias of trying to save tall poppies.
Bolt the user is trying to suggest he's better and more loyal than either of two right-wing superstars. Firstly Bolt prefers Milo because he's merely like Bolt a wannabe superstar who wanted to make money. Peterson is an Academic someone Bolt has less time for because he's an expert. However, Bolt is ready to use both for his own purpose, and that's to sell Newscorp subs.
Whatever he's promising won't be any better than the Demetriou scam. Newscorp is in the business of selling fake news and Andrew D in the business of selling false education. Whether you believe or don't believe any of these scammers, I'd add Peterson the Psychologist is the most honest. He believes in the individual more so so their personal psychology rather than the myth of societal influence or the social psychology that drives the person. To me, he actually sounds more of an existentialist. Whatever he's bought into some not so new arguments that have been fought over for a very long time.

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