Waleed Aly: From growing up in Vermont to The Project
Unlike others, Aly is a "real" journalist in the private sector that Australian's respect because he actually considers real data, analyses it. As opposed to being a single-minded one cherry picking data often fake to preach foregone conclusions of the ultra-right. Andrew Bolt is the diametric opposite of what it means to be a "real" journalist who delivers data information and considered opinion. Needless to say, he is obsessed with Dr Waleed Aly and his wife Dr Susan Carland because they culturally remind us of the tolerance of Australia values.
They are a counterpoint to the intolerance, everything Andrew Bolt stands for and represents. The Aly's, work ethic and history provide meaning to "merit" Bolt only gives meaning to knowing the "right" people. The Alys holiday here in Australia and walk in public view. Bolt doesn't he slinks. Basically, they are central to and proud of a multicultural Australia and wouldn't hesitate being seen in Sydney Rd, Caulfield or Toorak Australia. Bolt regards some areas as no go zones invaded by incompatible religions, cultures. But more to the point ALP sympathisers. It's not for any other reason these Australians sense the hostile negativity and feel Bolt's twisted claims that in the main don't exist. Unlike Bolt, they are here as migrants because they respect Democracy religious freedom and opportunities Bolt wants to deny them. Basically, Bolt is the exception. His foot planted fairly and squarely on the brakes of progress and the effort to improve equality for all Australians That restraint has only been noticeably lifted under the governments of Whitlam and Hawke and stopped under Fraser Howard and Abbott. Those of us who lived through those governments are really the only ones able to speak about how it felt then and how it does today.
Here is Bolt proving himself to be Australia's worst
The Herald Sun's Anthony Galloway, writing on Scott Morrison's plan to divide Australians by race in the constitution, says words that should alarm Liberals: "What Labor people should really grasp about Morrison is his will to achieve things they dearly want as well." I fear Morrison may be another Liberal leader who values Labor applause most.
The Herald Sun's Anthony Galloway, writing on Scott Morrison's plan to divide Australians by race in the constitution, says words that should alarm Liberals: "What Labor people should really grasp about Morrison is his will to achieve things they dearly want as well." I fear Morrison may be another Liberal leader who values Labor applause most.
The new Mabo? $190 million stolen wages settlement is unprecedented, but still limited
To say otherwise or acknowledge these facts is simply to be an ALP sympathiser. To disagree with Bolt's denial of racism is to be ALP as if this were the explanation for everything.
Andrew Bolt declares the histories of these two persons are the same; any disadvantage was simply self-inflicted nothing to do with our colonial past that provided equal opportunity to both blacks and whites. The attempted genocide of indigenous Australians was false the intergenerational internalised social psychology merely adherence to an inferior culture that simply could have been solved by removing more children and not less from the families. In fact, according to Bolt, Hanson is more Indigenous simply because he's older. History wiped by Racist idiocy.
Bolts lie Indigenous Australia want a Parliamentary voice they don't they do want an advisory body chosen by them and not an advisor chosen by any minister of the day. There is no demand for the minister even oblige any suggestions put forward. They want racist clauses that already exist in our Constitution removed none of Andrew Bolt admits or agrees to. His demand is NO CHANGE IS NECESSARY, Even acknowledgement of land rights was a step too far.
Currently, there are 500 mining employees listed as working in the ACT where no mining is going on. What would Bolt say to 500 Indigenous Australians employed as lobbyists? He'd welcome it because he knows that's an economic and power impossibility.
COLUMN I thought the National Rugby League's job was just to run a sport. But no. Under chairman Peter Beattie, the NRL is now backing a campaign divide Australians by race, giving people with Aboriginal ancestors more political rights than Australians without. More amazing - disgraceful - is that the Morrison Government now wants the same racist agenda.
COLUMN Typical. The ABC complains that governments pay farmers too much for the water they’re taking off them. Er, no: The real problem isn’t the how but the why: why are our governments creating this man-made drought for farmers? Why, when their excuse is a dodgy claim that lakes at the end of the Murray were always fresh and must stay that way?
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