Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL 25/9/19; Impeachment; Why does Global Warming get so much negative attention when the judgement is in and any debate over. The Science of Global Warming was proved last Century;


Impeachment: how does it work and what happens next


 Greta Thunberg and Scott Morrison.

Forget the Science have some Faith says Morrison.

PM warns against 'needless anxiety' after Greta Thunberg climate speech

Scott Morrison has called for 'context and perspective' in the climate debate in the wake of 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg's condemnation of today's leaders.
Context: for over 40 years the science like the science of tobacco has only got stronger and stronger. Perspective: Anyone who is a parent and says "anxiety is needless and we don't need to do anything" must be Australian protecting the fossil fuel industry because we are the world's biggest enablers of Green House Gas pollution. We are the world's 3rd biggest gas exporter, and the world's biggest exporter of coal with a shortsighted government saying to 7.5 billion people and 24 million Aussies "don't worry" be happy god, and I are thinking of you.

Apology after Fox guest says Thunberg ‘mentally ill’

Apology after Fox guest says Thunberg ‘mentally ill’

Amid intense criticism of the remarks after a clip of the show went viral, Fox News apologised to Greta Thunberg

 No apology from Andrew Bolt for calling Greta Mad just a change of tack because head office said sorry. Now she's the exploited victim of a fake and scary science. Andrew Bolt proves just how unoriginal he is.


VIDEO I hope the alarmists who terrified Greta Thunberg with scares about a global warming apocalypse are ashamed of themselves. They've now seen this troubled girl's naked fear as she cried and ranted at the UN climate meeting. Shame on the likes of Tim Flannery, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and UN boss Antonio Guterres. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
24/09/2019 ago

The Science of Global Warming has been with us for 40 years, and since then the evidence and facts have only grown stronger and stronger. Bolt's 60 and for more than 40 of those years he's discovered he could live with being rich a failed intellectual but a lobbyist for toxic industries, irrational thinkers self-interested profiteers with no interest in the long term or the common good.
 It doesn't matter to Andrew Bolt that he wasn't the worlds best journalist because journalism and journalists were a dying breed that found a home in places like the ABC. Besides money could quickly destroy the ethics journalists upheld. Bolt saw a future and his mobility in working for the man. He could become a millionaire if he licked the boots of billionaires and he did just that in Murdoch's Goebellian world.
For over 40 years, the Science of Global warming has only got stronger and stronger that man-made Greenhouse gas emissions cause global warming. The facts have become as certain as the research that tobacco causes lung cancer and sugar Diabetes. Spruikers like Bolt are paid to insist the case remains open and until 100% certain people needn't stop doing what they have been doing for the past century.
Climate Science, however, has accumulated as much evidence as anti Tobacco, but we haven't stopped global tobacco. Yet here's Bolt in Australia like Monty Pythons Black Knight telling us there's a case still to be heard in the face of undeniable facts. Unable to quash the science or scientists who can't really be bothered to debate where a debate no longer exists. Bolt simply runs around playing whack-a-mole with his megaphone trying to convince us a debate still exists. But in doing that proving, he's the idiot, and the judgement on man-made pollution is certain.
 In this case, it's the children of the world who Bolt is bashing because they accept the Science. Last week it was Australia's biggest corporations as they do too. Prior to that, it was investors, banks and financial advisers who were promoting sources of cleaner all who have been convinced that a change is necessary. Everyone has turned their backs on Andrew Bolt who once denied science and said the planet was cooling and he did that for 20 years and shut up why? Because it made him look the paid fool he is. However, he's brought attention to the undeniable toxic pollution those he supports are leaving behind for the future generations of children to deal with. The science of toxic pollution is well and truly in yet here is Bolt telling Australians 3rd in the world's enablers of gas polluters and the worlds leader,the biggest coal exporter which makes the 24 million of us the world worst polluters mega times worse than the polluters that we are complaining about that are leaving our northern coastlines fouled by an ocean of plastics


This is why you should watch Greta's UN speech

Jono La Nauze

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