Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Fighting Fake News with REAL, 11/12/19; Articles of impeachment have been laid; Union busting Lazarus Bill is back; So is a Captains Call; LNP Depression Economy has a new and twisted narrative;
Democrats have unveiled two articles of impeachment against Donald
Trump, accusing him of abusing his presidential power and obstructing
Congress's attempts to investigate his dealings with Ukraine.
defended the Democrats' decision to impeach the President even though
they have not been able to hear from important witnesses and despite the
fact an election is less than a year away.
"The argument to wait is to let Trump cheat in another election and to let him get foreign help in another election," he said.
Trump the Yellow baby's legacy has been written (ODT)
The Coalition has
reintroduced the freshly-defeated EI Bill, doubling-down on its
anti-union agenda in the guise of industrial relations reform policy.
One thing overlooked is that merging Public Service Departments is an indirect means of reducing the size of the Public Service not under any advice Morrison has made a Captains Call that will also reduce the size of the PS Union. It seems more than coincidence that it's occurring alongside this Lazarus Bill. (ODT)
What particular preferences and prejudices of Morrison do the latest changes reveal? I think it reveals this government’s disdain for public servants. It’s the revenge of the ministerial staffers (which many ministers started their political careers as). Who needs public servants
giving ministers advice when it’s the staffers who understand the politics of the matter? Morrison has repeatedly expressed his belief that he doesn’t need policy advice from public servants. They should just be getting on with implementing the policies the government gives them.
It means sacking people(ODT)
It's working. Hundreds of thousands of Australians are
grabbing the chance to work for themselves: "Seven per cent of working
Australians [are] finding jobs through the 'gig economy', using more
than 100 digital platforms to generate income." But Labor hates freedom:
"The Victorian Government has set up the Inquiry into the On-Demand
The freedom Bolt talks of and calls the GIG economy was here before but it was called The Great Depression. Bolt telling you it works of course it does and no doubt he'd applaud the freedom of kids to be able to join it. The freedom of no security sweatshops to pay whatever they like because as Bolt says "It Works". It's fantastic it's called small business. Change the narrative and the problem disappears according to this moronic hack who works for an organisation that's bleeding money but has foreign aid and tax avoidance to keep it afloat. It's alright for Bolt he's a fully subsidised tax deduction supported by us to the tune of 30%
Another term for this new narrative is the On-Demand Workforce. It once had to hit the road and doorknock for jobs what luxury it can hit the new digital highway.
Multicultural wars for Bolt are synonymous with Race which if he could fix Lebanese Africans Muslims and a variety of others shouldn't be allowed in. History has no significance for Bolt who claims to be an "Indigenous Australian". Before Bolt was even born multicultural brawling was very much a part of Melbourne. Catholics and Protestants faced off as did "wogs" and Aussies. Mods and Rockers did so in the 60s as did Jazzers and Rockers. Saturday nights were "fight nights" and they were regular events around Melbourne among teenagers. I was set upon simply because I went to a High school. Fights were always multicultural events even though at times they seemed like class wars. Preston vs Brighton if any group invaded one's territory.
Bolt's ignorance stems from the fact he wasn't a city boy and was never really more than a fringe dweller and an elitist wherever he went. Bolt was an alien never really and Australian and frankly never really wanted to be one. He readily admits he was a foreigner and clawed his way into Australia via women until he got married. However, then he claims he became one of "us" little does he know he didn't. So who is his "us"? He holidays away from Australia prefers the company in a Dutch town with a notorious Nazi reputation. A bigoted anti-semitic town whose history he never mentions. Even when here in Melbourne he leads a very secret life isolated from I dare say even his own family who are it seems far more Australian than even he is.
Bruce Pascoe, author of Black Emu, says he's called himself
Aboriginal since the 1980s. But in 1993 he wrote: "I have been looking
for my Koori family for a number of years without much success. My great
grandmother Sarah Matthews was born at Dudley, South Gippsland... [and]
may have come to South Gippsland on a sealing vessel." Wrong and wrong.
4h ago
What do Bruce Pascoe, Duncan Storrah, Zaky Mallah, Yassmin Abdel Magied and Waleed Aly all have in common? Andrew Bolt's personal psychotic obsession to destroy them as individuals any which way he can rather than actually debate them or the issues they argue and represent. Bolt looks for and indulges in their personal characteristics rather than address them in face to face debate and the issues they have brought to light. He has spent an inordinate amount of time and effort to destroy their characters. Is it because they ignored him and treat him as they would a mosquito or blowfly?
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