Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL,10/12/19; Teach your kids to swear; Never in Australia; Scott Morrison's Captain's call to shrink the unions;


 Why You Should Teach Your Kids To Swear, According To Science | IFLScience

Sanna Marin smiles after she won the SDP's prime minister candidate vote against Antti Lindtman in Helsinki, Finland, on Sunday.

 Never in Australia


Having emerged as the largest party in the April election, the Social Democrats can appoint one of their own to the post of prime minister in the Nordic nation of 5.5 million.

 Sanna Marin to become Finland - and the world's - youngest leader

Scott Morrison

 Public service review did not look at cutting federal departments, official says | Australia news | The Guardian


Albanese plans full fibre replacement for 'dog's breakfast' NBN

Albanese plans full fibre replacement for 'dog's breakfast' NBN

Jeremy Corbyn and Anthony Albanese have put full-fibre NBN back on the agenda, writes Paul Budde.

John Howard and Scott Morrison

It’s the dryness in the air that’s stretched out Australia’s fire season to the once-unimaginable edges of spring. On Saturday I went out to Gunning, in central NSW, for a wedding on a family sheep station. The town is one – like 99.8% of NSW – that since the year began has experienced drought.

 I marched against John Howard but he showed leadership in a way Scott Morrison is refusing to | Van Badham | Opinion | The Guardian


without make-up

 Image result for Andrew Bolt and egg on his face



Peter O'Brien, whose Bitter Harvest fact-checks the absurd claims of "Aboriginal" historian Bruce Pascoe: "I would be more than happy to debate Bruce Pascoe on his version of history...  Bruce, take up my challenge if you dare. Or is that you are prepared only to deal with an obliging hack, such as Morton, or your friends... at the ABC?"
2h ago

Typical of Andrew Bolt challenging Bruce Pascoe to debate a man of God Theologian Peter O'Brien. Indigenous Australians have a history debating Christian Missionaries over 200 years that organized the Stealing and abuse of their children. Babies lied to girls working in commercial laundries without pay sexually abused and reported by Bolt as needing to be "looked after". Being told their parents died deserted them or simply didn't care. Bolt's version of historic TCL.

This is simply cheap commercial sensationalism praying for an infusion of ratings and using Australia's shame to do it. Nobody is listening and Bolt no doubt is planning his holiday again in that town of Nazi pride Aalsmeer where he holidays most years. In that Democratic Socialist country so much more left-wing than Melbourne yet loves more and wants to retire in.


Journalists were horrified when Donald Trump mocked Elisabeth Warren's claim to be Indian. Yet now she admits she should "never have done it". Thanks the fear of calling out identity politics frauds. I discussed this on The Bolt Report with James Bolt, co-host of the Young IPA Podcast and the most savvy social media expert in my family.
1h ago 
You'd think Bolt would get his spelling right.
A case of Nepotism promoted before our eyes. It's the way Australia's opportunity system actually operates. It's who you know, not what you know. Yasmin Abdel Magied found that out at the age of 28 despite being an engineer, author and TV Personality whose father didn't ensure her success.
 Was James Bolt's first appointment at the IPA actually advertised? Why did his mother expect the media to keep it a secret? She exploded in fury when it was exposed. How is it Peter, James's co-host on the Young IPA podcast doesn't get a gig on James's dad's show?
As for the above banner, Trump did call Warren Pocahontas again, but he did it while speaking to American Jewish Conference who he upset far more than Elizabeth Warren when they labelled him an Anti-Semite for the insults he threw at them. He called them crooks, tax avoiders, whose money ran the country and who didn't support Israel enough like he did.
 It needs to be noted that Andrew Bolt ignored what was said by Trump but claims to be a "friend of the Jews". No, he praises The idiot for that single remark calling Warren Pocahontas and ignores the rest.  It's yet another case of play up to who you know rather than what it would seem.

The fact that the ABC is forced to run on a budget the equivalent of what it did in 1984 escapes Andrew Bolt. That the promises by this government made by Tony Abbott of "No Cuts to the ABC" were a total fabrication in 2013 to get him into government. That bullshit is sidestepped by Bolt and shows that the promises made to Rupert Murdoch still hold. The intention of this government is to bring the ABC to its knees kill it and sell the best bits to Murdoch. The fundamental reason is to turn Australian Democracy into an American one and bring Citizens United here allowing Corporations to act as individuals and donate to the parties of their choice without restrictions. Money bought this government, and they know it.

 The fact is that LNP politicians no longer bother to respect the interests of those they represent Taylor a perfect example of that. Rather they represent the interests of their donors and lobbyists ex-politicians in most cases bought post service. However, they need to do it behind closed doors. With the American system, those doors would be thrown wide open without any hiding or Democracy left. Murdoch and the IPA would be in charge of managing the cash flow.

Australia is currently 10-20 years behind but catching up fast. Abbott thought he had Warringah in the bag but those he represented thought otherwise.



Malcolm Turnbull misleads: "We have to recognise we have a hotter and drier climate. That's the consequence of global warming. That will mean more fires and hotter fires.” Fact: NSW has not got drier this past century. Fact: this drought is not caused by global warming. Fact: fires around the world now burn less area. Fact: we've had worse fire, 
As usual, Bolt prefers to attack people rather than the issues. Of course, fires burn fewer areas around the world in some cases. Particularly where deforestation has taken place, and agriculture has taken over. But that isn't the be-all or end all factor that has had them declared worse. Bolt ignores science and the economics that makes them worse today than in the past. Insurance companies, Firefighters, are aware of why if there is less damage are premiums going up and insufficient firefighters able to deal with the reality being experienced?  Australia does have a drier climate and hotter climate so much so rain forests have burned in unprecedented fashion. Trump should try to go to an area where fires are raging and try to tell the generations of people living there that what they are experiencing is normal.

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