Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL,4/12/19; Lost and found the 4th Stooge or the 5th Marx Brother; What's a little China mongering when mixed with REAL Crime and the LNP;

Donald Trump speaking to reporters on the White House lawn.

Aussie shares to keep falling after Trump flags delay on US-China deal 

Did anyone seriously believe anything this man says whose simply being propped up by Fox and a few others? Kim Jong Un taught Trump the politics of success make bullshit promises walk back on them and claim your ROCKY (ODT)

Australian shares head for another day of major losses after US President Donald Trump said he was in no hurry to sign a trade deal with China by the end of next week.


Macron Forced To Interrupt Clownish Trump: 'Let's Get Serious'

 I sure hope Republican Senators were watching the permanent branding of their political party as the party of a know-nothing idiot who is unserious and a complete embarrassment on the international stage. Congratulations, GOP, you're the Trump party forever and ever.

 Macron Forced To Interrupt Clownish Trump: 'Let's Get Serious' | Crooks and Liars

Liberal MP Gladys Liu linked to donor at centre of cash drop probe

These are the people that had Sam dumped and are now turning on China for their political scaremongering having used up Asylum Seekers, Muslims and Africans. (ODT)

Liberal MP Gladys Liu secured access to the federal government for a company endorsed by the Chinese Communist Party and later implicated in a major organised crime probe into $1 million in suspected drug money.
Bright Sun New Energy, the Australian subsidiary of the Chinese-controlled green energy group Brighsun, made a big donation to the Liberal Party to win access to federal politicians in a bid to revive the Australian auto industry by manufacturing electric buses in Victoria.



"Aboriginal" historian Bruce Pascoe in Dark Emu on explorers finding Aboriginal "towns": "Charles] Sturt himself saw a prosperous town of 1,000." Again: "He [Thomas Mitchell] counts houses and estimates a population of 1,000." In fact, nowhere do Sturt or Mitchell mention towns of 1000 Aborigines. Why do journalists still insist Pascoe is right?
1h ago 
How obsessed is Andrew Bolt about this number or estimate of 1000 that defines a "town" which isn't a town? Bolt is tracking mentally off the Richter Scale. He's been at it all week since Rick Morton wrote an article asking Trump if he'd read Bruce Pascoe's book? To which we have never seen a response. One would assume he has read it by now out of sheer embarrassment.
Bolt's entire argument against Pascoe seems to be hinged on the word "town" and the magic number of 1000. Nothing is ever mentioned about the other archeological digs that indicate farming as an activity of First Nation people. Along with other evidence found of a permanent lifestyle such as canals and walls. That similar structures found in both Vic and NSW. 60,000 years of existence, tools, art and sophisticated weapons would suggest these people weren't just wanderers which Bolt insists they were. Probability weighs heavily against him and the white history imposed on Australia's First Peoples.
What number makes up a "town"? We can assume Bolt believes it's between 1 and 1000, why?  Because the number 1000 scares the shit out of him, apparently that would make up a town in his mind.
There are "towns" in Australia with 40 people in them even today, so what would satisfy Bolt? How many structures and people could be regarded as a town? There is one thing for certain he doesn't say. But Sturt and Mitchell saw more than 40. When someone saw 300 warriors, there must have been women an children elsewhere to make the numbers upward of 500. So there is sufficient primary source evidence to suggest there were towns and permanent settlements. Attacking Bruce Pascoe doesn't prove otherwise.  
Nobody is freaking out as much as Bolt who in today's terms seems very much a Trumpster in his reactions to the world about him. A tantrum thrower believing that's all it takes to have himself believed. (ODT)

"All abuse no proof "Andrew Bolt fails to remember his false use of Dr Andy Pitmans unintentional error when Pitman corrected it what was Bolt's chest-thumping response? " Dr Pitman only corrected it when he thought I wasn't listening". Bolt's arguments whether against Climate Science, Islam or African Immigration and other issues suffers from repetitious and same inaccurate logic.
Climate Science has been studied over and over for the past 60 years.  Global Climate Science has gathered an abundance of evidence to support its conclusions that the planet IS warming ant the rate is accelerating yet for years Bolt claimed it was cooling. He's gone off that and now agrees but that isn't any cause for alarm. Meanwhile, records are being shattered, the Swiss Alps are melting as is Antarctica and the Scandanavian glaciers but Bolt ignores that. He seeks out a diary of disconnected events to declare "research" shows it's not.
 With  Islam it's a "dangerous" ideology or religion not because 1.2 billion adherents are living their lives peacefully but because any crimes committed by Muslims are looked for cobbled together to tell us it's not peaceful. Meanwhile, Christians in America are terrorising themselves and mass shootings have increased 300% since Trump became President. The US have 800 military deployments across the planet have invaded countries on false arguments about terror and have started more wars than its claimed to have won but lost, why?  All for the purpose of acting as mercenaries for corporations to take control of the resources of sovereign states. Islam more often than not has been the excuse.
Bolt's logic looks for exceptions and put them in a diary of collected but disjointed events and call them a large body of evidence that proves his argument. His interest in his denials is becoming patently obvious Climate Islam  Immigration isn't in his paymaster's interests. Denial is a business rather than a service for any public good and it clearly distinguishes the difference between the ABC and today's MSM corporations that's for sure.
Bolt misinforms us time and time again that professor Kench somehow clearly agrees with him and not the ABC which is patently false Kench in his conclusions qualifies that fact that his study doesn't consist of up to date data and might well have changed given Global Warming. Tha further study needs to be done and that models of prediction might well have changed. Bolt leaves that out entirely and fundamental uses and abuses the NZ study for his own benefit and abuses the ABC. Bolt's twisted what Andy Pitman has said has repeatedly twisted what NZ professor has said and has spent years and years promoting Roy Spencer telling us the planet is cooling. Mounting any high horse as Bolt does, makes him look the fool and not the ABC. He ensures that Murdoch media's reputation in Australia is the worst when it comes to news and information and why they are bleeding money in Australia. (ODT)

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