Sunday 16 February 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL,16/2/20; "if you have a go you'll profit"; Ross Leigh irony of Baraby; Now the Real Joyce squeezed; Fake News;

Having a go or having a lend?


The following is a tale of men who are living testament to the government slogan that “ïf you have a go, you’ll get a go”.
The first is John Maitland.
In 2008, former NSW resources minister Ian Macdonald signed over a valuable coal licence to a company part-owned by former union boss and good friend, John Maitland.

‘If you have a go, you’ll get a go’ could be
 interpreted as ‘Privatise the profits and socialise the costs’ – or how to become a millionaire with the stroke of a pen. (Kaye Lee)


Perhaps the speed of the 21st Century really has taken away people’s concentration span, but I keep coming back to the same point. While a clever brain can hold two points of view simultaneously while working out an answer, lesser minds usually seek a logical consistency that means they don’t frequently swing from one thing to the other without some attempt at a fig-leaf of an explanation.
You know the sort of thing:

The Murdoch press will ignore everything that he puts out and back him on the grounds that, as we’ve fallen into recession and the long-awaited surplus hasn’t eventuated, we need a government prepared to make the tough decisions. Various editors will attack Labor for their plans to actually spend some taxpayer money on the taxpayers when it could be better spent by ensuring that newspapers had enough money to continue operating.
Ok, it might not all turn out like I’m suggesting, but given the last few years, would anyone be surprised?

 The Consistent Narrative Of Barnaby Joyce And Dorothea Mackellar - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Podcasters Matt Canavan and Barnaby Joyce.

Illustration: Reg Lynch.

Barnaby digs for coal on the moral high ground. How did we get here?

Barnaby Joyce and Matt Canavan make a podcast.
 Meanwhile, it is the pro-coal Nationals, led by Joyce and Canavan, who have fled to the high moral ground on climate change. They can take no refuge in science, reason, or economics for their position. But they can fall back on what they frame as a moral division between the city and country folk.

Earth Just Saw The Hottest January On Record

  Earth Just Saw The Hottest January On Record | IFLScience


Thirteen years ago Andrew Bolt was trying to convince us the planet was cooling and wasn't warming now he says he's always agreed he just simply wasn't an "alarmist". Today he's never been a climate denier only misunderstood. Because he's never really been referring to man-made climate change which along with Tony Abbott believe it's "crap". Strange you never really see them in the same room discussing whether it's "crap or not do you?
As for Greenland's largest glacier, Bolt loves to "sensationalise " and at the same time not tell the full story. That the science spent 4 years studying fluctuations on a downward path. Bolt tries hard to convince us they mean "growth." An old trick of his which he used to use when telling us the plant was "cooling". He is such a wanker!!
In early August, the OMG team arrived in Greenland to begin its fourth year of ocean surveys to see how the water is changing. The start of this year’s survey came on the heels of a record melting event in late July and early August. The team again dropped sensors in front of Jakobshavn to see if the water is still cold and whether we can expect another year of growth, or for it to resume retreating. The investigation also examined whether the NAO shift is impacting other glaciers.


In 2007, the ABC's Robyn Williams claimed seas could rise 100 metres by 2100 if Greenland melted fast. When will he apologise?   Jack Weatherall: "NASA Earth Observatory reports the largest of the Greenland glaciers... has grown substantially in the last three years to June 2019, adding as much as 30 metres thickness per annum."  
1h ago 
Bolt continues to preach "reverse racism" claiming a black man in a room full of whites would feel more comfortable than Bolt would in the Coburg market. Melbourne is multicultural, and Andrew Bolt is rarely seen out in public doesn't holiday in Australia locks himself away why is that? History of this country should clearly tell him why. We had, and proudly displayed to the world, that "we" had a "White Australia Policy" that reflected the feelings of Australians. Any righteous anger was to be simply ignored. We were culturally anti-Semitic as well and practised it, and any righteous outrage was to be ignored. We were anti- Finian, anti-Catholic, anti- Chinese, and anti- the Asian Pacific region, and any righteous anger was to be ignored.
WASPS ran our institutions our cultural and Social clubs and refused to accept Australia as a Multicultural Nation. Andrew Bolt, the child of Dutch immigrants, whose mother hated the place, climbed the social ladder not by any merit or skill that's obvious he had none but by marriage. He's even admitted he was never raised or felt Australian until his marriage. I doubt he even does today. He says he has now arrived and that he's proud, of it but he's a WASP and how dare "their" righteous anger be ignored. Bolt's feelings aren't a measure of any righteousness whatsoever; they are rooted in systemic and Western cultural bigotry of well over 200 years.


 Note the student's smirk: "This a [Multicultural Student Centre} and frankly there’s just too many white people in here... It does make some of us POCs uncomfortable when we see too many white people in here.” Add that to this list of examples of activists turning "anti-racist" into "anti-white", and "multicultural" into "no white culture". 
2h ago 

 ABC represents Australia today where 80% of Australians actually believe in Climate Change, and one can only conclude that if Bolt's figures are correct, then the ABC panel represented the nation. Because sure as hell The Bolt Report doesn't. It spends considerable amounts to support a confused 20% at a tax-deductible loss to the country by a Corporation that's been bleeding money cutting staff and selling news for cash for years. Can Bolt name a single item that he's ever written apart from the shipping news that's been of any benefit to the country?


Last week the ABC's flag ship Q&A stacked its panel with five people who all demanded tougher action on global warming, as does the host. Even the singer did. On Monday the Q&A panel will have four people from the Left, with the lone token "conservative" actually a climate-preaching MP from the Liberal Left.  The ABC is out of control.
4h ago

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