Monday 20 April 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 20/4/20; You need a laugh!!; ScamMo1 Narcissism accusations by a leading Narcissist; Not all social-distancing bans work says Andrew Bolt a leading social-distancer

 Memes R Us - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Don’t be fooled by crocodile tears and emotive appeals from a deeply dishonest, cruel and empty human being. ScamMo’s words are not be trusted, as he will say whatever he thinks will deflect attention away from conversations he doesn’t want us having. A lot of conservatives and media pundits will let him, too, giving him a pass for pretty much anything, just like they do with his mentor, Trump.

 ScamMo at it again - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Furious Trump berated Turnbull over deal to resettle refugees

Former PM reveals dealings with US President Donald Trump - as well as Barack Obama calling Trump a "lunatic".
  • by David Crowe

Malcolm Turnbull ... dark days after his ousting.


Trying to jab Turnbull, PM's office pokes itself in the eye

The Prime Minister's office, accused of trying to undermine the publication of Malcolm Turnbull's new book, appears to have undermined itself.
  • by Tony Wright

Lindsey Graham is among the Republicans who have attacked extra unemployment benefits 

Many Republicans believe economic relief for those without jobs encourages slacking off. But it is corporations that are bailed out again and again
 CEOs, not the unemployed, are America's real 'moral hazard' | Robert Reich | Opinion | The Guardian

  No photo description available.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have vowed to never work with the British tabloids again.

Prince Harry and Meghan blacklist British tabloids

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan have written to Britain's biggest tabloids, vowing never to work with them again.
Murdoch media has a history of  "it doesn't matter to them" they will still print whatever they feel is in their interest that sells papers. They have maintained a Bauer media magazine philosophy since they were forced to close  News of the World to keep Rupert's licences and out of jail.







COLUMN Narcissists damn others for faults they can’t see in themselves. Indeed, Malcolm Turnbull has just written the textbook on it, starring himself.Why didn’t any of his remaining friends stop the former prime minister from making such a public spectacle of himself in his book, A Bigger Picture?  Page after page, he makes himself a joke.
5m ago 
 Occasionally Andrew Bolt speaks the truth " Narcissists damn others for faults they can’t see in themselves. " and he does it on almost a daily basis. It's all for attention and his is attention-seeking out of necessity. If Bolt spoke or wrote the simple truth he feels he'd be lost among the media sheep and have no advertisers and therefore no job. It won't be long before he attaches Covid to ISIS to throw fuel on his paltry career's need for attention. He could show that Israeli settlers are using and weaponising the virus today and trying to spread it among Palestinians but he won't. Hell lose advertisers and gain unwanted attention that comes with that truth.
 He showed his narcissism when he claimed to be a minder for a belly dancer but was actually unemployed and supported by the lady who turned out to be his fiancee. So he knows all about narcissism but he never was PM or highly rated so his never-ending need for attention.
  They say proof is in the pudding and that pudding his the banner below.
Bolt the most unprofessional writer with a job an isolate and a religious social-distancer who doesn't know the meaning of "rate of contagion" and who seems to conflate Covid-19 with the spread of disembowelment by kangaroos. Which is neither funny or ironic but simply stupid yesterday it was the disease od being eaten by Tiger Sharks. Australia's foremost media social-distancer is blindly grabbing for attention by telling people there's no need for social-distancing it does nothing outdoors particularly playing golf. This idiocy has got Trump attention so why not Bolt?
 Bolt's logic is that of a Tobacco Company exec who will tell you that the QUIT campaign saved nobody from lung cancer particularly banning it from outdoor areas. That there is no basis for saying it saved anyone from cancer let alone 700 people catching COVID-19. 
As far as Bolt is concerned any modelling whether scientific actuarial or social is just intuitive hocus pocus justification for authoritarian policing yet on any other day Bolt calls for it himself on fake evidence. Theoretical modelling it a method and process of logic that has helped the human race progress more in the past 250 years than ever before. Bolt doesn't seem to understand how to apply it. When a violent crime is committed and the perp happens to be a Muslim, Lebanese or African Andrew Bolt tars the whole community with the potential for committing the same freely generalising from one case. However, so Israelis who currently are the worlds first COVID terrorists or white men the innocent victims of women. If a unionist is caught committing fraud Unions are tarred by Bolt even if a Royal Commission says they aren't. However not so CEOs or corporations where the culture has lead to the contagion of wage theft among Bolt's friends at the IPA. If you want to stop it, it can be stopped with bans, yes. Bans on boards of more than 50% of directors representing only the interests of shareholders have been proved to be a successful model of operation in Germany and other more Socialist countries.


Typical of the ABC to help Turnbull float his nutty theory: "Promotional clips for the 7.30 program on Monday night (a special edition pinching an extra half-hour from programming...) reveal the ABC’s take. 'Abbott and their friends in the Murdoch media overthrew my government because they thought I would win it,' says Turnbull." Polls disagreed.
2h ago 
 Andrew Bolt  just can't be Andrew Bolt without the ABC it helps boost himself. However, the won't be watching the Bolt Report will they and people won't be paying him or his advertisers attention.

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