Wednesday 6 May 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 6/5/20; Murdoch's Monster Media; Careres are just numbers and disposables but unlike the military they can't simply be drafted to make up numbers;

The US withdrew funding from controversial experiments that make pathogens more potent or likely to spread dangerous viruses in October 2014, concerned it could lead to a global pandemic.

The pause on funding for 21 “gain of function” studies was then lifted in December 2017.

This seems to be a disclosure that only an overseas right-wing media outlet could make, in this context: It is not likely that Fox News would play up the fact that the American government cut off funding for this Wuhan lab during the Obama administration, citing safety concerns, only for it to be restored under the leadership of President Donald Trump.

In the interview, Trump repeated his mischaracterization of the models from earlier in the day, wrongly saying that they assume “no mitigation.” In fact, as Vox noted, the models “are based on the relaxation of social distancing that Trump has been championing.” Muir did not note this.

Human Ingenuity seems to have hit rock bottom in the USA under the leadership of Trump. However, the public relations campaign has been accelerated with Fox, Sinclair and Oaan. There's money to be made selling the priorities of 1% of Americans and the value of their Stocks

Watching the Four Corners program (ABC 04/05/20), I was struck by the extent of the potential mental and physical health damage that will have been suffered by so many of the medical personnel who were interviewed.
And there were other groups which were not included in those interviews – cleaners in those hospitals, and low-paid staff in the many Aged Care facilities, where protecting the elderly from infection has not always succeeded.
Throw the net wider, and and there will be many in the community both citizens and visa holders alike, whose loss of work and income has left them destitute and often homeless.
For the sake of the exercise, let all these people register in what, for convenience, we will call the Pandemic Victims group, which will entitle them to assistance, and maybe it would be best situated in the Future Fund.

via Caring for the carers and others in distress - » The Australian Independent Media



Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews imposed the most pointlessly tough bans of a any state, banning even golf and telling children not to go to school. His panic has come at a shocking price: Victoria has had the worst job losses since mid-March, a drop of nearly 9 per cent. 

Bolt is so isolated and distanced he doesn't know there's a pandemic on. That 45 plus cases spread through a meatworks and that even children may be developing serious complications post Covid-19 infection. Worst of all is his who gives a fuck about the pressure and lack of personnel in the protection and caring industry right now. His lack of concern and distance is patently obvious. They are just another set of numbers in Bolt's army of necessary disposable people but they can't be replaced so easily because there simply isn't enough. Caring for the carers and others in distress - » The Australian Independent Media
His only concern is his personal bank account and the devaluation of his assets and possible job not simply the nature of our economic relationships we call the  "economy" The problem he is really concerned about is that the pandemic has revealed the inability of that system we call the economy to cope. It needs changing it's fragility and lack of resilience and constant asset stripping of resources material and human revealed. There is no simply going back. Jobs will have been lost forever and lives destroyed not just for a few weeks. 
Herd immunity in Sweden hasn't saved it's economy or saved lives both have been forfeited. We don't hear Bolt talking about the UK or America's failure to cope he just wants us to blindly follow the road that spells increased death. He apparently knows more about this virus than do all the medical researchers combined who say they don't know enough. Now that's really as Trumpster as you can get isn't it?

Andrew Bolt is a true Murdochian maintaining the script handed him on a plate from America and a carbon copy of the IPA's noise. What Industries employ the most Australians 1) Health surprise surprise Andrew Bolt!! Health has never been closed down to the extent he makes out and it's employees are the migrants he hates 2) Construction surprise again it hasn't been as totally closed down either. Scientific and Technical services haven't either. They too aren't as badly off as Bolt makes out either. So what is it that Bolt's throwing a tantrum and dummy spit about?
 Oh, retail the slave market of Australia where Bolt is rarely seen and while people aren't spending money. Does he believe all the shops will open and that those that do will call all their staff back? Does he really believe advertising figures will snap back?
Mining Agriculture and education might have been affected but then Bolt been screaming anti- Chinese abuse for the last twelve months telling us they are little more than intellectual thieves and spies and shouldn't be welcomed here. There's a lot of dog-whistling going on here. Bolt wants the most vulnerable population back at work the worst paid and the gig workers. Australia isn't as closed down as Bolt makes out.

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