Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Fighting Fake News with REAL 24/6/20; ABC, Morrison Cuba, Budget Cuts, Democracy, Cost Cuts, Policing
"The ABC's online lifestyle platform will be overhauled under a five-year
strategic plan to be announced on Wednesday aimed at cutting costs and
adapting the national broadcaster to a funding freeze imposed by the
Morrison government."
The LNP government was elected in on a lie of NO CUTS to the ABC and has dealt some $300 million worth of cuts to Australia's Democracy. News and Information is its life source and the LNP have done everything possible to strangle that. What organisation is still running on a budget the equivalent of 1984 an expected to service a population nearly 50% larger? The LNP bragging of job maker is, in fact, job breaker and the ABC is the first cab off the rank. It's budget has been cut by 20% since 2013 election which promised NO CUTS.
The ABC will unveil a five-year strategic plan today, including changes to its controversial lifestyle platform. Mr Anderson's restructure will be the second for the ABC in less than three years.
Andrew Bolt deems these numbers trivial below and not worth worrying about. Rate and acceleration of spread are simply ignored. But he practices social distancing thank goodness for us.(ODT)
Contrary to the image of brutal and repressive communists, police in
Cuba offer an instructive example for activists in the United States.
Police live in the cities they patrol. They generally treat citizens
with respect. As I documented in my book Dateline Havana, police
beatings of criminals are rare and police murders are nonexistent. Cuba
has one of the lowest crime rates in Latin America.
George Floyd's killing was the excuse for the race
revolutionaries to run riot as guilty-white journalists cheered them on.
No more police! they cried. Now watch this sick results in New York,
London, Seattle and Stuttgart. Here's what the Left is creating. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
4h ago
"Contrary to the image of brutal and repressive communists, police in
Cuba offer an instructive example for activists in the United States.
Police live in the cities they patrol. They generally treat citizens
with respect. As I documented in my book Dateline Havana, police
beatings of criminals are rare and police murders are nonexistent. Cuba
has one of the lowest crime rates in Latin America."
shot in Chicago with a Police force None in Cuba with a Police Force.
Trumpsters like Bolt argue for a bigger FORCE history has shown it's
never worked So what is the difference? Read the article above on Cuba
and realise why fuckwits like Bolt haven't a clue but want even greater
policing than China 104 people SHOT & 5 KIDS DEAD over Father’s Day weekend in Chicago — RT USA News
Please, less panic: "Melbourne is dangerously close to a
second hard lockdown as the virus spreads across more than 20 per cent
of the city’s population." No, just 133 Victorians are sick right now.
That's less than 0.003 per cent of Melbourne's population.
3h ago
Rate of spread is a meaningless concept to Andrew Bolt. The actual case count is as meaningless as Bolt's argument that the planet is only warming a little bit so there's no need to worry. However, when he's discussing Indigenous crime rates he knows what exponential increase means and he's all over the rate of increase to prove his point.
Screwing around with statistics doesn't make Bolt wiser but it certainly shows he's dumber. As bright as Djokovic who also had the same relaxed approach to the numbers as Bolt. He's hosted a tournament against all expert advice he now has tested positive for Covid-19 along with others unwittingly ensuring it's multiplication.
The idea that an avalanche can be started by a few falling rocks is avoided in Bolt's blinkered complaint of overreach In many countries the coronavirus pandemic is accelerating, not slowing
Americans will not be welcome anywhere even in Mexico who Trump is trying to blame the surge on. However, it's the Mexicans who'd be better off banning Americans visiting them and with good reason given Trump's who the fuck cares attitude.
The shame of being white! No wonder writers and artists
rush to declare they are Aboriginal instead. And so crazy is the law,
that it is now unlawful for you to express certain opinions. What hope
this country?
4h ago
Bolt's always been a man who claims style is more important than meaning everything goes as long as your polite which he isn't and accountability of no consequence. Yet it's Bolt who wants to determine the standard.
But then he's free to vilify and push meaningless and idiotic concepts like a Trumpster on us with no accountability. He's free to incite the Christchurch massacre and not be accountable for what he said. Yet he's demanded others to be sacked for what he claims is all only opinion.
Science is just opinion as is math and religion. Reality is only the power and control of opinion and it's been historically set by precedent. Guess China and Marx have set us on the path to the new future according to Bolt. While looking at the US it's all Anarchy Chaos and increasing poverty. So yes who wants to be white these days? For Bolt, history wrote is history fact white is right and black fantasy. He runs down those that don't agree and not at all politely. In fact, he's been found wrong charged and found guilty of racial vilification. American history cites itself as winning WW2 ignoring the fact that Germany lost the war on the Russian front. Nor is it widely known they recruited Nazis Fascists and the Catholic Church to assist them turning on their allies the Russians at the time to begin the Cold War. It's not quite the history taught in Western schools. The Dutch shameful treatment of the Dutch Jews was hidden fo some 40 years and continues not to be taught either. We don't, however, hear Bolt denying these facts as he does the facts discovered about Australia. If all is merely acceptable opinion then reality what other than power and precedent define his reality? Trump says COVID wouldn't exist in America if it wasn't for testing it seems Bolt agrees.
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