Thursday, 25 June 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 25/6/20; Humour, Covid-19, USA, IIsrael, LNP to kill Renewables,Robert Reich: America is Not Exceptional



 Ambulances are parked outside a medical centre in Arizona, which is experiencing a surge in coronavirus cases.






'We're not doing so well': US coronavirus cases surge to highest levels since April

Newly confirmed COVID-19 infections across the US are back near their peak level of two months ago, as New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announced a quarantine on arrivals from states with high infection rates.
 Coronavirus hospitalisations and caseloads have hit new highs in more than half a dozen US states as signs of the virus' resurgence mount, with newly confirmed infections nationwide back near their peak level of two months ago.
After trending downward for six weeks, the US caseload has been growing again for more than a week, particularly in the south and west of the country.
Trump wanted a war well he certainly got one and it was one he has primary in the making of. (ODT)


Feeding Conspiracies

Israeli soldiers make one of several arrests of Palestinians last month after a soldier was killed by a rock thrown from a rooftop in the West Bank village of Yabad.

Why Australia needs to join global condemnation of Israel's annexation plan

Annexation would be a violent, predatory, lawless act. It would compound the illegitimacy of Israel's half-century occupation of Palestine and its insatiable colonial settlements – themselves deserving sanctions. It is not democratic since millions of Palestinians cannot vote in Israeli elections. Far from creating peace, it would doom Israelis and Palestinians to a future of ceaseless violence, and further impoverish Palestinian civilians.
Australia needs to stand up for the rules it says it believes in – not only against China or Russia but also against "friends" such as Israel and the US.
Ben S
 A stock image of a wind farm near Bungendore, east of Canberra, Australia

Up to 11,000 renewable energy workers are expected to lose their jobs over the next two years under current government policies, according to a university analysis.
If correct, the loss of jobs would be equivalent to the abolition of the domestic-focused coal industry, which employs a little more than 10,000 people in mining thermal coal for local use and running Australia’s coal-fired power plants.

Up to 11,000 renewable energy jobs could be lost under Morrison government policies


Scum. Utter, total scum.
8:18 PM · Jun 25, 2020Twitter for iPad
If you employ him, publish him, appear on TV with him, have him as a guest - you are part of the problem. No quarter can be given to the rampant racism. Bigotry is not an opinion.



COLUMN Victoria’s coronavirus outbreak exposes the stupidity of that multicultural slogan “diversity makes us stronger”. In fact, it’s exactly that diversity that’s helped to create this “second wave”. Health warnings were translated into 53 languages, and the Health Minister says this was still not enough.
Is it any surprise Trump's claim that the surge in America has been due to aliens south of the border and the poor choice of multiculturalism as America's historical national goal. Yesterday yo-yo Andrew Bolt was telling us how insignificant the virus numbers were and we should be back at work. Work for Bolt is the essential services necessary. Those services Australians like himself aren't employed in but the ones in which migrants work and he can't do without. Factories Transport Hospitals Hotels services where the chance of picking up the virus is the greatest.
Today he's flipped COVID is a danger and multiculturalism feeds its spread. He's reframed his position but by taking on Trump's argument and blaming the surge on immigrants he's backed himself into a corner. Demanding them to go back to work nothing to worry about but immigrants spreading the trivial COVID virus. If there was an IQ test to get into the country Andrew Bolt would never pass.  Bolt's whine about immigrants fits his bigoted value system yes but fails to explain how these essential services he demands would be manned? As white men of his calibre refuse to consider doing the jobs they do?
 However more's the pity Bolt's neighbours in Malvern have to put up with this totally un-Australian and bigoted attitudes as they too are 50% immigrants and totally un- ego-centric like Bolt. Bolt's mindset isn't just venal performance as he has been described as a distant aloof loner by his workmates over 30 plus years ago.
Bolt's argument against multiculturalism is based on the same false and biased premises as found in Phrenology which has recently given rise to
 Over 1,000 Experts Call Out "Racially Biased" AI Designed To Predict Crime Based On Your Face


COLUMN Bubba Wallace is a perfect example of how even sane people now see racism where zero exists. Wallace is a black driver in a supposed redneck sport – America’s NASCAR. So when his team found a "noose" in his garage, it created a scandal and forced a mass knee-bend of anti-racism posturing. But then FBI agents discovered just what this "noose" was.
4h ago 
Bolt expects us to take on his theoretical generalisation about Racism based on something found in a garage in America to deny that it simply does not exist and never did. That is the illusion Racists want to be magnified. Strange Rednecks don't exist either it seems. Slavery has never existed and Children never Stolen. People only die of natural causes in custody and people are jailed for crimes committed. Andrew Bolt was laughed at publicly on the ABC program by the ex conservative PM of NZ. Laughed at and ignored to the point of silence.


Reason is dead when a solar power magazine has a child as its go-to expert: "Estelle Dee, a year-10 student at Katoomba High School..., has called on NSW Minister for Energy and Environment, Matt Kean, to “install LED lighting and as many solar panels as possible in every public school...” Dee chaired a panel at the Nation Energy Summit 2019."
We have often witnessed Bolt's Misogyny Ageism and Feminism all qualities he denies but readily accuses Muslims of but never Jews particularly Fromers better known as Orthodox Jews. But then Bolt attacked Australia's once leading Imam for saying women should be more modest and not present themselves like meat in public. Outraged was Bolt who then also said he'd stop his daughter leaving the house inappropriately dressed. 
Bolt says he's agnostic a Doubting Thomas but he's not Socially or Culturally. He's Fromer belongs to a sect and certainly is blinkered by social upbringing and the belief in an "elect" and a hierarchy. It has slipped out often enough. The "only " breadwinner" in the family who has to take "them" all on holidays where he doesn't necessarily want to go. Galahad protecting his wife with years of bullshit. Elect and aloof because of shyness. Using women to climb and kickstart his social mobility. His problem with children they ask "why?" too much.

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