Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Fighting Fake News with REAL,5/8/20; MSM media would like to sink Victoria; Dan Andrew is a Leader
the Victorian government rushed to set up hotel quarantine for
international travellers in late March, even the private security
companies hired to help were confused about who was in charge.
Apparently, Australia's great supporters of Private Enterprise CH9, News Corp are heavily against governments using the privatised system so dear to their hearts in cases of emergency. They seem to want governments to set up fully state-managed and parallel systems and have them ready in a crisis. Closet Socialism seems to be what they have in mind. Instead of blaming the operating system, they support that runs on the smell of an oil rag which they also support but demands maximum profit for it's owners. Instead of that needing change, it's easier to "blame" the Dan and the ALP government rather than their privatised security system.
The very opposite was heard when Dan wanted to professionalise the VFA then the hewn cry by Ch9 News Corp and the LNP Opposition could be heard all the way to China. However, now they seem to demand Andrews Socialises those Private Security firms takes them over and regulates them like the Chinese Communist Party would. Criticism is so easy from the bleachers when leadership is watched but not required.
An inquiry into Victoria's handling of the coronavirus pandemic has split along party lines.
Imagine what leadership would look like if these peanuts O'Brien Riordan and Vallence were in charge. Privatise, Deregulate, Cut Costs. sit back and watch a crisis develop or reverse the system you demanded and deregulated solve things better. Private security firms so important to the LNP's philosophy fucked up, sweep that under the carpet. Private aged-care regulated by the Federal LNP government fucked up, sweep that under the carpet. Morrison tried to and called it the "Victorian Disaster" simply because of ti's location. Now Dan Andrews shouldn't speak out and let Victorians know what's what in their zoo.
the International Monetary Fund and the Reserve Bank have urged
governments to keep spending to minimise the growing economic impact of
Victoria's lockdown
It just doesn't stop does it? There's a war going on and Ch9 is complaining about the National Economy being "dragged down". No, the National Economy is being "saved" by the deployment of a 6-week lockdown needing to be enforced because what was recently the most successful state in the country has been hit and it's our workforce hit the hardest Health Supply and Retail. The borders closed the Federal Government publicly declared it wasn't going to maintain the level of supports people needed to survive and the pressure was on.
As a result, people simply kept on working and lying about what it was they were doing not isolating! They were told as far as Morrison was concerned freebies were being cut and it was every man for themselves. Told basically to go back to work.The most successful state in Australia that kept the economy going had a problem and had the leadership necessary to instigate a temporary 6 week stop rather than allow a 6-month drag to occur. A reopen U-turn was called for and listen to what's happening, the Politicsof propaganda on the front pages of our MSM, not the support required and it's even International being used by Donald Trump.
The World Health Organisation now says there may never be a
vaccine for this virus. So can we really keep living this way? Spare me the fake sentimentality of the ABC's Michael Rowland, who says he's disgusted when I point out that the young are smashed to stop the very old from dying months earlier. My editorial from The Bolt Report. 1h ago
Bolt should watch the ABC and he might just have some arguments against the Vic Gov. He just might learn what critical news and information distribution is about. Tangible facts that Bolt fails to even address.
Here we go it only took a day off blogging and Andrew Bolt's changed direction again somebody in the WHO said "might".
No, we can't "keep living this way" Capitalism can't save us the free market system is diseased and has been a lot longer than the arrival of COVID-19. Yet we have heard Bolt demanding that Dan Andrews and Government do more of what he's against regulation. It "seems" to him that Dan is just st shooting from the hip. When quite the opposite is happening and it's Bolt shooting a shotgun while locked in a barn and missing everything. It's so easy to be critical of something so complex isn't it? One minute declaring a "police state" the next why isn't more ADF called in. Overreach, underreach Critical thinking isn't just a matter of throwing mud hoping some will stick. But isn't that what Bolt is doing putting "all" the blame on Dan not a word about Scott Morrison's involvement in the shit that Dan Andrews has been left to deal with.
Rowlands is right what's disgusting is Bolt is a divider cleaves for the purpose of dividing for some self-interest no interest in problem-solving at all. Aged -Care homes are the problem they always have been Bolt hasn't for a moment focused any attention to the fact they never were Dan Andrews immediate issue they have always been Abbott's/Turnbulls/ and Morisson's problem and one they refused to face.
However, Bolt's defending today what it is he's been denying previously that in an economically rational world we should be allowing the old to die not over concentrating on the extension of life. Suicide is painless 50- 80% of people in aged-care don't want to be in death's waiting room on a user-pays basis transitioning their wealth to some private operators. Yesterday it was do everything possible to save them according to Bolt "Dan" isn't when it was 75% Scott isn't. Today it's protecting our young ensure they become indebted before they are allowed to live like adults. However, that's not what Flipper Bolt was about yesterday or was it the day before?
Meanwhile, Dan Andrews is in his war room collecting every bit of raw data he can from all the expert organisations that are available to him to plan strategies that will allow us to transition through the crisis Victoria has found itself in. Unlike Bolt he's not talking about himself he's assessing real circumstances the reality he has to work with the complexities that are involved and the best way forward in the hope of delivering the best outcome. That's called leadership a foreign word to private MSM Look at Blot's banner it "me" and not "we " he's talking about.(ODT
Whiskey with a mate I've found a Victorian that mirrors Bolt's blogging and IQ
Another example of the Liberal Party’s inability to responsibly show leadership during a crisis.
Like Deb Frecklington’s flip-flopping shown yesterday, here we have
Victoria’s Tim Smith in a more outrageous and moronic display of being
contrary just for attention and not for the health and safety of
Tim Smith complains Andrews is a control freak and at
the same as weak and inactive. Which is it, Tim? Authoritarian or not
authoritarian enough. It seems like he can’t make up his mind, but when it comes to who’s a “friendless loser.”.. #IStandWithDan is a repeating trend. And so is #DimTim for that matter.
The leadership shown by Anastasia Palaszczuk, Mark McGowan and Dan Andrews should be remembered.
By the same token, the pathetic jibes of the Liberal National Party during this crisis should also be remembered.
Karol Markowitz on the absurd security theatre of this
coronavirus scare: "We do things that have no bearing on our actual
safety but that make us feel safe. Take masks. It makes sense to wear
masks inside businesses or for any close contact with strangers. But why
are people wearing them outside, when they’re not near anybody?"
There's more.
1h ago
the Titanic was in crisis all the minutia of possibilities weren't
delivered to the crew and passengers to individually choose in their
moment of crisis. Bolt and Markowitz offer nothing that resembles
leadership here. Not a shred for all of us to act on to achieve a common
good. All that's being offered in this crisis is "overreach" the ship
isn't in trouble don't listen to the captain "every man for themselves".
The game is on Richmond are playing to win there is no "I" in team.
Bolt and Markowitz do.
Bolt and Markowitz should be muted not shut up but turned off.(ODT)
Adam Creighton on Gen X fragility: "Survey evidence...
found young people in Australia were more than twice as worried about
the coronavirus impact on their own health as those aged over 75, who
are at far greater risk... Almost half of that group also said they had
been 'emotionally affected'..., compared with 8 per cent of the
2h ago
young have a life to be lived and not curtailed but we have heard
Andrew Bolt tell us what Greta should do we have heard him say he'd be
the first to tell his daughter what not to wear but he's not a Muslim.
He simply said time and time again and shown that the young should be
seen and not heard. It seems he's changed his mind but to reticent to
say so here.(ODT)
America's poor whites will love this lecture from this
oppressed billionaire: "Billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey declared
... that 'whiteness' and 'white privilege' afford unspecified benefits
to white people in the 'caste system' of America." The sweeping
generalisations suggest that being "anti-racist" now is less about
principle than power.
3h ago
doesn't declare what it is or what it isn't you can see most clearly.
Education is a greater starting point and it's why Warringah is without
Tony Abbott today. 16.5 thousand Dutch Jews of 156000 survived WW2. The
Dutch mythologised for 40 years about how they protected them. The
taught the stories of Anne Frank in schools and not The Cut Out Girl or
the facts that took 40 years to come out. Even the Jews didn't know the
full horror of the Dutch experience. The Germans, after all, didn't
invade the Netherlands and the Dutch public service ran the country yet
less than 20% of Dutch Jews survived. But these weren't things to be
talked about or taught in schools. Andrew Bolt certainly doesn't and he
has told us he feels more Dutch than Australian and he's proved that
often enough. Should we say that's bullshit?
promotes false histories as necessary and uplifting and any critical
revelation that they're bullshit as destructive no matter who reveals
it. Nobody said there aren't any blacks in America that have shared
"privilege" or
here in Australia like Stan Grant and Warren Mundine. However in their
case, only one of them places in a context that informs us and it isn't
Mundine. By the way whatever happened to Mundine who was a regular on
the Bolt Report? Wasn't he caught out in some financial rorts(ODT)
The first explosion is bad enough - but the second is
monstrous. What was in that building? Ammonium nitrate, or explosives?:
"Lebanese Health Minister Hamad Hassan says at least 25 people have been
killed and more than 2,500 are wounded in a massive explosion at the
port in Lebanon's capital, Beirut." It won't be just 25.
10m ago
Yes, Bolt "just" fertiliser. We suggest you search for the facts not just your preferred fantasies!! Particularly because you have better access. Your "public" suspicions have encouraged violence in the past. What is Bolt doing here? Doing what his bosses require him to do fish for subscribers. They are losing them and everyone is required to pitch in.
This is an example of saying less is sometimes more. There
have been major, major chemical and waste fires occurring in Melbourne
in recent years in private storage dumps Bolt makes no comment about
why? Guess we aren't close to Israel... just a thought.(ODT)
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