Tuesday 9 February 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 9/2/21; Climate Change; Corporations See it as inevitable AGL; Robbing Peter; The Left-Wing ABC is Bullshit;




A man after being rescued from the flood in northern India.

Deadly Himalayan glacial burst triggers calls for action on climate change

The flash flood in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand has killed at least 12 people, with fears for 170 more.

The latest data on the world's temperature is a surprise. Didn't Greta Thunberg claim the warming was so much that we faced "mass extinctions"? But the bad news is that saying what the temperature actually was last month is just cruising for a bruising. Andrew Bolt

What Bolt the white supremacist thinks of the 3rd World and climate change. The climate denier who works for a Corporate denier and who is really fake expert regards this as "just a bruising". Possibly because no white were involved. In the meantime he tries to distract you and I  with data from Roy Spencer without acknowledging him as his source. Guess it's why Bolt failed First Year Uni dropped out of journalism to become a bullshit artist dressed up as a commentator for a corporate lobbyist. After all Murdoch doesn't appear to be in the business here for profit.(ODT)

 AGL’s Liddell coal power station in the Hunter Valley.

Write-down shows AGL has read the writing on the wall

The write-downs are the first real indication that the nation’s big fossil fuel electricity generators are feeling the heat.


‘Tax retirees’ super to pay for aged care’: ACOSS

Retirees could face a 15% tax on super earnings to help fund aged care under a new federal budget proposal from the social services council.

 ABC Country Hour – mouthpiece of Liberal National Party and rural elites?

ABC Country Hour – mouthpiece of Liberal National Party and rural elites?

ABC Country Hour is marketed as the “voice of the bush”; but whose voice and whose bush? Brian Burkett, Dr Lisa Waller and Emma Mesikämmen investigate how Country Hour does the bidding of the Liberal and National Parties and their powerful friends while glossing over the likes of climate change, indigenous issues and the #watergate scanda

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