Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 9/11/21 No Vax against Ignorance, Morrison sinks in the polls;


No Vaccine against Ignorance


As the US continues its slide toward cold war with China, pressure on Australia to maintain its dominance in the South Pacific has only grown. Ever the dutiful ally of the US, Australia is now earning accusations of imperialism from its Pacific neighbors.

Australia Is Making a Bid for Power in the Pacific

 Every time Morrison is required to actually perform and do the job of PM reality bites and his true credentials, lack of aptitute for the task stands out. Morrison is seen as the tool he is for the interests of others. In relief he's the Organ Grinder's Monkey. The photoshoots in hardhats, hi-viz and drinking pots with the boys are there to hide the strings and the bare fact.

This continues a gradual decline in voter satisfaction with Morrison which has fallen from a high of 65% in February and is at its lowest level since the 41% recorded in March 2020 in the wake of the black summer bushfires.

Morrison’s approval rate is steady across most states, but the fall is being driven by voter sentiment in Queensland where approval has fallen from 60% to 46%.

Scott Morrison’s approval rating at lowest point since aftermath of black summer bushfires

Israel’s business in the free world and the free world’s up take of Spyware

In a modest effort to disrupt the global spyware market, the United States announced last week that four entities had been added to its blacklist. On November 3, the US Department of Commerce revealed that it would be adding Israel-based companies NSO Group and Candiru to its entity list “based on evidence that these entities developed and supplied spyware to foreign governments that used these tools to maliciously target government officials, journalists, businesspeople, activists, academics, and embassy workers.”

No Israeli government is likely to entirely abandon companies that make annual sales of $1 billion in the business of offensive cyber. The efforts by governments the world over to attack encrypted communications while trampling human rights on route have become unrelenting. In that quest, it matters little whether you are a citizen journalist, a master criminal, or a terrorist. Those deploying the spyware rarely make such distinctions.

 Blacklisting the Merchants of Spyware – » The Australian Independent Media Network

 Fake News and Misinformation Exposed


Tell us the news here. On The Bolt Report on Sky News at 7pm: the rise of the lying woke idiot.

Self-proclaimed "Most read political blog" is a beggar's cry for attention by a recognized liar



This isn't a blog it's actually an advertorial, an excercise in phishing for subscriptions. After which Andrew Bolt might only offer a monthly comment. Generally a comment  of  little or no logical or rational relevance to reality. So what we have here is an excercise that's bordering on fraud. 

Bolt spent almost two decades hoping someone would listen that the planet wasn't warming but cooling. Currently he's denying any rise in sea levels or damage being done to coral reefs due ocean warming and acidification of oceans. Yes, Andrew Bolt is little more than a street corner preacher with a major platform but nothing of relevance backed by data or science to say. Be warned he's a total waste of money and time and leads in making Australia seem"stupid, selfish and disastrously weak". China has been complaining to our government about him for years while his boss Rupert was booted out their country

The US on Saturday launched a war ship named after a gay rights campaigner who preyed on a 16-year-old runaway. No wonder China's leaders think they can win a war with the US.  In fact, whispering in the ear of China's dictator is a man who decades ago wrote of rot in Western culture that's making us stupid, selfish and disastrously weak.



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