Monday, 8 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 8/11/21 COP26 and Morrison's role in Shaming Australia; Following America WTF and Why?


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An international laughing-stock who has given offence to three powerful nations, Morrison returns home with his reputation in tatters. His government will never be trusted by any other nation. It’s the most disastrous trip overseas ever taken by an Australian PM. Above all he’s been called out for what he is, a liar. Morrison’s so used to lying at home and getting away with it given this nation’s tamed corporate media monopoly that he is furious that he’s been called on it – and by another leader, no less who has put the lie to his attempt to lie about his lie. The text the PM’s office released to media does not corroborate Morrison’s claim that France knew all along that Australia would go back on its word and abandon its contractual commitment. While the UN’s COP26 may prove disappointing in its capacity to achieve binding commitments from enough nations to cut carbon emissions enough to keep to the 1.5 degree increase in temperature agreed in Paris, on a local level it has been of great benefit to Australia in exposing to the world the duplicity and dishonesty of its mining corporation puppet-government. Forget the hard hat and Hi-Vis, Morrison and his corrupt, rorty government

 COP26, Boris and Scotty’s cop-out, just a lot of hot air in the end? – » The Australian Independent Media Network


Morrison says he “won’t cop sledging at Australia” after voter calls him a c*nt

Australia polling place

With nothing but scandal after scandal not knowing what to do this government is following the footsteps of Trump’s Republicans and it’s obvious. They are desperate to appear like a government rather than the ship of fools they are acting totally out of touch with Australian reality. So much so their domestic media support is failing to drown out the voice of international providers..

But while requiring IDs may materially help them in some close electoral contests, this is better read as a symptom of the Australian right’s stunning lack of imagination. Just aping America's Republicans

Australia has no voter fraud problem but the Coalition wants to look like it’s doing something

A proposal to tighten voter ID laws emanated from the Liberal party room last week.

It resembles many initiatives of the Morrison government, and most of the ideas which have emerged from Australian conservatism more broadly in the past decade or more, in that it is opportunistic, unoriginal, and so unnecessary as to be baffling.

It does not appear to be a response to anything that is actually happening in Australia.

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in Australia, where compulsory voting and universal electoral enrolment make voter fraud at scale almost inconceivable.

 The plan to tighten Australia’s voter ID laws is just a clumsy uptake of US culture wars | Jason Wilson | The Guardian


Fighting Fake News with REAL 8/11/21 COP26 and Morrison’s role in Shaming Australia; Following America WTF and Why?

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