Saturday 16 September 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 16/9/23, Australia's shame is the No vote's mindset,



May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'The shadow Indigenous Australians minister Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. Price has controversially claimed British colonisation has had no ongoing impact on Indigenous Australians. Photograph: Mike Bowers/ Guardian'

 This privileged, ignorant woman wouldn't know intergenerational trauma if it hit her in the face. She does not represent 85% of First Nations People who are in favour of The Voice.

So First Nations people weren’t harmed by colonisation according Nampijinpa Price because they have running water & electricity. Might want to tell that to the relatives of the thousands who’ve died or been abused in custody in the last 250 years.What a betrayer of Aboriginal ppl 

Saying colonization had a positive impact on Indigenous Australians, is like saying the Holocaust was great for Jews, the Khmer Rouge was great for Cambodia, or covid was good for elderly Australians. Jacinta Price is blinded by ambition & dumbed by ideology



 “Some people were forcibly removed from their families. But on the plus side, they now have access to taps”

Yes Voter Switches Sides After Learning Aboriginal People Already Have Running Water

 May be an image of ‎text that says '‎We're working to address people's fears... Which fears د The ones we've worked hard to cultivate. voilcox‎'‎

 May be an image of 1 person, beer and text that says '(Mundine & Price) "are justa front for the Centre for Independent Studies and the IPA think tanks. They are just glove puppets. Their voice is Indigenous but the words are scripted by the clever children of the IPA. The fists inside the puppets punching down on Indigenous people are white." Noel Pearson'

May be an image of text


May be an image of text that says 'TIM GURNER SAY WHAT?! " Unemployment has to jump 40 to 50% in my view. We need to see pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around. Tradies have definitely pulled back on productivity. They have been paid a lot to do not too much in the ast few years, and we need to see that change.' 

 CEO Tim Gurner never heard of the Ratner effect. Or that "Looose lips sink ships".  CEO's have been trained never say what they really think, because if they do it might rebound and have negative consequences. Gurner like Ratner certainly caught the world's attention for being the opposite effen stupid. 

In the case of Ratner his mega-jewellery chain went bust. Gurner if he's looking for money just might find it hard to find any sympathetic rescuers. Capitalists, Bankers  Investors and even tradies will all shun him. Who would dare be associated with this moron? He simply wont have any products to sell and what he has left might will need to be got rid of at forced sale prices. Ratner simply scared his customers away. Gurner went about trying sink his ship by scaring his financial backers off.

The Ratner Effect – Clear Sales Message™

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