Tuesday 17 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 17/10/23, 235 years and still the same, Fossil Fuel Voice Endorsed, The Panel, Every Picture, Dutton Walks Back, Australia Mourns, Silence,


There has never been an excuse for racism and/or its denial. Social stats are evidence that racial inequality exists. We were asked whether or not we believed Australia's FN people in this country have been treated unfairly and deserved to be treated as equals and we said No, Not yet, we"ll, er think about it, why ask me? Their question needs a Royal Commission, lets check the figures first, I don't know, Fuck them for  even asking! How dare they catch me out that's a Hamas of a question. 

As far back as the 1900s when Britain was forced to question slavery and it's attitude the native workforce due to the American Revolution of Independance. It's other colonies began signing treaties with their FN peoples. Australia stood out for doing nothing. The Australian Squattocracy simply ignored the rules and the Governors of the day only enforced them within their city limits. So the line between city and bush, we see today, was given birth and still reflected in the referendum vote. After 235 years nothing appears to have changed. Death in Custody and suicide statistics stand out as an embarrassment

 A panel providing policy advice to the Government on coal and gas projects will remain in place, after being overwhelmingly endorsed by fossil fuel companies today.

Fossil Fuel Voice to Parliament to Remain in Place

 May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'Rick Morton: "This panel is talking about how to make policy f”r First Nations people. Do you notice anything?" YES COUNT Iiii VOICE2023 VOICE AUSTRAMIA'S ULRENDUM 7NEWS 2023 NO WINS The National NO WINS Meme NEWS'

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 May be pop art of text 

Political Empathy vs Psychopath's Politics

 Peter Dutton speaks about the Voice referendum.

Peter Dutton has always played Liar's Poker and again has shown his stripes. Over a decade of  LNP government we witnessed a widening of Indigenous disadvantage by doing "nothing" other than cutting the budget by $500M and scrapping programs. Dutton promised a referendum when he's in government and now he's walked back on that. Albanese promised one before the 22 election and delivered after that landslide ousting of the LNP. Tony "No Cuts" Abbott didn't.

Now that the vote was "No" Dutton says he'll fix the "ALP mess" and so the game of Liars Poker continues. Meanwhile Albo  listens and continues to serve the nation with executing the promises made.

 Jacinta Price does not represent the voice of the Indigenous Australians but has simply been chosen by Dutton in the same way Abbott chose Warren Mundine Both shills until no longer necessary. Dutton will hide behind behind her as his adviser of choice as he did Mike Pezzullo when taking him from Immigration to Home Affairs until the time comes when he will throw her under the bus. Howard did it with ASTIC and Turnbull was the first to do it with the Uluru Statement. Meanwhile lives of 1M or 3.8% of the people of Australia lives got worse. 

So whose mess is Dutton supporting if it isn't the LNP's which now once again like Boomgate alienates us as a Pacific Nation and the rest of the world? What he did was turn  that racist Boomgate moment from a joke mate into lifting the covers off the even uglier Australian attitude and reality.

 Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said “it’s clear that the Australian public is probably over the referendum process for some time.”

He also lashed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for what he said was taking Australia down a divisive path. 

The division Dutton fails to mention for his own convenience has existed for 235 years. The reality is clearer in the NT

“If only people down south had seen what Aboriginal people in the bush were voting for, then maybe we would have had a different result,” Marion Scrymgour, a member of Parliament for the Labor Party who represents Lingiari in the Northern Territory, told The Guardian. Forty percent of Scrymour’s constitutents are Indigenous, and 74% of the people living in the division’s most remote areas voted for the “Voice” referendum.

“The prime minister embarked on a divisive path, he spent $400 million of taxpayers’ money. He was warned not to go down this path of division, and he bears the responsibility for where our country is today,” Dutton said. 


How Indigenous Australians really voted 

Peter Dutton's chosen Policy advisor Jacinta Price and self-elected representative of Indigenous people said

“I knew, having spoken to people throughout the Northern Territory ... that a vast group of Indigenous Australians did not support this proposal,” Senator Jacinta Price, the opposition’s spokeswoman for Indigenous affairs and a leading advocate for the No campaign, said after the referendum was defeated on Saturday. (Jacinta Price)

In total across the remote communities, 8,638 people voted in favour of the referendum, with 3,134 voting against it. That’s a 73 per cent Yes result. n the electorate’s remote, mostly Indigenous communities. Twenty-one remote polling teams from the Australian Electoral Commission surveyed these communities, and all but one of them returned a Yes vote.

In the electorate’s remote, mostly Indigenous communities. Twenty-one remote polling teams from the Australian Electoral Commission surveyed these communities, and all but one of them returned a Yes vote.

Dutton walks back call for referendum on Indigenous recognition

Yes supporters react

How easily we forget that the LNP wanted to get rid us of the UNAHRC. Abbott promised to amend the Racial Discrimination Act when Andrew Bolt was found guilty. By “amend he meant get rid of its teeth” Asylum Seekers asked for Human Rights the LNP said No. Indigenous Australians asked after 5 hard years of work in the Uluru Statement  and the LNP simply said No. We now stand shoulder to shoulder with China, Russia, and Nth Korea and were happy to give NZ, Canada, Taiwan Norway and any other nation the finger for allowing their Indigenous peoples a voice

“The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which was endorsed by Australia in 2009, recognizes that Indigenous people have the right to participate in decision-making in matters that would affect their rights, and that governments should consult with Indigenous people before making laws that affect them,” said Daniela Gavshon, the group’s Australia director. “It is a blight on Australia’s history that successive governments of various political persuasions have failed to uphold the rights of First Nations people.”

“It is a blight on Australia’s history that successive governments of various political persuasions have failed to uphold the rights of First Nations people,” said the Australia director for Human Rights Watch.

Communities with large populations of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders voted overwhelmingly for the referendum, but nationwide, 60.4% of voters sided with a “No” campaign that relied on misleading the public about how the new policies would be implemented.

“That people who have only been on this continent for 235 years would refuse to recognize those whose home this land has been for 60,000 and more years, is beyond reason,”

It's worth repeating

“If only people down south had seen what Aboriginal people in the bush were voting for, then maybe we would have had a different result,” Marion Scrymgour, a member of Parliament for the Labor Party who represents Lingiari in the Northern Territory, told The Guardian. Forty percent of Scrymour’s constitutents are Indigenous, and 74% of the people living in the division’s most remote areas voted for the “Voice” referendum.

Source: Indigenous Australians Mourn Failure of Referendum to Recognize Groups in Constitution

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Geoff Pryor - Bibi Pressure Cooker

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