Wednesday 18 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL,18/10/23, Chris Hedges-Genocide, Israeli Holocaust,Collective Punishment, Killing for Country, Allocating Indigenous Affairs Funds, Politics and Dark Money,


This Way for the Genocide, Ladies and Gentlemen – by Mr. Fish

The Holocaust during WW2  the "Final Solution" was planned and occurred slowly over a number of years today what we are seeing another Holocaust but currently occurring in days. The number of deaths do not determine the definition of the term Holocaust.. 

Israeli with the support of the Government, the IDF, and Frummers (Orthodox Religious Rabbis) have been calling for  genocide with an increasing terrorist voice. The internationally illegal dispossession of Palestinian territory has been ignored. State supported ultra-Israeli terror has seen an increase and been  witnessed in both the illegally occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. 

Israel the 4th biggest military power on the planet has proved to the world they no longer deserve any sympathy that they are the victim but have revealed they are the oppressors with their no rush" plan" to supply 1M civilians with any humanitarian aid while they bomb and conduct a seige on a ghetto little more than the size of the Mornigton Peninsula. Hamas may have sparked an ill-judged action but have certainly revealed Israel's unfettered terrorist reaction. One of a  government were thousands of its citizens and Jews around the world are now also crying "Israel is not us"

 Chris Hedges: This Way for the Genocide, Ladies and Gentlemen –



When Squatters started being charged for shooting the native population they found alternative ways. To Kill for Country

 “This will give us unfettered access to Government policy – much more than The Voice ever would have”

NEW VOICE STRATEGY: Indigenous Leaders to Just Hire PwC To Get Access to Government

 Dutton wants an Royal Commission but not on the referendum's lies and distortions but into how money was spent on FN people. Dutton wants a Robodebt style forensic audit of the Indigenous Affairs Dept to examine how that $26.5 B was spent or was that really only $4.5B that was allocated much of which never really saw the light of day in remote communities. All that "outsourced" bureaucratic third party planning and administration  that went into their brilliant things like the "cash card" or the wages of those contracted to service the various schemes like the $325K that was allocated to Warren Mundine's Sky News program that promised to fix that widening gap.

A graphic featuring Australian currency and the Yes logo signifying the dangerous influence of money on the democratic process

Show us the Money!!

The referendum showed how vulnerable our electorate is to all the games emerging out of the American Right. It is imperative that we urge the Albanese government to speed up the integrity platform reforms it promised, and to do them with precision. No government lasts indefinitely: Labor needs to protect itself from a post-democratic Right as much as the nation needs them to do it. If the major parties plan to prevent future challenges to their control of government we need to protest before they embed it in legislation.

The connections are rarely straightforward: money and influence have worked in labyrinthine ways over decades to distort the playing field for the interests of the wealthy, in particular for tobacco and fossil fuels.

Over the weekend, investigative reporter Anthony Klan revealed the shadowy status of Advance and its promoters. Precisely in the Atlas model, it has a network of fake “grass roots” seeming bodies – a strategy called astroturfing – that include entities dedicated to attacks on climate action.

Source: Reforming money in politics: crushing Dark Money without eliminating quality independents – » The Australian Independent Media Network

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