Thursday 19 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL,19/10/2023, Every Picture, The First Nation People Ignored, Who stood whith Dutton?,

 May be an image of map and text that says 'GLOBAL REACTIONS Το AUSTRALIA'S 'NO' VOTE wow ANOTHER UNDERARM DELIVERY GaiNG'May be a doodle of text

May be a graphic of text that says 'REFERENDUM OUTCOME IN REMOTE COMMUNITIES: Lingiari (22 Remote Communities) 74% Yes Yarrabah (95% Indigenous) Palm Island (91% Indigenous) 76% Yes 75.1% Yes Wadeye (89.4% Indigenous) 92.1% Yes Maningrida (89) Indigenous) Tiwi Islands (86% Indigenous) 88% Yes Source: Australiar Bureau www.thegu 84% Yes highest Indigenous Stais booth indigenous -to-australias backed the voice- 20231015- p5ecc7.html' 

Who were the "vast " number of Indigenous Australians Jacinta Price said she spoke to?


 Vast numbers of Indigenous people stood with me

“I Won!” Dutton Shouts, Before Suddenly Remembering His Polling Numbers

From the moment the Liberals lost Aston in a by-election, Peter Dutton had to find a way to keep his job. Why not try and ruin Albanese’s simple plan for a better Australia, by doing what every other lazy wrecker has done? Make it all about race. 

It now seems clear he has given up on winning back the Teal seats. That means his only path to power is a swing to the right, an appeal to the outer suburbs and the regions, where he hopes he can ride a wave of resentment and anger against the cities, and those ‘elites’.

One can only hope his dance with Trumpism and the Colonial Past is unsuccessful, because it would import even more racism and ignorance, more disrespect for science and experts, and angry old white men running the place.

Dutton has retained and amplified our 19th century Racist spirit with raising the divide between city and country. Once the wealthy squatters detested Sydney's "woke" British Governors and Church elders with their ties to the changing humanitarian attitudes of the British crown to slavery and colonised Indigenous peoples.. Back then Australia's squatters controlled the "bush",the economy and ensured treaties or any change of attitude wasn't necessary. They did what they wanted beyond the city's limits. Today it's the Corporate squatters of Mining,Agriculture and Forestry that determine rural jobs. They were joined with  working class in the outer suburbs who felt their economic existence was at risk. They are todays Racists who pitted themselves against the inner city woke voters and the FN people. The demographic may have changed but not the geography or the fear that any recognition might mean their loss.

Source: Dutton has set the country back 50 years – » The Australian Independent Media Network

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Josh Butler: "This is unbelievable. Cash was in cabinet with Ken Wyatt- literally last year. Do facts just not matter anymore?" Political Reporter The Guardian Katina Curtis @katinacurtis Asked why the Coalition government didn't do the things it's now calling for (audit of Indigenous programs for eg), Cash says well now "for the first time" we have someone with lived experience in Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. Oof- what about her former WA colleague Ken Wyatt? The National Times' 

 LNP even say NO to their own. It's simply in their DNA


Could truth in political advertising laws have saved the Voice debate from lies?

We once had an ABC that monitored things just like that. Abbott banned his Ministers for being on any ABC program. Immediately he began cutting the public broadcasters’ budget, appointing his choices to the board, and making sure the ABC was biased rather than critically questioning the government in order that the public was aware of what was happening as opposed to what they were told was happening. No ALP government has ever done that to the degree Abbott did. Abbott has been appointed to the board of News Corp almost suggesting that the leader of the opposition isn’t Peter Dutton.

“Misleading political advertising marred the Voice referendum and led to confusion, fear and mistaken beliefs about what the Voice to Parliament represented and what its powers would be. Without truth in political advertising laws, there is a risk the next federal election will be a fake news free-for-all.”

Source: “Amid the… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

 May be a black-and-white image of ‎text that says '‎When the rich wage war, it is the poor who die. die. -Jean-Paul Paul Sartre ۔ Humanity & Peace‎'‎

 May be an image of text<p>

UN Secretary-General Guterres denounces 'collective punishment' of Palestinians

By Lara Smit

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday that attacks by militant group Hamas on Israel did not justify the "collective punishment" of Palestinians, and called for an immediate ceasefire.

Speaking at an economic forum in China, Guterres condemned the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel that killed more than 1,400 people as "acts of terror" that could not be justified.

"But those attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people," Guterres said.

He appealed for an "immediate humanitarian ceasefire" in the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, reiterating what he called "two urgent humanitarian appeals".

Guterres called on Hamas for the "immediate and unconditional release of hostages", referring to at least 199 people kidnapped by the militants during their offensive.

Guterres also called on Israel to "immediately allow unrestricted access of humanitarian aid to respond to the most basic needs of the people of Gaza, the overwhelming majority of whom are women and children".

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