Sunday 5 November 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 5/11/23, AI vs Humans, Truth in Pictures, A simple guide, Intolerable suffering, Who do you believe, Australia's Shame Actively assisting Israel, Flip Flop Abbott on climate change,

 May be an image of airship, helicopter and textINTERACTIVE - NAKBA - What is the Nakba infographic map-1684081612

A simple guide

Gaza_UnicefQuote. Image: Croakey. Published with permission.INTERACTIVE Gaza 15 years of living under blockade-OCT9-2023

Calls for a ceasefire in Gaza are intensifying as the traumatic toll on civilians sees thousands of children being killed, many health and aid workers and journalists dying on the job, the destruction of health services, surgery taking place without anaesthetic, and civilians unable to access necessities, including life-saving healthcare, food and water.

Source: “This cannot go on” – a cry for an end to intolerable suffering – Pearls and Irritations


Who do you believe?

An Israeli air strike on an ambulance convoy near the al-Shifa Hospital in the besieged Gaza Strip has killed 15 people and injured 60 others, the health ministry in the Hamas-governed enclave has said. “We informed the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, we informed the whole world, that those victims were lined up in those ambulances,” he said. “This was a medical convoy.” the area where the ambulance was hit was “extremely crowded” with civilians.

Israel’s military said it had identified and hit an ambulance “being used by a Hamas terrorist cell” in the battle zone. It gave no evidence to support its assertion that the ambulance was linked to Hamas but said in a statement it intended to release additional information.

Qidra said Israel had targeted the convoy of ambulances in more than one location, including at al-Shifa Hospital gate and at Ansar Square a kilometre away.

 A "convoy" of ambulances is more than just one ambulance and it immediately casts suspicion on the Israeli statement"we hit an ambulance. They stopped a convoy. Is the IDF now silent because they're conferencing with professional propagandists to supply the real spin needed or don't they simply even know who they really hit? Their silence seems more a tactic hoping the bloody blunder will be forgotten in the 24/7 news cycle.

 Israel has a history of indiscriminant killing. A history of even killing their own troops.They have killed journalists,paramedics,photographers UN employees and even Christians saying they were all terrorists or hiding them. But then refusing any third party investigations. Their perfect army and security aren't so perfect as we saw on October 7th. They have accused doctors and even Rabbis of lying and created a reputation of simply saying "we are never wrong".Truth is simply what they say. Whatever and whenever we say.

So if 16 hospitals across Gaza are no longer functioning due to damage from Israeli bombing, a lack of fuel and the health ministry says more than 9,200 people have been killed, 4300 children and 23,500 others wounded  since October 7. While Israel officials simply say that's a lie and maintain Hamas fighters killed at least 1,400 people, mostly civilians and witnesses exist some Israelis saying as many as 700 IDF  were hit by their own tank and gunfire. Who do you believe? 

 Israel swears Hamas is hiding in a network of underground tunnels along with their 200 hostages at the same time declaring a success when bombing them? Why shouldn't we believe they are happy to kill their own and how does Israel know they haven't? Who do you believe?

Israel strikes ambulance ‘used by Hamas’ in Gaza

Pine Gap, Israel, Gaza

Billions of dollars are being invested to aid killing what Right -Wing Israelis call rats. Vermin trapped in a cage called Gaza. 50% of 2.3M are children

“Pine Gap facility is monitoring the Gaza Strip and surrounding areas with all its resources, and gathering intelligence assessed to be useful to Israel.”

Australia is not only providing diplomatic support for the Israeli government’s slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, but logistics support too. Peter Cronau of Declassified Australia reports.

Source: Six Eyes: Australia’s secret support for the Israeli assault on Gaza, through Pine Gap – Michael West


 “Climate change is ahistorical and utterly implausible”, said the man who believes a god impregnated a virgin woman, who then gave birth in a town she had to travel to at the last minute because of a census which inexplicably required everyone to return to the birthplace of their husband’s 1,000 y

“Climate Change Is Make Believe”, Says Man Who Believes a Piece of Bread Can Turn Into the Flesh of a 2,000 Year-Old Man

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