Monday 9 November 2015

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 9/11/15; Bolt is the citizen judge a vigilante; Bolt logic pick up your guns; x23 times more likely to die if Palestinian; I'm not paying says Bolt; Politicians bribe Tax Cuts; Who did it? Murdoch's paperboy




Warming fail: the craziest rising-seas scare yet

As I said  yesterday and the day before Bolt purely argues by repetition  and by repetition and by repetition. He's the echo when the rest of us have moved on. Bolt simply argues we don't have to do anything now because they will figure it out later on. We are only responsible for our children's inheritance  not any other postcodes. Repitition and mockery is Bolt's weapon against science and reasoned thinking. We heard that before,why?

But will Turnbull have the guts to stop this green lawfare against coal mines?

Will Turnbull have the  the political wisdom to listen to the world as much as the electorate. Or does he have to follow the the major lobbyists and party donors. He certainly doesn't need to listen to camp followers and hecklers like Andrew Bolt. One thing we do know he doesn't.

Bolt logic says if you can make a profit out of the Funeral Business if you improve the pollution industry by expanding. It has a cost benefit if you can find people to fill the jobs.





Australian Border Force 24-hour strike expected to disrupt international flights at eight airports - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Abbott's Army out on strike. 

"CPSU national secretary Nadine Flood said the "ill-conceived decision by Immigration and Border Force management to try to intimidate workers has backfired spectacularly, adding to the anger of our members and exacerbating the impact for business and the public".





Which part of this story proves Chegeni should have been let in?

 Link The Australian Paywall, 

We actually got this breaking news from New Zealand first. Australian MSM working for you.

" Fazel Chegeni who had earlier been recognised as a refugee and was due to receive a protection visa a few years ago when he got into a fight at the Curtin Immigration Detention Centre."


"Like so many others, Fazel, was suffering the effects of long-term, arbitrary detention. He had told other detainees that he could no longer stand being in detention and just wanted “to go outside”.
“This is another needless detention death” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition. “This time the death is of a refugee who should never have been in detention”.
“The delay in processing and releasing him is inexcusable. He is a victim of the punitive regime detention regime that cares nothing for the human rights of asylum seekers and refugees”.
For more information contact Ian Rintoul of the Refugee Action Coalition."


 True blue Aussie Andrew Bolt  asks"why should he have been let in"?


  What part of "Legitimate Refugee" and eligible for a TPV does Andrew Bolt not understand? That part which is over and above the law your  personal opinion. You were convicted a number of times applying that measure Mr Bolt.


Which part of your story proves the law is wrong and why are you appealing it posthumously  ? Having a  fight in a jail does not prove his status as a "Legitimate Refugee" null and void even in the eyes of the law.He was asked to reapply for a TPV.

Bolt's obituary to  Fazel Chegeni makes you proud to be Australian doesn't it. Although accepted as a genuine refugee. Bolt tries his best to over turn Chegeni's rights and even seems to blame him for his own death.

- from Iran, not a war zone and not a country we should easily accept as a source of genuine refugees.............. (Bolt actually believes Iran is second to Nth Korea in it's persecution of it's own people)
- someone who arrived here illegally, crossing many safe countries to reach richer Australia. ........................  (He was a regognized asylum seeker who was accepted as a refugee}
- convicted and jailed here for violence.............  (violence breeds violence in jails)
- possibly dead by accident.............................     (  Bolt doesn't know but discounts all other causes of death even suicide.. which according to Bolt would have been a fortunate accident)

How does any of that prove we should have let him in?

  Because prisoners  are claimed to be rioting on Christmas Island. All now have  proved they are unworthy of admission. If any were homosexual he'd definitely send the back to Iran first.

If it were at all possible Bolt believes in a final solution for all would be the best and economically defensible.




Column - The truth about Turnbull’s magic tax

"MALCOLM Turnbull is losing control over the tax debate. What he’s sold as tax reform has turned into a feeding frenzy for more of your (my) money. " Andrew Bolt

In Bolt's above claim one needs to read the words "my money" and not "your money". It all falls into place and becomes the understandable nightmare for Andrew Bolt.


Ben Carson in trouble

 Bad Journalism and Poor Candidates, Fox news and GOP candidates Carson's been caught lying and Fox has been caught covering for him. However so extreme are Carson's stories his credibility is at the point of no return. Murdoch's horse has nobbled himself.


Column - Yes, the Islamic State is coming, however journalists scoff

 Andrew Bolt is protecting the mad monk's extreme political delusion. Bolt is back and advocating ISIS is here under your beds and we'd better sleep with our lights on as any one of our neighbors kids or younger family members may have been turned. Now Bolt for his own safety seems to be panicking and calling for the relaxation  of our gun laws a very American and libertarian call. Or is he now demanding the government intervene and  tighten national security even more? If so he's become an extreme collectivist and demanding that government take complete control of our safety by reducing our individual freedoms even more. Knowing Bolt's politics  I  believe he thinks all true blue Aussies need to be armed and the rest interned. Imagine the lessons learnt if Andrew Bolt was free to teach children.

Bolt has no shame and so finds it easy to lie at will. His current lie is that ISIS has caused the increase of refugees in order to destabilize Europe. When in fact the increase has been caused by the escalated bombing by the Assad government and Russia of suspected rebel based villages in Syria that has created yet another wave of refugees pouring out of Syria. Bolt is running an agenda not based on fact or reasoned thinking but one purely on ideology, the politics of fear,  division ,  anti-Islam sentiment , anti-multiculturalism and immigration sentiment. It's simply the tired ultra conservative line held by a minority of bigoted Australians. His purpose is to romance a social cohesion that didn't exist in the 50s and couple it with a corporate controlled economy,small government and privatiization of everything else. Health,Education Welfare Prisons, Public Utility systems such as Energy Water and Transport. It's collectivist in nature in that it's corporate controlled but servicing a truly Capitalist  and not Socialist society.


The jihad against Jews continues

" How Israelis are meant to live alongside Palestinians is the big question."

Israelis are 20% Palestinian. Only 33% of the world's Jews are Israelis so Bolt's banner is a blatant lie. Some 400%++ of Israelis have absolutely no problem living alongside Palestinians.

 How is it Israelis' are free to move about the West Bank but that same freedom isn't granted Palestinians? I think Bolt and his statistics of danger he spells for the Israeli's is skewed.

  Israelis and Palestinians Killed


Morrison implies no more tax

 "So how he plans to raise the GST while at the same time cutting taxes, giving the states a share and (over-)compensating the poor remains to be seen."

What does Bolt's whinge mean that the poor will be raised from the gutter? Will Bolt be forced to put his hand in his pocket. I doubt it. He can stop spending that will insure no poor person will get a cent of his money.





British jihadis suspected in Russian jet bombing

Murdoch's UK papers are reporting rumors which are then exported worldwide.  UK Jihadis are now the suspects in the downing of the Russian plane. Bolt said he felt it was ISIS. Whatever happens Muslims have been blamed since the plane went down and that's the purpose of the exercise. But then again Nick Cater let us know the Russians could have done it themselves. It can't be Americans because they only bomb hospitals.




A spoke in the ABC journalists’ wheel

Link Australian Paywall

Meaningless cry of Murdoch's paperboy. "Get the news get the Australian"

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