Andrew Bolt's Blog 29/7/16; Look at Bolt's disgusting "Context"; Throw out due process cries Bolt; If a Muslim pops his head up whack it! Scuttlebutt!!!; Abbott and Bolt a barracking for NZ at the Olympics; Selectvity and vigilante justice;
Wrong Bolt

" The ABC Four Corners presentation of this incident is looking more suspicious by the day."
Bolt's "yes/but " was so predictable I said when you hear that you know the blame will be shifted and the argument will become circular. What a surprise is it's taken so long for Bolt to figure out what it was he had to say the dumb character in Homer Simpson is so much quicker, simply blame the victim. I guess it's difficult for Bolt who mostly makes statements out of context to suddenly turn around and demand that it be done here because it just might mean examining a system that has brutalized kids for a very very long time. In Voller's case for over 10 years. It also requires a few days to pass in order to be able to deflect attention away from the rest of the footage which showed the use of tear gas on boys and the attitude of the correction staff. That too is a "yes but" for Bolt is it?
The Mental Health Act allows for extreme measures of restraint to be placed on psychotic intensive care patients when a danger to themselves and others but only under the care of a doctor and professional psychiatric nurses. However strict and legal procedures need to be adhered to. I wasn't aware that NT juvenile corrections facilities substituted for Psychiatric hospitals as well . In Victoria these rules are in place for adults. I'm sure their far stricter for children. What's more the nurses aren't all 16.5 stone men either. However there are code grey procedures in place if necessary and security can be called as a last resort.
"A troubled boy with behavioral problems, Dylan Voller has been in and out of juvenile detention since he was 11 years old."
So put in "context" Andrew Bolt the question is why has this boy been in juvenile detention at all ? Why is he being treated as an intensive psych patient in a prison? Why wasn't he transferred out to a hospital after this length of time?
It get's worse Bolt goes on to say "I think Four Corners has fundamentally misrepresented Voller as
a mere “boy” and a “victim”, and misrepresented the restraint of this
violent and potentially self-harming teenager as torture."
The " potentially self harming boy" should never have been in prison in the first place the facility didn't have the means or skills to handle him and that's the very point the ABC was making and an inquiry is necessary. What's not necessary is an apologist for a broken juvenile system of justice. If this is happening to one boy what is happening to the rest? Bolt doesn't seem to care! The ABC asking the question is inciting unwarranted outrage. That statement alone indicates that Social Services need to in vestigate Bolt's behavior around children.
Notice how Bolt has forgotten and put aside the rest of the 4 corner footage. The gassing and the attitudes shown by the burly corrections staff that has been edited out of Bolt's "context." The whole juvenile justice system in Australia needs examination given the model displayed in the NT The Hard Questions: Youth Detention Doesn’t Make Anyone Safer, Justice Reinvestment Does – New Matilda
Dylan Voller: Timeline of teenager's mistreatment in NT youth detention
Wrong Bolt

Pell is little more than Bolt's media tool sensationalizing something that is otherwise normal police procedure. He might appear to be Pell's white knight but really he's not. He wants attention and Pell has been his means his tool to get it. Notice if a woman accuses a man of rape and is making a public statement in tears what Bolt's reaction is. "No need for a court, then."
" More Catholics are coming to understand that the ABC’s attack on George
Pell is driven in large part by a desire to discredit their church.
Given that, they must fight back." Bolt
No Bolt they are reporting and placing facts and information in the public domain. Unlike yourself who is acting as a public relations office and making judgements in fear of due process taking place. It's big difference there is however no accounting for stupidity. Where on earth do we see the ABC or the police making a judgement nowhere!
Wrong Bolt

This sounds so much like Andrew Bolt it's amazing!!
" `The criminal dregs of white society colonised this
country . . . and the descendants of these criminal dregs tell us that
they are better than us.’’ Trad
" Australians are joining terror groups because their “blood is boiling” at domestic persecution." Trad
This what Bolt denies he's doing but he has been the major media recruiter for ISIS in Australia and still is on a daily basis. He even feels heroic saying he's had to shift his family in fear. Fear generated by what? All these years he's been committing psychological domestic violence simply by working from home to serve his own interests.
" hypocritical Australian laws, vitriolic media and repeated
invasions in the Middle East were pushing young Muslims “to the margins
of society” and driving them to radicalisation."Trad
I sense this man has his finger on the pulse if Muslims are forced to the voice of Andrew Bolt in the media every day. He is the media voice of the UPF and other extremist right wing groups. Who don't know what or care what they are saying. Kick the UAE out of Australia cries Andrew Bolt forgetting that's where Abbott parked our air force who now bomb Syria. Was it our bombs that destroyed 4 hospitals and killed 200 innocent people women and children in Aleppo. Is that why some young men get angry ?
The pot calling the kettle black Bolt was convicted of racial vilification not in a defamation case but under the RDA. Somehow you'd think Bolt would be defending Trad's right to speak out not vilifying him. Bolt is hypocrisy on two legs.
" n 2009, the New South Wales Supreme Court found that Mr Trad
‘incites people to commit acts of violence’, ‘incites people to have
racist attitudes’ and is a ‘dangerous and disgraceful individual’. This
stemmed from a defamation case that Mr Trad brought against Harbour
" Mr Trad chose to tell a joke and described these types of
perpetrators as ‘stupid young boys’. The court said that his comments
about the issue ‘demeaned the victims of the crime’, ‘did not condemn
the perpetrators’ and ‘trivialised the responsibility of rapists.’ .."Cory Bernardi
Isn't Bolt trying to normalize the events and behavior of the correction officers in the case of Dylan Voller
Wrong Bolt

Truth an independent report indicated the Clinton Foundation has been the most transparent of all the Presidential Foundations that went before it. Since Hilary Clinton had entered the race for nomination as Democratic candidate the foundation has listed it's donors quarterly. No other foundation has done the same. Australia has always donated to Presidential Foundations so what this is is scuttlebutt
Wrong Bolt
Bolt got this wrong too
However what Bolt calls a trivial issue of nth degree of importance happens to make it to the front page of his slag rag the Herald Sun. Why would that be? Because it's simply the IPA , DelCon and News Corp strategy to try and raise Lazarus again. Drip by drip the acid intended to wear away the the broad church foundations of the LNP and turn it into the sharp end of the stick Party we will all be forced to endure. If Abbott does return we will all become Palestinians under his Israeli imported National Security measures. How proud he must be of the ABF the drug cartel he established when he was our leader before. These were the force who could stop anybody in the street and demand to see our papers.
"God knows how Turnbull’s Cabinet will go discussing something important."Is there anything Bolt does or says that isn't an indication of just how much he hates Australia? Grow up Andrew Bolt Na nana nana just doesn't cut it. The last cabinet had Eric Abetz declaring abortion causes cancer. Cory Bernardi advice about the slippery slope to bestiality, Abbott's revival of knights and dames and so so much more.
"But Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Turnbull, in part to discredit Abbott, unwound that fix." Every opportunity for paranoia and sour grapes. What on earth is Abbott doing supporting another country? Is he going to cheer for NZ at the Olympics because Turnbull's PM?
Wrong Bolt

A selective focus is just calling for vigilante justice. Bolt would have that written into the Australian constitution. No not everyone is born equal in his Australia. For him justice is determined by the Bolt's thumbs up or down Pell is innocent. Black Africans are guilty and don't deserve any due process.
You'd think with a fist full of darts Bolt might hit the dart board once even by accident.
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