Andrew Bolt's Blog,28/7/16; Bolt is the coconut shy huckster; It beggar' belief Bolt has turned to a governor of prisons to normalize what was presented; Bolt origins are anti -papist his interests make him selective. the pope was spot on; Bolt's tool George Pell is back; Our Olympic team should show internal division to the world according to Bolt the way Abbott used to; Unity is what Bolt says he reports we need to build a wall around Dandenong;

Isn't it innocuous all selected events about Pell are out of context everything Bolt claims and accuses Imams do is. It's not exactly what he represents himself to be doing. All he is doing is categorizing events according to his personal interest not according to principle but according to side. Pell has been accused. The police are duty bound to investigate the accusations. The ABC is allowed to report that information. Andrew Bolt it seems is allowed to use George Pell as a Tool to sell papers. The issue is, is the Australian public being sold "a penny a pitch" by a self interested huckster at a fair ground stall.

The Bolt "yes /but" has begun. Question the appointment of the Chief Justice find anything that might make him seem biased first. Then question the inappropriate revelation of facts shown in the video and make them a focus of doubt. Say that the wider context is not revealed. Isn't this exactly what the RC is set up to do and examine the wider context of what has been witnessed? Bolt's "yes /but" is seeding the grounds to question 1) the integrity of Chief Justice and he will 2) the need for a RC in the first place because yes the boy brought this upon himself. 3) the ABC is a left wing org that has deceives us. 4) It's breeding ground for racists to take political advantage
The tear gassing of juveniles, their sentencing and punishment vs rehabilitation shouldn't be the focus or even necessarily questioned in what has always been a Social Welfare Program with such good Christian intent only. Yet again Bolt will turn this around to an issue of "reverse racism" and an unwarranted attack on staff of juvenile corrections. His ideological tools will be taken from Fox News's approach on the attack on white police in America. Wait for it facts aside this will not in anyway be an investigation allowing the facts to provide the answers.
As for John Heffernan, former governor Grafton jail, couching what he saw in a mental health framework ."
I see a juvenile offender, who has obviously been acting out, being
provided time out, restrained in an approved chair, with an approved
“spit hood” covering his head." Heffernan This kid has had a history of "acting out". Mental health patients in intensive care are often stripped naked and put in a "cold" isolation room to quieten down with anti- psychotic medication to boot. All of this has to be signed off by a doctor. They too are often restrained again signed off by a doctor. However this is not a mental health facility but a juvenile detention center. So are we to ask Heffernan if he was actually a doctor in charge of a mental health facility or a jailer? Either way this procedure once common in hospital's intensive care unit is now extremely controlled under the Mental Health Act in Victoria. It appears no such controls exist in the NT nor did they exist in Grafton. The fact Voller has been treated this way since 10 years old beggars belief he was in a juvenile prison and set upon by 3 x 16.5 stone men. Bolt seems to think this is fine and normal. He's a man ready to twist the words of a Pope in order to make his point. All this is little more than the tactics that date back to the same methods of obfuscation used by the PR specialists of Tobacco companies to distract from the issue that legalized smoking was bad for health.

Just how many interpretive brackets can Bolt find in his quote from the Koran? If Bolt is so anti-the pope why is he so pro Catholic? After all his cultural origins are anti- papist? That has little or nothing to do with being agnostic either. It was in his life time Catholics were never trusted in this country because of their allegiance went to the Vatican before they did the queen. How is it he's changed? It seems an appropriate career move on his part so the the pope is right it's not a difference or clash of faith but "interest".
It seems Bolt's interpretation of the Koran isn't the interpretation of 1.5 billion Muslims either or else he'd need to ask why are the Israeli's and Saudi's in closed discussions? Why are our troops alive and safe in the UAE and why isn't this world war the one Bolt describes not happening? All that's happening is Bolt telling we are losers for not being terrified. It's what Trump is doing trying to terrify America. Despite his every effort to recruit and incite hatred against Australians and Australians against Islam anywhere and everywhere they meet it's not working as well as he'd like.

Coming from the King of Conservative revenge John Stone writing in Bolt's favorite Conservative mag The Spectator his favorite at the moment only because Rowan the unmade bed Dean is helping him sell his book. When the book is done and dusted Bolt will turn to another favorite no doubt leaving Dean to hope he can get a gig as cushy as Bolt's in a more permanent capacity than just being asked to ride shotgun on the Bolt show or the adversary to some leftist on the Drum for balance. It's quite here are Conservatives calling for unity but actually practicing the very opposite.
Turnbull's call for a RC into the the NT is correct however it's recommendations should and references should encompass all states once completed an not just the NT. It appears the anti- unity supporters of Abbott's re-installment will do what they always do and in this case Bolt has already begun to put a restraint on change by victim blaming ?
What Bolt really thinks of George Pell just a Tool to dismantle the ABC

***** stars given to the ABC by a major review panel investigating accusations of bias. That can't be said of the Herald Sun
The Herald Sun was the first paper to actually put Pell on the front pages sensationalizing the allegations the police had a duty to investigate . The ABC does little more than report and ask the necessary questions when these allegations arise in this case they are accusations and the ABC certainly didn't make them. The Herald Sun keeps making the most noise keeping it front and center as a regular source of income and as regularly proven even make up lies to sensationalize issues as they did in in their story regarding Cheltenham High having a policy of non gender recognition. This is very much the Cory Bernardi approach to press releases. There is no regard for Pell just their media front page.
"This strikes me as a grotesque abuse of power by the Victoria Police
particularly, exploiting the bloated, biased and over-mighty ABC. This
is state power used to crush Catholics." Bolt
This certainly appears to in fact have nothing to do with Pell it's merely an opportunity to attack the ABC for reporting information that in fact occurred. Bolt in fact is using Pell as a tool. What is strange is in the case of Dylan Voller the corrections department in the NT gets a "yes but" it's certainly not the case of the Victorian Police who don't feel the need to broadcast as Bolt does trumpet in fact far more than the ABC squashing Pell into insignificance in the rush
"if not to falsely suggest that Pell is hiding from the police? In fact, the police refuse to put the allegations to Pell." Peter BH
The ABC suggested nothing Bolt's troll certainly suggests that's what they did. As I said it's a case of the Herald Sun Bolt and his Trolls reviving, sensationalizing and using George Pell to renew the same old same old attack on the ABC. Funny no mention on the major report released on the ABC's bias against business Mike Smith of the AFR generally holding Bolt's position on the ABC has done a turn around and is now a supporter as they received a 5 star clean slate for no bias found
This is the difference between Abbott's Team Australia and Australia we were once recognized ,and that's all of us, as we all present to the world. Turnbull isn't about to display our ugly internal politics to the rest of the world like Abbott was fond of doing. He had world leaders scratching their heads wondering what on earth he was doing representing Australia or just himself? Abbott didn't rank highly as a global leader as a national leader or even a leader of his own party. He certainly wasn't a Mandela

We don't have corporal punishment in Australia just restraint chairs gassing and medical restraint. Bolt swings from vague stat to vague stat to try to prove points. Yes crime does tend to be higher in lower social economic areas it's not due primarily to cultural factors. When Bolts says "yes but" why isn't the full story put into context rather than blaming NT connection. Shouldn't he be saying that here to.
Economics is the primary driving force in everybody's life. Crimes of the poor are more visible and are more policed. Simply because they don't have the opportunity or resources to commit the crimes of the wealthy. However these cost the community far less. Why does Bolt focus on "Africans" it seems it's his substitute word for "blacks" He is sailing close to the the edge of vilifying a particular ethnic group or nationality so he uses innuendo instead. Does he intend vilify a whole continent no. Africans are black white and brindle and have been here for years Bolt's complaints however haven't.
The Apex gang Bolt keeps referring to has been proven to be multiracial, multicultural and multi faith they have only one thing in common their name and youth. The police can't even identify that perps belong to the group. So what we have is Bolt being the preacher who once railed against rock and roll who railing against black Africans. The fact that poverty doesn't provide the resources that white middle class Australians have differentiates teenage crimes In silence, out of view and away from attention middle class kids are breaking as many laws too. Crimes are being committed daily in the Eastern suburbs but it just happens they are allowed to get away with them and there are no stats. They aren't African Bolt sure is promoting unity in the real Australia isn't he!!
What Bolt promotes by his stereotyping is not unity

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