Wednesday 21 December 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,21/12/16; EU comparisons are just another Bolt tool for domestic psycho violence; Solar Power is now the world's cheapest energy source and it take us all off the grid; Israel's danger to the Press; Bolt's threat; I have no doubt Bolt is a racist;


 Image result for Images of Berlin tragedy

How can reckless Merkel survive this slaughter?

Angela Merkel welcomed 1 million illegal immigrants - mainly Muslims claiming to be refugees - into Germany last year despite the blindingly obvious security risk. Now a Pakistani asylum seeker has allegedly slaughtered 12 people at a Christmas market. How can anyone trust the Chancellor? UPDATE: suspect released. 

 There is one thing that stands out 1) Bolt leads a media pack who seems to get a vast amount of pleasure out of the pain of others and he searches for it globally 2) He above all uses ISIS media reports or any media reports that pin point the damage done  to be more accurate than anything issued by local authorities. 3) He amplifies the denial of any official reports that suggest the facts are other than those that fit the Bolt narrative. 4) It's the application by Bolt of psychological domestic violence to fragment and divide Aussies who are and have been to date comfortable in their multicultural diversity.
Opinion  dominates and overides the reporting of any verified truth in Bolt's media. The official reports by police are suggested false and responsible media is merely gutless the ISIS invasion of the EU needs to be seen as  a success and the current EU  leaders need to be pulled down hypothetically like Sadam Hussein's was. Bolt is no less a media provocateur than are the various media voices of terrorists. In Germany Angela Merkel  might well be Saddam to Bolt " How can anyone trust the Chancellor with their security again?" What seems a tragedy to Bolt is the only suspect has been released despite the vigilante evidence against him. That the state is weak "Several German media, citing unnamed security sources, report that the suspect in the attack was a Pakistani man who entered Germany late 2015 or early this year..." The sound of implied tragedy  for Bolt is evident when he writes that the release of the suspect was not just because there was no evidence. "They say they do not have sufficient evidence to pursue the case against the man, who has been identified by media only as Pakistani national Naved B.. Here, too, of course." Bolt. In other words the German government is now the issue more than the "terrorists" hiding everywhere, the reds under our beds of the 1950's
  Andrew Bolt likens the invasion of Iraq to what he calls the invasion of the EU by troops of the forces of evil. To Bolt a series of diconnected incidents over an 18 month period is cobbled together and offered up as proof of the invasion just like 150,000 troops invaded Iraq. The irony is, no the tragedy is however Bolt and his ilk have the media resources backing them to print this irresponsible bullshit not for  German consumption but for us a domestic audience here and now why? To destabilize and divide Australia for there own simplistic political agenda. To psychologically divide and fragment Australia by any means possible in order to revive a position lost by Tony Abbott almost 18 months ago. To revive a leader who within months of watching Labor self destruct set about doing the same thing to his own government and party because he didn't know about leading only destroying and turning the country into a global laughing stock. He was our Trump and whatsmore  Bolt and more serious interests had his back.The Liberal Party and the Institute of Public Affairs: Who is Whose?

Alcoa: Warmist pollies spend to fix what they broke

Victoria's Andrews Government drives the giant Hazelwood coal-fired power station out of business with its insane global warming policies. With power prices now soaring, it is offering $20i0 million to keep open a smelter which can't survive the logical consequences of its folly. Madness on stilts. 
 What we see here is  conservative  short term thinking and response to short term evidence that conservatives are desperate to avoid. The truth Sorry, Trump, you can’t bring back Coal when Solar costs half as Much
and it's rapidly getting even cheaper. Given that the money being spent by Andrews is in fact an investment in the future of a whole community and not just a subsidy of an industry.  

"Victoria's Andrews Government drives the giant Hazelwood coal-fired power station out of business with its insane global warming policies. With power prices now soaring, it is offering $200 million to keep open a smelter which can't survive the logical consequences of its folly. Madness on stilts." Bolt

" Electricity from renewable ­energy costs three times as much to produce as electricity from coal and gas."Bolt's evidence.
  "Solar energy can now be generated for about half the cost of coal. Coal had been the cheapest energy source, but it has now been overtaken by solar. That means it is crazy to build new coal plants– you’d be costing yourself money."Juan Cole
Andrew Bolt regularly fails to declare the work of his mate Bevis  Tim Blair. It's become what appears to be a regular theft of the Daily Telegraph's blogger's work. I've suggested that it seems as if he has a mutual arrangement going on in promoting Rowan Dean as Australia's best satirist and in doing demoting Blair
Bolt using Blair both "freedom of speech " warriors tries to take the mickey out of Australian  journalist Lowenstein as a deflection from the institutionalized lack of press freedom in Israel.
" It was none other than Australian anti-Israel activist Antony Loewenstein, whose entire adult life has been dedicated to disproving the stereotype of Jews as intelligent, creative and literate." Blair . All they manage to do is to pour crap all over them selves. There were  48 Violations against Palestinian Journalists in Novemember

Palestinian reporters imprisoned for live reporting on Israeli raids ..
 21 Palestinian journalists in Israeli prisons 
 Israel world's second most lethal country for journalists i
" Loewenstein uses his free speech to threaten the right of Israelis to run their businesses, trade overseas and generally live as citizens of a free and open country. Honest Reporting managing editor Simon Plosker investigated the failed former Fairfax trainee:"Blair
How about that for fake news and a PR message in the Murdoch Press. Instead of looking at the systemic lack if freedom of the Israeli Press Blair and Bolt distort the actual  restriction of a free press by simply attacking one man Lowenstien and try to turn Israel into the victim here. Remember when Sharri Markson Bolt's favorite media editor for the Australian was nearly arrested in Israel. She's a Jew too but both Bolt and Blair hold her in high esteem. She kept tight lipped about how the IDF were supporting rebels we call terrorists in Syria.
Couple this with  the jailing, the deaths of journalists with Netanyahu's direct manipulation of the press and Bolt and Blairs criticism can only be seen as a PR excercise for the right wing in Israel. Don't forget Rupert Murdoch has illegal investments in oil in occupied Syrian territory in the Golan heights and you come to see why such a pro Israel message is put out by these two News Corp shills.
"Raviv Drucker, another prominent investigative journalist, has also been the target of Netanyahu’s ire, especially on social media. Drucker has recently published stories on the role of the prime minister’s personal lawyer and relative in a highly controversial deal to buy German submarines, as well as the shady relationship between the prime minister’s son and Australian businessman James Packer.
While Netanyahu views the media as his enemy, his consolidation of power allows him to mold the media landscape to his heart’s desire. His repeated threats to shut down Channel 10, his habit of calling journalists and television executives to complain about coverage of his wife, Sara, his connections with owners of some of Israel’s biggest outlets, and the fact that the country’s most-read newspaper is essentially a daily dedicated to promoting Bibi’s worldview have all had a chilling effect on journalism in Israel. Or as Netanyahu would call it: fun."

No Andrew Bolt doesn't believe in Global Science or Global warming he sees a disconnected range of scientific reporting that he believes comes to nothing. Yet he gathers together a disconnected range of events around the world cobbles them together to declare the unified existense of Global Islamic terrorism. He denies the reports of 97% of scientists but supports the threats of 3% of Muslims. Bolt promotes ISIS media over and above logic reason and evidence simply to attempt to amplify fear and division in Australia for the purpose of expanding the extreme conservative power base that has no real place for Democracy.  Bolt even resorts to the threat of the "we" as if  the majority of Australians are behind him. He's knows and applies his language to draw out the absolute nutters in Australia to incite the violence he deems necessary to promote his cause. It's the language applied to incite the Cronulla riots. He writes it but dares not say on TV or Radio where he insists he just a polite person who shies away from the thought of violence. This is a threat and a call to arms disguised as opinion. This is Bolt's response to a Democratic right. Which he says is not a threat.

"Leave, because I fear that one day your extremism will provoke the frightened into meeting it with theirs. And you are outnumbered.
Today you are the frightening, but push too hard and you risk becoming the frightened.
That is not a threat, but a prediction because it it not just true in physics that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If only our leaders realised that, too, and did more to save us all:"Bolt

You will never hear this from Andrew Bolt

"In a world that seems to be getting angrier and more hectic, lots of people have witnessed violent or aggressive incidents and wondered whether or not they should intervene. A thousand questions race through the mind: do you risk your own safety, are you actually witnessing what you think you are witnessing, and could getting involved even make things worse?"
Source: Muslims and Hindus more likely to help someone being attacked than Christians, survey finds | The Independent

 Image result for Images of racism
" Police are keen to speak to anyone who may have seen two male and a female, perceived to be of African appearance, that were in the vicinity of Harker Street about 2.30am this morning." The Age. " "The thugs were all of African appearance." The Herald Sun
This is translated by Bolt in vigilante fashion, not in any way skeptical but one in the News Corp style of the Herald Sun  justifying the construction of his definitive racist banner below. It's a simple aggressive  statement of fact that they were all Africans because they weren't white, yellow or even brown at 2.30 am.  However the only fact we do know is it seems the assailants were black  or at least dark skinned because it was  at night. The rest is a non is a certain bigoted  leap of presumption by Andrew Bolt revealing his an ultra racism in action. He's objectifying stigmatizing and stereotyping all black Africans in Australia as dangerous and our Immigration Policies are to blame. However not only refugees are suspect here but all immigrants allowed into Australia of African origin who are black or even all blacks who aren't African that might be considered suspect even those who are Australian citizens. So all seemingly blacks are dangerous because calling them African becomes a guess. How KKK is that?
 Sorry but Bolt's racist logic extends to all black people in Australia because all it takes is perception and you can't perceive nationality . Bolt has a fundamental problem though hasn't he people have been wrong for various reasons before. Some have even been caught out  lying let alone for the fact that black people were in Australia first. Seeming as Bolt has often said  isn't fact so why does he declare it is?

Woman critical. Who let in her African attackers?

Our lethally dangerous immigration program claims another victim: a Melbourne woman slashed and 
left for dead by her apparently African attackers. Who let them in, and will police now stop playing down the crisis?

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