Sunday, 30 April 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 30/4/17; Bolt should do a damage count he never does; Bias and Media Bolt knows; Bolt the canny investor without a cent invested; Conservatives lost in France it's good start;




Yassmin Abdel-Magied on Anzac Day told Australians to think of Palestine instead. So I did. Watch this video and understand just what Jews are up against.
  Bolt's always on about how sticks and stones can break your bones but names can never hurt you. Well apply Bolt's directive and do a body count of Israelis and Palestinians. Do a prison count of Palestinians and Israelis held without charge. Do a destruction of homes count and see who is being hurt. Then think about anything Bolt has to say on the subject of Israel and think about bias and propaganda the Nazis once used against Jews and now the Jews are using against Palestinians.
It's easy to form your own opinion with those facts. Yasmine simply asked you to think. Guess which of these human rights Israel guarantees to Palestinians | +972 Magazine

  IMEMC News » International Middle East Media Center
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New ABC chairman Justin Milne: "I don’t come to the job thinking I need to fix the perceived bias in the ABC because I don’t know that there really is a bias."  Meanwhile, ABC host Jonathan Green likens Donald Trump's Administration to Hitler's Third Reich.
 No Jonathan Green would have been more accurate likening Andrew Bolt to an SS media officer employed by the Third Reich. After all Bolt has the CV for the job. His family is from Aalesmeer Holland's most notorious nest of Nazi sympathizers. With qualifications of that standing Andrew Bolt knows what bias actually means and uses it to great effect.
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Westpac, freaked by green activists, says it won't invest in mines in new coal regions to save the world from global warming. But what hypocrites: "Official figures reveal the bank is a worse greenhouse gas polluter than some of Australia’s biggest manufacturers."  

  How much has Bolt got invested in Coal or any Fossil Fuels nothing. If he had he'd a lone fish swimming up stream. Westpac is a  corporation central to  a free market and has a responsibility to it's share holders. It's duty bound to listen to and study the domestic and global markets and when no private investment entities are taking up the option to lend Adani money Bolt's just showing his ignorance in calling Westpac weak. AGL Origin and Eugenie all major power producers have publically announced they were getting out of coal. So guess what Bolt has become a Socialist and we can presume he's all for the government putting up the $1 bill of his money to finance it interest free and not to any company but one soley owned by the Adani's and based in the Cayman Islands. Will Bolt leverage himself to jump into the opportunity?
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Henry Ergas on the French presidential election. Emmanuel Macron is the accidental opponent to Marine Le Pen. He should now win but cannot rule, having little chance of getting many politicians elected to the National Assembly in the elections five weeks later.
 It's a bit of a Trump, Turnbull situation however one will know what the people of France want a ultra right wing President or a President wanting to unite the country rather than divide it. The conservatives don't seem to be as strong as they think they are. Macron lost and left Abbott should have done the same and Australia might just have moved forward instead of backwards.
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Saturday, 29 April 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 29/4/17; Bolt's bias and his 'silence of right wing terror' , Thank you ABC; Bolt's stealing from and insulting the real families of the Anzacs; If Abbott did it it's OK if Turnbull does it it's not;Coal and Jobs Bolt's Bullshit;

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Watch Andrew Bolt with no connection to any Anzacs but a stronger connection to their enemy the Nazis  of the Third Reich steal the Anzac drum, bugle and flag and try to run away with it making the true families of Anzacs look mean spirited ass holes. That's Andrew Bolt stealing their thunder.

 "ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied is under attack for using Anzac Day to imply Australians were mean to Muslims." Bolt's lie when did this happen? Bolt can't make up his mind about Elmouelhy in the body of his blog he declares the man vilified "Jews" in the above he says "Israeli Jews" a significant difference suggesting Bolt doesn't know what he's talking about.

Bolt never tires of it does he Yasmin Bashing making a mountain out of a mole hill. One wonders how he treats his daughter and wife? Does he go on for days on end nagging on about trivial issues in the land of the "fair go"? Is he the most mean spirited Australian of the year I'd say he'd be close. A dead certainty for that award among media but Peter Dutton would give in a challenge for the overall award.
Bolt did this to Adam Goodes and was shut down. He's done it to Waleed Aly and Australia voted. They voted 2 years in a row. As for Anzac Day it belongs to the families of the men that were there and shouldn't be allowed to be stolen by the son of immigrants that sympathized with the enemy just so he can salve his conscience by being a gross and loud mouthed flag waver. The families of Anzacs are far more dignified than pretenders like Andrew Bolt.

Doing the reverse of Andrew Bolt

  Bolt fails to list reports like this because they don't fit his over all message. Bolt is an enabler of right wing terror. At least the  ABC is unbiased unlike Bolt when ABC DOES TERRORISM REPORT WITHOUT ONCE MENTIONING "ISLAM"


Rightwing False Flag: German Officer Posed as Syrian Refugee, Planned Attack | Informed Comment

"The man knew no Arabic and is of German heritage, but successfully posed as a Syrian …"

"Another man was also arrested in connection to the terror plot, a 24-year-old student from the officer’s home town of Offenbach.
“We know from various voice recordings that both men had anti-foreigner views,” the prosecutor’s spokesman said."

Liberal Berlin Fights Fake Nazi anti-Muslim News by Bannon’s Breitbart

Liberal Berlin Fights Fake Nazi anti-Muslim News by Bannon’s Breitbart


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Judith Sloan warns that the Budget on May 9 is shaping up to be a big fiddle with numbers to try to hide a problem the Turnbull Government can't fix - to hide it by describing some debt as "good debt" and taking it off the books. 
"What I can't accept is fiddling with the figures to pretend the debt is no big deal, after all." Bolt
We know the face of hypocrisy when we see it and it's Andrew Bolt. Remember Joe Hockey transferring $10 billion to the Reserve Bank to make the Labor deficit look bigger than it was. Remember how Abbott and Hockey after their disastrous first budget went about the world declaring they'd fixed the deficit problem and there wasn't a spending problem in Australia. Bolt was dumb founded and silent because nothing policy wise or spending wise had changed. Turnbull and Morrison are doing the same as Abbott and Hockey and Bolt can't accept it. He accepted it when Abbott did it. 

  Image result for Image of the shadow of Tony Abbott


This "senior Liberal" from Western Australia is a dead-set idiot: "The last thing we want is Tony Abbottt ... discussing western civilisation. We've got to get back to discussing real world issues."  If this is a "senior Liberal", no wonder the government is on the nose and Australia in decline.
  Distortion for Tony: The senior Liberal's complaint about Abbott's speech wasn't anything to do about Western Values at all. It was the fact the Abbott intended to media grand stand at the time when attention needed to be given to the release of the Budget. However Bolt prefers to turn it into an anti- Turnbull response rather than call it for what it is  Extremely Bad Form by the non team player Tony Abbott
 But what else can you expect from bullies who fail to listen to what's being said  and who prefer the sound of their own voices. The thing is Bolt's is so much more the blatant and crass thug on paper than when he is live. He ten plays Dorian Gray the well mannered and  suited fascist nevertheless festering with hatred inside. Why does he despise this country so much?

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Westpac caves to green protesters, ruling out funding the giant Adani coal mine and promising to do more in "supporting climate change solutions" - actually non-solutions to a non-problem. Conclusion: Westpac won't fund a job-creating coal mine but may fund dud green schemes needing government support to stay afloat. Is your money safe?
The private sector and all the other Institutional investors have voted. Nobody is prepared to invest in Adani Coal. So Bolt will support the socialist option that the government invest $1 bill of our money not to Adani in Australia but to be given to a private company managed by the Adani's themselves in the Cayman Islands for and interest free return. Given the track record we had with Indian non payment at the Commonwealth Games what odds would the bookies be giving on a return of Bolt's eager to give gift. AGL, Eugenie, Origin, and other major energy producers are going Green. What has Andrew Bolt really got about Westpac? If Bolt was a financial adviser he'd be legally responsible for conflicted advice. "My conclusion: Westpac won't fund a job-creating coal mine but may fund dud green schemes needing government support to stay afloat." Bolt 
Truth is that despite Trumps pro fossil fuel and coal policies the renewable energy sector is creating more jobs and faster than the opposite. Evidence shows that this is fast becoming the case globally. So yes Bolt is giving false advice and the Greens had nothing to do with it.

Solar industry provides far more jobs in Australia than coal : Renew ...

 Solar Employs More Workers Than Coal, Oil and Natural Gas Combined

AGL - Getting Out of Coal - Fired Generation by 2050 -‎

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Tony Thomas on ABC Trump derangement: "Race hatred is soaring in the US and Donald Trump is to blame - that was the gist of a 7.30 report which went to air on March 14, two weeks after the perpetrator of one such attack was arrested. No Trump fan, he was a black, left-wing Muslim journalist. The ABC has not bothered to correct the record."
Tony Thomas of Quadrant is playing the same game as Andrew Bolt combing America for  media events that emphasize nothing. Anti- Israel sentiment is louder more vocal and lead by American Jews than it is lead by any other American group and they are winning. BDS is effevtive and more so than the incidents emphasized by Quadrant. Israel has more influence and interference in American politics than Russia or China has ever had. Israel Has Interfered More in U.S. Politics Than Russia, but Don’t Expect a Probe of Israelgate - Truthdig
So given that Israel supported Trump against Clinton in this election it's no wonder Trump can be blamed for the rising hatred of Jews in America. Wrong the rising hatred of Jews for Israel in America and Jews themselves stand at the forefront of that Israeli hatred and shame.
Given Jews for Israel sponsor Bolt and no doubt Quadrant one needs to think twice. Because the Jews above don't seem to be marching for Israel or Donald Trump.

Friday, 28 April 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,28/4/17; Wayne Swan Good Debt Tony Abbott Bad Debt the big Con; Thank You ABC; Bolt in action;

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My editorial from The Bolt Report : the Turnbull Government says its Budget will distinguish between "good debt" and "bad debt". But is there any difference - and would you really trust a government to know it?
  So Bolt has  dragged the IPA's Dr Sin ( Sinclair} out to  disparage the Turnbull budget. The head of their right wing rag  the  Catallaxy Files  to explain Economics 101 to us because sure as hell Andrew Bolt can't. It's simple in business there is a very old Jewish saying "use other peoples money to make a profit". That is  good debt That is banking That is the Stock Exchange.
As a wholesaler you come to understand more often than not that you are in the credit business not the product business and Capitalism is the debt business. Your only as good as the credit you can provide. In order to do that you will have debt on your books and it's an  asset.  It's the debt you accrue the credit you get get from your suppliers and which you can pass on to your clients to generate a profit. As an asset  clearly it's a good debt and it generates  profit for the business. However because there is no certainty in business which Bolt acknowledges exists and demarks good from bad  you can't trust governments to know the difference. There is no con good debt does exist.

The Con:  Debt is a government no go zone should not be involved in debt good or bad only private interests have the right of profit.Government involvement in the national economy is minimal spending and the facilitation of private profit.
 Bolt promoted Abbott and Hockey as our saviors from the GFC at a time of growing debt they were the better money managers. Swan who was voted the world's best Treasurer was a waste of space. Remember the domestic cry from Bolt, News Corp and the opposition the sky was falling in and all those pre election promises of "no cuts" but better management Tony would fix it.. That was the great con that that Tony and Joe would fix it. When in government Hockey and Abbott sold the story was it was worse than they imagined the books had been cooked and it would take longer to fix. We'd heard that bullshit before  and it wasn't long before Abbott could no longer hold that line.The  domestic message the sky was falling in was being pushed by News Corp and 2GB. However they couldn't tell that to the world could they it would drive investors away. Hockey was telling NZ and other countries there wasn't an economic emergency at all that the economy was great. The con or jig was up and it showed in the polls. So finally Abbott said after the second budget we 'fixed' the debt problem and have turned it around the "emergency" is over. However we no longer believed him. He had raised the debt ceiling to $500bill, borrowed and spent for political gain and show rather than  the dough and national benefit. Abbott was Peter Foster and had banned his party from the ABC because they asked the real questions
The GFC may have started a debt run  but the LNP have tripled it since 2013 with little to show in return.  Abbott's NBN , Abbott's war, Abbott's national security and Abbott's ABF all were bad debts. Cuts to Education, Health, Pensions Housing and the ABC were put in place and not a good debt to show for it.  They certainly didn't produce any income only a cost. Abbott's detention centers and flags were all for show but not a necessity. They were the con and Abbott and Hockey spent like there was no tomorrow and kept saying they had fixed the budget and their debt was "good" not frivolous. The Con didn't improve with Turnbull but it wasn't accompanied with lies and deceit  delivered by Abbott and Hockey. That's the story Bolt fails to tell it's as if Abbott and Hockey never existed and it's all Turnbull's doing. The horse had bolted.



 Andrew Bolt does "terrorism" regularly even globally declaring every crime of public violence as one committed by Muslims when he's able. However he gets it totally wrong as many times as he's right. He's totally random in his selection of evidence all it has to do is seem possible. However the problem is he is a news source and has a platform  and when and if he gets it wrong you never hear from him again on that specific event. It's published distributed  put out to the public but never withdrawn or admitted it's wrong, fake news, vilification or religious bigotry. Andrew Bolt's  primary activity is not news and commentary but propaganda.
Bolt never apologized for his cock up report he did of the German bus carrying a football club being blown up but not by Muslim terrorists. Bolt didn't say sorry for the Cheurfi shooting of police in Paris that was officially declared non terrorist. As I said wrong or right Bolt  declared these acts were of Muslim Terror just to get his Islamophobic message delivered. It's never been retracted and never will be.
 You can't believe what Bolt says as his purpose is vilification and unless corrected are also lies. You can just imagine Bolt writing opinion pieces against the Jews in pre war Germany they'd be very much the same and getting worse as the war progressed. Once again thanks for the ABC

As I said above Bolt's agenda isn't to report facts but to get his racist ethnocentric altra nationalist anti- immigration message across. He conflates crimes of  violence  and threats with "terror"  as if they have a single explanation. He only reports on those  committed by dark skinned non white non Christians or those that fit that possibility. His message they are intent on destroying us and we need to fight back and stop being so piss weak. 
None of the events Bolt conflates have any correlation, connection or relevance one to the other. Crime is far more prevalent in Australia committed by Australians and is generally white. So  Bolt  to be convincing will turn to the children of immigrant Australians to prove his point  and if that's not convincing enough he will turn  to those kids whose grandparents were immigrants. As long as they can be squeezed into thos categories of people he dislikes . Bolt's persistent anti- Muslim, anti- coloured  ethnocentric message is all Bolt wants to deliver and deliver it with unconnected evidence gleaned from anywhere in the world.  Because if he turned to the real facts, statistics and figures relating to what it is he is trying to say locally and nationally  he'd be shown to be wrong and the fool he is. Advertizers should take responsibility for who it is they are sponsoring.

Rightwing False Flag: German Officer Posed as Syrian Refugee, Planned Attack | Informed Comment

 Bolt fails to list reports like this because they don't fit his over all message. Bolt is an enabler of right wing terror

"The man knew no Arabic and is of German heritage, but successfully posed as a Syrian …"

"Another man was also arrested in connection to the terror plot, a 24-year-old student from the officer’s home town of Offenbach.
“We know from various voice recordings that both men had anti-foreigner views,” the prosecutor’s spokesman said."




Peak submission: "The president of Austria [said] there may come a day when all women are asked to wear headscarves out of solidarity, citing discrimination faced by Muslims in the country. ... 'With the widely spreading

"One way to stop the threat of Islam is to simply convert. This may appeal to the Austrian president, who preaches submission." Bolt

 Bolt the traditionalist romances the times before his birth the romantic post war 50's have a fond place in his heart because that was his mothers era her youth and Andrew was very much mummy's boy. That was a time when the streets of Australia saw women  with gloves and head wear if out of the house a time when we were all converts to fashion. A time Bolt approves of. He was born into a conservative family he is a conservative and he'd be red faced in a room of tits and ass

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Liberal strategist Geoffrey Greene: “The Turnbull government is at war with the people. This is a government which hates their own constituents. The Liberal Party has lost touch with what it stands for and will be decimated unless it changes tack." Which is really what Tony Abbott has said, too. 

What a load of trash Bolt posts attributing what Greene says to Tony Abbott who lost the the faith of the electorate the moment he stepped into office.  Abbott never won an election the Labor party lost one  doing what the Liberal Party is doing now being weighted down by Tony Abbott. Abbott not only lost faith with the electorate but with the party as well and there isn't a poll that says otherwise. Throughout his PMship  how many times did we hear that he'd promis to "change". Bolt was constantly telling us what a nice guy he really was it didn't happen.Turnbull was the great white hope but his  success was hampered by an adversarial political culture left behind by Abbott Mr Nope Nope Nope, one that fails to identify issues and problem solve first on behalf of all of us.. Simply following the wishes of their financial donors  won't cut it because they are no longer united.  Simply put Turnbull failed to wedge the ALP on Climate Change, Immigration, and Defense. He unlike Abbott is not the favored son of News Corp or the IPA anymore but then neither is Abbott. The electorate will get their message across but not necessarily with either of them
The 24/7 news cycle  and social media coupled with the explosion of advisers now employed by everyone has decreased the generalized spread of the Liberal message. It's so un-united that it hardly seems to be a party any longer just a bunch of individuals at war. Their constituents now merely see a Hydra.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Andrew bolt's Blog,27/4/17; Connecting events 2-3 months apart for the convenience of a lie; Germaine popped Andrew Bolt's thought bubble; Bolt stole a dead soldiers bugle:


  " I have now had confidential information that reveals the truth."Bolt
Image result for Image of misinformationBolt above did say he had "new confidential information" that reveals "the truth". So if this isn't the case and Bolt hasn't received  confidential information why does he say he had and that  it's evidence of the "real" truth. Isn't it up to Bolt to show what he has and where he got otherwise he's just a wind bag. Even here he seems to be saying  no such evidence has been received and his real truth is simply that Dutton's critics are wrong and it's from them the lying is coming.
 Hands up please if anybody understands what it is Andrew Bolt is saying.  1) Apparently he has no new evidence . 2) Dutton has been loose with the alternative facts and refuses to clarify or verify them  but 3) His critics are liars
I repeat Andrew Bolt  has fundamentally said nothing and is simply pretending that he has. Buy Crikey they might be Left but boy are they Right and Bolt well he is nowhere as usual.Insiders- Barry Cassidy vs Peter Dutton and Andrew Bolt Manus story

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Last week I said Immigration Minister Peter Dutton should apologise or prove he was telling the truth when he said a riot on Manus Island was triggered by male boat people taking a local boy into a detention centre. I have now had confidential information that reveals the truth. My editorial from The Bolt Report:   
 Bolt refuses to listen to the reports out of the PNG by police and the defense force chiefs he favors  "I have now had confidential information that reveals the truth. My editorial from The Bolt Report: " Unrevealed confidential information is a "believe me" which amounts to no information whatsoever. It's evidence of value in a kangaroo court.
Bolt connects a couple of  events 2 or 3 months apart tells us the  police and senior authorities in the PNG  are in a conspiracy of denial that he has the "real" evidence the 'right stuff' that would prove Dutton right. Evidence that would only stand up in a street court but the source of which he can't  reveal.  It's the equivalent of Bolt telling us he got it from  the magic 8 ball or his favored news source  ISIS had told him. The man gets more desperate by the day to save the conservative asses wherever he can  Abbott one day Dutton  the next. 'We didn't do anything wrong': refugees hit back at Peter Dutton 

Germain Greer didn't say anything on Q&A other than that the practices attributed to Islam are also practices that can be found today among Christian and other communities. That to say they are customs demanded by Islam exclusively is bullshit.
Bolt simply distorts what Greer said to look less of a fool than he is. He's deflecting and distorting her comments. Why didn't he just paste a link to Iview or Youtube instead of  selecting words out of context from an edited transcript.
 Child marriage is practiced among the Romany Hindus Southern Italians and others Greer is right when she says it's not consumated. It's called "arranged marriage" where promises are made. Greer however has  popped Bolt's thought bubble. As for genital mutilation that too is a cultural event that occurs but it too is not exclusive to Islam. Bolt's ignorance is driven by ultra racism and bigotry.




ANZAC Day is being betrayed, and not just by ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied. Why did the Canberra parade have Aboriginal veterans march under an Aboriginal flag, rather than with their units under an Australian one? Why did Adelaide’s dawn service start with a Welcome to Country as if our soldiers were mere guests of a land some died defending?  
  What relationship has Andrew Bolt to Anzacs? He is the son of migrants who came from a town in Holland notorius for supporting Hitler. Now Bolt has become little more than a camp follower a gatecrasher of day to which he has no connection but is banging a patriotic drum. Isn't that lack of humbleness that bellowing suspicious? Is Bolt the unconnected voice of the Anzacs? If Anzac day represents all Australians why is Bolt so anti-Muslim, anti- Lebanese, Anti-Turk? Bolt has stolen a dead man's bugle and another's drum and has made out it's his party and we should all be grateful. How effen un-Australian is that!!!!


Yassmin Abdel-Magied is the pet Muslim of politicians trying to show their own tolerance and to sell Islam. But her defenders now show their ignorance of what free speech means. Memo to the Greens: conservatives are attacking Abdel-Magied's Anzac Day comment but not using the law to have it banned. The first is free speech, the second is not.

1 Using criticism of "what she said" from a News Corp platform isn't debate it's cat calling and name calling over a fence. Calling for Yasmin to be sacked from the ABC is also not debate but a demand. A demand for consequences for what she said. Bolt seems to deny that's what conservatives are saying.
 Debate is sharing the same platform and comes in the shape of programs like the Drum and Q&A and not The Bolt Report. Andrew Bolt never places himself in such an open format his preference is an over the fence yelling match as witnessed at a street fight or an over produced program that is controlled by him.

2 Second nobody is seeking to have comments banned that is Andrew Bolt's lie. What specific comments and truths have been banned?  The consequences of what has been said are tested much the same as the new immigration tests which Bolt seems to demand and support. They are tested in this case just by a bureaucrat but by a qualified and respected judge who represents the nation. So it seems Bolt's just dog whistling. What's actually happening is that  speech is free it's consequences are  not  and can be tested. "No conservative I know is trying to have Abdel-Magied taken to court or the Human Rights Commission." Bolt . May be not Bolt but they are crying for her to be sacked by the ABC are they also free to call for her to be shot?
 3 "The only question that comes close to an infringement of her free speech is whether she really should keep her job as presenter at the ABC.But the issue there is really whether using taxpayers' money to employ her (given not just her views but her rank inexperience) is actually a misuse of that funding."
No the only issue is why shouldn't free speech be universal in all sections of society? Why is  Bolt qualifying "free" with an "except"  so he's a tax payer the argument is not what rights taxpayers have 85% support the ABC so yes your an outlier
 Besides the ABC is not a government run body it's independent of government  it's tax payer funded and not controlled by 10% or even 15% of taxpayers but by and independently appointed board who happens to have been in the main chaired by conservatives like Maurice Newman has conservatives on the board from News Corp  who appoint  the CEOs to manage it and in the main they too have been  conservatives like ex News Corp exec Guthrie. So no Bolt 85% of Australians approve of and trust the ABC and we are all it's shareholders. We vote each election to keep it. We get lied to by the likes of Abbott who pre election promised no cuts but cut anyway. We aren't beholden to one man's opinion Bolt's entitled to have his opinion and he too can vote.

4  We subsidizing the ABC is not an individual choice but then I subsidize Andrew  Bolt as well by way of News Corp's allowed tax deductions that the government passed on my behalf along with  the laws that allow him on air. I don't get a choice or can't declare that I don't wish to be a participant in that subsidized support. Why is Bolt employed by sections of companies that fail to make any profit  for News Corp and are hemorrhaging money?  I allow a 30% on Bolt's wages?
 If there isn't a demand for Yasmin to be sacked what is Bolt defending? Oh Abetz, Joyce and Abbott are free to make opinions about sacking and are then free of the consequences of those opinions as well.  Bolt is free to say we should drop a bomb on Nth Korea but he's free of the consequences of that.
What actually needs judging is what relevance has free speech  to truth. Bolt was judged to be a liar and as a consequence of lying was found guilty because he had no defense. Relevance and consequences seem to be a better yardstick than freedom which is do abstract as to have no meaning . Better than having the cover of a book declaring Bolt Australia's foremost expert on Climate Change. That's a lie but also has consequences due to the misinformation it allows.


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Donald Trump declined an invitation to be jeered by people who hate him at the annual White House correspondents dinner. Even better, he's staged a rally of his own on the same day, forcing some journalists to skip their dinner to cover his rally instead. Worse, without Trump, their dinner looks an even more pathetic Left-fest. Trump wins.

Obviously Bolt pays no respect to tradition that he keeps talking about and nor does Trump for that matter. But then it's fine then that the media don't respect Trump another complaint bolt holds. He's all complaints isn't he.

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I will call Bolt the Dutchman because he doesn't hesitate to call Lebanese born here in Australia Lebanese that's equality and that's multicultural. So Bolt the Dutchman  declares the Lebanese born here to have a Beirut mentality to crime. Well than it can equally be said that Bolt the Dutchman has a Nazi mentality as the notorious town his family comes from Aalsmeer in the Netherlands. Given that how is he qualified to tell us what it is we can and can't do on Anzac Day when the Bolt's came from a town that in fact supported the enemy. The the Lebanese are just fighting among themselves but Bolt the Dutchman is firing verbal bullets at Australia and not just Dutch Australians. Who let him in his abuse is far wider and more public than some Lebanese crims fighting each other or Italian Crims or Vietnamese crims or Chinese crims. The aren't abusing the country by pretending they were on the Australian side during the war.

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Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a $50 million royal commission into juvenile justice in the Northern Territory after watching a disgracefully biased, emotive and misleading ABC Four Corners report. Now the royal commission has censored a statement by the main target of that report which exposes just how biased that report was.

Australia’s Shame, Four Corners, ABC

"Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a $50 million royal commission into juvenile justice in the Northern Territory after watching a disgracefully biased, emotive and misleading ABC Four Corners report. "Bolt
It's no surprise is it that Bolt fails to mention  that the report was voted the 1917 Logie  for best Public Affairs Report!  The Royal Commission is investigating the Juvenile System and would censor any statements trying to influence that investigation. If they weren't they just might have called Andrew Bolt in for an opinion because he has various means to evidence which he more  often than not can't name. John Effernick is being questioned by the Commission and not because of what the ABC claimed. Imagine if in Bolt's case judge Bromberg paid attention to only evidence presented by Andrew Bolt.
The ABC may have triggered a Royal Commission but the ABC isn't being called in for evidence and as far as the Commission is concerned the report is irrelevant. That tells you when Bolt says "
"Yet it was by editing out such information that Four Corners triggered the calling of her royal commission. Heads it wins, tails we lose." it's only a loose because they were caught and are now being investigated. Had it been a Documentary on a Union that brought about an investigation there'd be no argument from Bolt. Bravo the ABC and congratulations on your Logie win which was well deserved.


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a $50 million royal commission into juvenile justice in the Northern Territory after watching a disgracefully biased, emotive and misleading ABC Four Corners report. Now the royal commission has censored a statement by the main target of that report which exposes just how biased that report was.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,26/4/17; Murdoch's Chronic lGlobal Legacy; Andrew Bolt's a camp follower who stole a digger's bugle; Onya Yasmin for bringing back some reality;

Rupert Murdoch’s Disturbing Corporate Legacy: Chronic Sexual Harassment In US, Rampant Lawbreaking In UK & Destruction of Democracy in Australia

Bill O’Reilly may be gone at Fox News, but Rupert Murdoch’s festering Fox News mess isn’t going away anytime soon.Murdoch cut ties with the host last week after multiple women's reports of sexual harassment became public. Since then, seven black Fox News employees indicated that they plan to join a racial discrimination suit

 Image result for Images of a dishonest Australian flag waver

This day of the dead is of bigger importance to than a nation Bolt than a nation pf living. A nation in mourning one remembering loss is more important  than one of celebration. Andrew Bolt is just a camp follower whose stolen a digger's bugle. He has no connection to Anzac day. Australian sons were sent to their death in the thousands. They were put  into situations they couldn't win by conservative politicians hungry for power and glory. 
 I doubt Andrew Bolt's over eagerness to celebrate war and bang the Anzac day drum is born from honesty. My suspicion is that he actually comes with a family heritage that sympathized with  and supported the enemy. Aalesmeer in the Netherlands was the town most noted for it's sympathy with Hitler during WW2. There is no reason to believe the Bolts weren't sympathizers or even active enemies too. Andrew Bolt has never offered any assurances that his family weren't the enemy or if they were that they ever  changed sides except by running away from the shame to Australia. All Bolt's flag waving for Anzacs without a single connection smells like dishonest posturing  to me. One might say it's like the flip side of a two headed coin to me. 
" Many Australians were swept up by the glamour of the third reich  prior to September 1939 so it wouldn't be at all surprising that Bolt's family were too is the Netherlands all anti-Semitic to the core. As author David Bird documented recently in his book Nazi Dreamtime.  Australian academics, politicians and ordinary citizens travelled to Nazi Germany and were filled with admiration for Hitler's fascist vision, including prime minister Robert Menzies and controversial NSW police commissioner William Mackay." These are things buried by Andrew Bolt.


ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied uses Anzac Day to tweet: “Lest we forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine)." Why make a celebrity Muslim with these views a member of the Federal ANZAC Centenary Commemoration Youth Working Group? A member of the Australian Multicultural Council? A presenter on the ABC?
Yasmin has more honesty than the Australians posturing patriotism today. Yasmin is neither dressing loss up as victory nor is she calling error a win. Manus, Nauru, Iraq, Syria, Palestine are serious errors of judgement against Humanity and Human Rights as was Vietnam. To call a mistake a mistake and name it  for what it is is never an insult. The insult is to cover up that mistake and call it a win. Anzac Day is a day of mourning not celebration. Particularly by men like Andrew Bolt who have no connection to it whatsoever and simply want to be a camp follower parasites who wish to profit from from someone else memory and steal the day. From who did Andrew Bolt steal the digger's bugle?
The advocates of free speech gather like dark clouds before a storm Joyce and Christensen want revenge  as a consequence of their equal right to speech and opinion freedom and they don't hesitate to express it. They feel they have the right to not only express themselves but  the right to demand action pillory or insist people hanged drawn and quartered without due process. They clearly are the proof and justification why there's a need for the RDA and vilification laws. As for Australian values they along with Andrew Bolt fail the "fair go" test by a country mile.
Andrew Bolt has made quite a pig of himself this week attacking women. A lecturer in Journalism, Brigitte Trongneux whose to be the first lady of France and Yamine Abdel- Magied with even a dig at  Australian doyen Germain Greer. The one thing they have in common is that they are women. Bolt has a typical pattern of behavior towards women common to the social psychology of most conservative Australian men that they are generally incompetent when not  in the kitchen or bedrooms. Bolt simply put is a sexist one not extraordinarily bright and generally far less smarter than the women he puts in his cross hairs to criticize.