Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,28/6/17; The revenge of a poor loser, Media wars anti-truth; Calling for a socialist move; Bachar Houli;Refugee guessing; Pyne is a winner and grinner compared with Dutton;

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 That's the promise of "personal revenge" talking "Tony Abbott has told colleagues he is determined to stay in politics until Malcolm Turnbull is gone, promising he will be there to help pick up the pieces “when” the Prime Minister’s leadership falls apart."Abbott
 There isn't a single note humility or change in that sentiment. However, remember Bolt running around like headless chook telling us he got the message and has changed he promised me he'd changed!! "Liberal MPs are pressing Malcolm Turnbull to strip Christopher Pyne of his position as Leader of the House."Andrew Probyn. Might they be the MPs from the Monkey Pod room? God talk about people caught talking with loose lips they are calling for Dutton Mr. Boomgate to take Pyne's place. Was Dutton ever punished?"A minister told the ABC that Mr. Pyne, who is Defence Industry Minister, should be replaced as Leader of the House, perhaps by Peter Dutton." Probyn Why do these people always remain unnamed? It goes to show however the ABC isn't as biased to the left as Bolt makes out it's who Probyn works for.
As for Catholics and Education, the Catholic Authorities admitted their opposition to Gonski was little more than an ambit claim tactic and they were pleased with the result. Pyne was right all along. Mr. Nope Nope Nope lives in the dark recesses of the Liberal Party.

The Former Prime Minister Is Now Ripping Off Donald Trump To Undermine The Current Prime Minister


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CNN confesses to making yet more 'mistakes' in savaging Trump. And a CNN producer is caught on tape admitting its claims of Trump colluding with Russia is "mostly bulls..t" that it's pushing to get better ratings. The media war on Trump is a disgrace and a danger.

  The Battle between FOX Breitbart and CNN. Unless Bolt knows what the FBI has discovered he knows nothing. Breitbart is known for fake news and Fox is out to defend it's favored position with Trump any which way it can. Fox News has become Trump News and we know what that means for the truth. Media is a rating game in the US and they rue the fact that they don't have an Independent News Service created such as the ABC. Ratings have little or nothing to do with truth as we fully well know with our daily experience with Andrew Bolt. News Corp is the least trusted disseminator of News in Australia. All we have here is to liars warring with each other. Thank god we have Aunty.
The origins of Bolt's story and media war was sparked by Jame's Okeefe whose reputation is explained  here  James O’Keefe’s latest attempt to expose CNN is a sad, attention-seeking mess blog June 27, 2017 5:43 PM EDT
and the Trump administration has lauded with the support of FOX and News Corp. When Andrew Bolt promotes himself as educated at Adelaide University when in fact he dropped out ofailed after first year and declares his Bookk as one actually put out by the IPA and edited by Alan Moran in which Bolt merely has an article. What kind of journalist/commentator are we expected to think  he really is?
" Viewers will probably believe what they hear, though: a CNN staffer with no involvement in CNN’s political coverage (this isn’t mentioned in the video) speculating casually about CNN’s reporting on Trump’s possible involvement with Russia. The video also showed the same CNN producer claiming CNN makes reporting decisions based on ratings, a shameful tactic that’s really no secret at all -- and one that doesn't account for warranted, extensive reporting on an undeniably important story."
O’Keefe’s videos often fall flat and rarely match their billings. He has had to issue public apologies, been arrested for trespassing, and foiled his own plots, yet his videos have been promoted by the president of the United States. O’Keefe also regularly incites his loyal internet followers to practice their own brand of “investigative journalism.”
His latest attempt -- a nearly nine-minute video called “American Pravda: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullsh*t" -- is yet another sign that O’Keefe has no actual interest in reporting the truth, but instead produces video art projects for the sole purpose of getting attention from one of his biggest fans, President Donald Trump.

  White House urges viewing of anti-CNN video 'whether it's accurate or not' | US news | The Guardian

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Former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett: "I fear that over the next 12 months we will see the greatest shrinkage of industry, not only in Victoria but in Australia. I fear we are heading for a social and economic disaster." 
  The privatized energy sector has been a disaster the gas we have has been sold and now the Liberals are calling for the state control of the gas supply. Isn't that the core value the Liberals deny the socialization of energy? Seems to me we need to socialize many more things that the Liberals  Sate and Commonwealth refuse to consider.

 Bolt doesn't explicitly say he stole this story from Fairfax does he?


I greatly respect Bachar Houli, but this is a poor look: "A character reference from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and media advocate Waleed Aly persuaded the AFL tribunal that Bachar Houli was of such character that they halved his penalty for knocking out Carlton's Jed Lamb."
When Bolt was found guilty of vilification and was due to be sentenced he had the full force of News Corp behind him both financially and as a character reference as well no doubt. Waleed Aly is a member of the Richmond football club and entitled to stand up for Houli, so is Andrew Bolt it's noted that Bolt wasn't asked to provide any reference for Houli and it's clear that if asked he wouldn't have. However last year he was praising him as if he were a pet dog and telling us Houli was an exception among Muslims a well bred one a reference it wasn't because it came from Bolt. It may as well have come from Pauline or the leader of the UPF.
Now given Houli wasn't facing the judiciary but the AFL tribunal and given Turnbull knows what Houli does for the community outside of football Bolt seems extremely petty and small minded ,just point scoring knowing full well he doesn't pass the character test of most Australians. Respect is raised for those that don't stand up for him, not those that do and what a minority they are. 



Immigration is changing Australia in disturbing ways: "A mass brawl involving 15 youths took place in a barber shop in Melbourne’s inner-west... The majority of them are of Somalian or African appearance." 
"If they are Somalian, they or their parents were almost certainly brought here as refugees."Bolt
Accusative with the admission he doesn't know. However, it reminds me of the photo of Bolt the brawler in Carlton. He attacked 2 young pranksters that glittered him. I don't think people in glass houses should throw stones. Here is the warning Bolt ignored Heart surgeon dies month after alleged one-punch assault


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How trustworthy is Christopher Pyne? Here is Pyne on Monday: "I’m in favor of marriage equality, I always have been." Here is Pyne in 2015: "I think that same-sex couples who are in that situation should be in a position to have some legal basis for their relationship and that’s why I’ve changed my view about (marriage equality)."
 Conflating such two disconnected issues. One same-sex marriage a human rights issue against who at this point in time should be our team leader. A tactical issue in the game of politics. With a third issue if and when a change is forced who would you prefer as leader a question of conscience. None of these have anything to do with "loyalty" after all Pyne wasn't married to Abbott or in any other way connected other than they were both members of a "broad church" Pyne fought tooth and nail to get Abbott elected and it's good to note he wasn't just his lap dog.
If No Religion is Australia's greatest Census category of faith coupled with Non Christian religions how can we deem to be a Christian Country rather than simply a Secular one?


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How terminal are the Liberals? Ben Garran describes a recent Young Liberals function: "Acrobats dangled from the ceiling... Michael Photios, a power broker in the NSW Libs, declared to the Young Liberals, ... they 'all belong to a political class that will be the master class.'"  And, of course, Photios mocked attempts to defend free speech. 
Abbott's Conservatives attacking their own but don't have the balls to split. It seems there are no conservatives among the young Liberals and feels as if those in the Monkey Pod apse of the otherwise broad church are the ISIS of the Liberal Party and Australia. They are like broken eggs in a carton on the nose.

A Real Invasion and they weren't Africans
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The invasion of Europe continues: "On Tuesday, 8,500 African migrants are reaching Italian shores aboard 14 different ships, adding to the 5,000 who arrived on Monday... Figures for the year now stand at 73,380 migrants into Italy, or a rise of 14.42 percent over the same period in 2016." 
Bolt fails to mention the massive reduction that took place in Europe in 2016 compared to 2015. Nor doe he mention these aren't permanent but asylum seekers to be assessed. Yes Bolt is crying like Chicken Little in Europe which e can't fix  or do anything about because Europe's elections were basically all won by moderates. This isn't information this is merely shit stirring in order to print that the conservatives stopped it here which isn't the case either. The boats had stopped coming under Labor  when Abbott was refusing a deal with Malaysia which became a farce executed by him with Cambodia. The world in fact turned their backs on the man down under telling them what they ought to do. Has anybody noticed that Bolt has a strong apartheid attitude when it comes to Africans a Boer Afrikaner attitude as opposed to a British one

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Former Premier Jeff Kennett and many Liberal MPs and journalists say Tony Abbott cannot come back as Prime Minister. Alan Jones and many Liberal supporters say only Abbott can win. Listen here.

  Bolt is Bolt illiterate look at this banner?
Who said Abbott was a loyal back stabber oops, backbench-er. Who said they didn't want to raise Abbott from the grave. Andrew Bolt said it and Tony Abbott said it he wasn't Caesar. If you believe this  bullshit why on earth would you even acknowledge the possibility of having the Aussie Trump back. I say Aussie Trump because while he can't match the bling he matches the lies even to himself.
A magazine with Trump on the cover hangs in his golf clubs. It's a fake
Their common denominator that links them and their lies together is and always has been News Corp.

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