Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,23/10/18; Front man for a cabal that has been stymied yet again; Tony Abbott is eating an onion again; The only PM The only Politician shown Respect in the room; Jacinta Arden

Apparently, the ABC ran 'fake news' according to Bolt that lost Sharma the by-election. The fact that Kerrin Phelps was reported to have HIV and that news was fact is of no concern that it smeared Sharma more than Phelps is fake and Bolt's opinion. " That coverage not only made Phelps the hero-victim but inevitably made Sharma's team seem evil:". is not even original. Sky News is the only media trying to flip reality by faking it. It's bullies crying foul that truth is bullying and their man Sharma is the victim. Is that all they have? Chris Kenny leading Sharma by the nose makes the ex- Israeli ambassador look worse than ever justifying the result of Phelp's win.
 The cunning here it's also a PAYWALL and an IPA advertorial proof of the cabal like alliance between Murdoch/IPA/and conservatives in government
The only truth here is the ABC will for a moment be freed from the combined attack of this Cabal News Corp, the IPA and Government. The Government from now to the election bloodied at Wentworth won't be the puppet of the other two. In fact, we may even see a reversal of the lies and budget cuts of the past 5 years which began with Abbott continued with Turnbull and would have gone on with Morrison ex-treasurer now accidental PM.
Again it seems truth is the victim here every time when Bolt cries foul. Potential opponents of Abbott should be ignored even if real.  Remember when Bolt mistakenly interviewed James Matheson Matheson was smarter than Bolt and cut short. Bolt's promise to have him on again was the only thing fake that night.
Who has been central to trying to kill off the ABC it's not the public. Who has become a groomer of conservative politicians, not the electorate? Who is currently grooming future conservatives for politics, not the Liberal Party? Who is more than a think tank whose members, donors, lobbyists, political groomers, and has been longtime supporters of Abbott on a quid pro quo symbiotic relationship? Who has Andrew Bolt promoted in this post his son's employers and mates the IPA? Sell the ABC  remains a call to diminish Australian Democracy but even this is a lie the real calls sell some of the ABC only the news and information.

Political Beast

 Could Tony Abbot Be Next? GetUp! Polling Reveals Liberal Vote In Warringah Has Collapsed - New Matilda

How mad is Bolt he's a Monarchist along with Abbott who today claims the UK is a soft- Totalitarian State. What's Bolt on about claiming Britain is piss weak does he believe he's behind a move to make Australia a hard one? He can't see the forest for the trees can he?

The survey, conducted in the northern suburbs of Sydney on September 13 – a few weeks after Scott Morrison assumed office, but well before the stench of the weekend’s defeat attached itself to the Liberals – showed a primary vote for Tony Abbott of 39 per cent, just under the magic ‘40 per cent’, which many consider is the minimum number of first preference votes needed to retain a political seat.

Abbott won 52 per cent of the primary vote in 2016, despite a swing against him of 9 per cent.
The GetUp! polling revealed that of those surveyed, 57 per cent rated Abbott’s performance as their local member as ‘poor or very poor’, with just 34 per cent rating it as ‘good or very good’.
It also showed that on a two-party preferred basis, Abbott would attract a vote of 54 per cent if an election were held in September, well down on the 61.5 per cent he won at the 2016 election. Polling in the lead-up to the Wentworth by-election also showed Sharma leading on a two-party preferred basis by a similar number and then came Wentworth.
If an election were held today Abbott would be gone gone gone.

Women in Politics

 Of all the politicians, Julia Gillard was the only one survivors really wanted

 She was not the politician doing the apologising, but she was the only one the survivors really wanted.


 Jacinda Ardern has come a long way in her first year as New Zealand Prime Minister - Analysis & Opinion - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

 There is a powerful progressive-egalitarian narrative in New Zealand reaching back through the nation's anti-nuclear stance in the mid-1980s to the achievement (or granting) of women's suffrage in 1893.
As is the case with all political narratives, this one obscures as much as it reveals. But in an age of international fear and loathing, many New Zealanders take quiet pride in the sight of the "pretty communist" defending a rules-based international order, in opposition to the stance taken by the president of the US, a nation that was once the self-appointed leader of the free world.


Britain is turning into a soft-totalitarian country to placate the tribes it recklessly imported: "A Jewish pro-Israel Scottish lawyer has been ordered by the country’s Law Society to undergo 'diversity training' and pay a fine over an online spat with pro-Palestinian campaigners in which he used strong language." You know, like  "snowflake".


 Firstly Bolt's link shows the post cut and pates a report from the Times of Israel a pro-Israel online paper which is anti-BDS and not pro Palestine.
 SecondlyThe Scottish Law Society sent the Scottish lawyer who is pro-Israel to a diversity training course Britain didn't send him to one. He could have refused and would not have broken any British laws.
Thirdly The Scottish Law Society regulates it's members and how they are expected to behave as Lawyers it's not there to regulate the multicultural population of Scotland political opinions nor the opinions of its members. However if transgressing professional rules of behaviour the society's members democratically accept the Society rules.
Fourth people in Scotland are simply expected to abide by Scottish laws of which being anti- Israel and pro-BDS aren't illegal no doubt reporters at the Israel Times, however, don't have that luxury.

Solicitors elect representatives to sit on the Society's Council, the ruling body. The Council has overall responsibility for strategy and policy. The work of the Council is supported by the management Board, which draws members from the Council and the Society's executive staff. This is the principal decision-making team at the Society.

The battle for Warringah given what we saw in Wentworth could be the front line for not just misogyny but rather the front-line for the very identity of the divisive conservatives in the Liberal Party. Given the recent 30% protest vote by LP members of Warringah. Anyone including James Matheson has a chance of winning. 
The Poll taken in the electorate back in September done by Crikey showed the electorate is sick of Abbott. If Wentworth's 19% were 14% today, Abbott could say bye bye .However he hasn't a 13% lead now apparently it only requires a swing of 7% to see him dethroned and gone. 

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