Plans by Scott Morrison and Angus Taylor to deliver power plants across the nation are in disarray; the $1 billion Grid Reliability Fund has not materialised, green bank investment has shuddered to a halt, and the $300 million fund at the heart of the National Hydrogen Strategy has vanished



Labor promises a huge new global warming plan without telling you the cost or what it will do. Climate hysteric Malcolm Turnbull backs it, claiming we'll otherwise have an "uninhabitable" planet. Vote Labor or die? In fact, this is a fraudulent scheme built on some fraudulent scares. I show the science on The Bolt Report. Watch.
30m ago 
Ford motor company with government assistance have reported a change in national and global transport systems is underway the costs yet unknown but will affect the current state of transport worldwide. 
Australia has reported today that a global pandemic is underway the costs unknown. However, plans are underway to fight it because to do nothing is unthinkable. 
 News Corp writer Andrew Bolt reports these are all fraudulent schemes built on fraudulent claims and he intends to show why doing nothing is the best option. Bolt claims he has science economics and technology on his side and he's ready to build his house in those areas most affected by Climate Change and holiday in those areas where the current pandemic is most virulent. To show the validity of his beliefs, he intends to invest in horse and buggies and send his children to those areas where the coronavirus is currently most active. 
What do experts really say to idiots like Andrew Bolt who no doubt also predicts the world is flat. Idiots, who make a living broadcasting individual opinion as news for sale?  
 Image result for White and Black spy cartoons


China is the prime suspect: "ASIO has revealed it uncovered a 'sleeper' agent running a major spy ring and providing logistical and financial support for ­foreign agents... The agent started feeding his spymasters information... which... led to harassment of the dissidents in Australia and their relatives overseas." Terrorism threats have doubled.
10m ago 
There is "a suspect" and a spy ring allegedly whose nationality it would appear to be unknown, but Andrew Bolt breaks as Chinese. Currently the biggest known suspected and alleged spy on the planet is Julian Assange, and he's Australian, and the CIA have created their own proof of that. 
We have known that the Americans and  Israeli's have been spying on Australia for decades, and have not been sharing their secrets under the 5 eyes plan as agreed. We happily smiled when these activities were made public. 
We are spies ourselves and run secret trials to harass and intimidate anyone who dares reveal what it is we are up to. Timor Leste just one example. Reporters are raided intimidated and threatened with imprisonment and Bolt breaks the above banner as News when in fact it's a distraction. In a world where information is for sale on a global scale, why is Andrew Bolt sensationalising this? Simply because true or not, it will sell newspapers and distract from our government's secret activities. Peter Dutton has looked highly incompetent recently and needs some polish.
 Harassment of dissidents in Australia isn't new Israel's Mossad has been known to kidnap people from this country, and we shrugged. They have imprisoned and watched Australians die in their highest security prisons. Mossad recruited Australians as agents and then falsely involved them in assassinations in other sovereign territories. At the same time, we have done nothing and Andrew Bolt with his finger on the pulse in the box seat says he's a media man of merit but who has said nothing.
What he has and is doing is being a paperboy standing on the street corner sensationalising and selling News Corpse trash. 
Maybe he should start with Australia's spying activities first and show this government is running trials in secret against its own citizens first instead of looking the other way and yelling China. Spying comes in various shades and levels of seriousness as does misinformation. Something Andrew Bolt is highly practised at. ASIO could start gathering information about Bolt's activities when he bragged he was part of the inner circle of the Abbott governments secrets which were often leaked.  
 Image result for Bolt with egg on his face


On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm: Greta Thunberg's mother writes a disturbing account of her daughter's battle with mental health. Harvey Weinstein goes to jail: the end of Hollywood's casting couch? A shocking report reveals just how many war crimes our Special Forces soldiers are accused of. And Gerard Henderson on why he's leaving the ABC.
26m ago 
MEDIA WATCH how good is the ABC and accurate Q&A had 800,000 viewers last night lets hope Media Watch had the same. They showed just how shamed Bolt was by right and left-wing media alike. Bolt if lucky has 250k viewers in a week the night of his apology reached at most 50k. Thank god for the ABC reporting on the disgusting reality of what occurred and let's hope Gerrard Henderson was asked to leave the Insiders because of it. We can expect to see him on The Bolt Report more frequently no doubt.