Federal and state funds for bushfire recovery have been heavily skewed in favour of Coalition seats with NSW State Labor picking up just 1% of $177 million handed out. Elizabeth Minter investigates 


The Australian Koala Foundation wants Australia to use similar legislation to US legislation that saved the American bald eagle from extinction.

I asked would the US defend Australia if we were attacked? The answer is sobering

Peter Hartcher

Australia is in a much better position and can learn from America’s mistakes. For a democracy to succeed, it must remember that what unites is more important than what divides. One small example: Australia Day. It was supposed to be a unifying national day but increasingly it divides. Creative leadership can overcome. Keep it as is to commemorate the advent of British Australia, and strike a new date to celebrate the original Australians.

Australia, as Noel Pearson has put it, has an ancient heritage, a British inheritance and a multicultural achievement. The challenge of our time is to bring Australia’s three parts together as a unique whole. We can choose to make each other our worst enemies. Or we can make each other our greatest allies.





Is there a prize for journalists who write the most insanely self-hating attack on our national day? The ABC was about to win it  - check how many entries it submitted - but then came John Handscombe: "Australia Day arrives with a sense of dread. The endless date debate. The utes festooned with flags, looking uncomfortably like ISIS trucks."

I do believe the award must go to Andrew Bolt as Handscombe's piece is topical. However, over the years Bolt has been droning on as our biggest critic. The whinger who has openly shown he's only here for ego and money the millionaire drone for a billionaire American awarded the UK Australia Day Foundation's Life Time Award as an Australian. When Bolt retires his dream is retirement of our citizenship to a barge in Amsterdam. 

In the meantime Bolt has been a prime recruiter for those in utes festooned with flags looking uncomfortably like ISIS trucks. He has helped breathe life into the extreme-right-wing Nationalist,fruitcakes he deems patriots. He's like Trump claiming they are made up of nice people who happen to want to change the country. However he too never joins them. They are the tail that keeps trying to wag the dog. Sky News and Andrew Bolt have given them the oxygen they need and want. Blair Cotteral is very much a sung hero of the shooter in the Christchurch massacre and no doubt watched him on Sky. No doubt he heard and read Bolt wishing Christian youth were as committed as some Muslims have been.

The far-right groups were praised by Bolt because they ran parallel ideas until even ASIO pointed to the fact that these groups were more prone to violence than any other in the country why? Because, yes, they hate the country more than any other and are as radicalized in greater numbers and more organized than those influenced by Islam. However until Christchurch have been far less on our National Securities radar. 

So yes Andrew Bolt does make a relevant point about who can "hate the place the most" he can! The irony is his dream retirement is currently a city with twice the population of Melbourne. Far more multicultural and with greater numbers of Muslims and Africans. They are way more Socialist, pro Climate Change and Safe Schools than we are and currently over run by Covid-19, why? Because unlike us they are currently doing what Bolt has demanded we do here. They are demonstrating against the Melbourne style lockdown that Andrew Bolt has always been against. 

So what does that say about Andrew Bolt isolationist hidden away in his new man-cave down  on the peninsula because he can't leave the country on his annual escape? He hates the place the most. If a true Australian he'd actually  hate himself the most for being the most exceptional Australian Dickehead in the media.(ODT)