Saturday 23 March 2019

Anderw Bolt's Blog 23/3/19; Sociopathy of the Right Murdoch's toxic media voice permeates Australia; Morrison's low shots against Islam can't begin to compare with Andrew Bolt's; Truth the difference matters facts and fiction News Corpse is killing the difference;

  Sociopathy as Strength: The Modern Right - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Sociopathy is a broad term that refers to various personality defects. In this instance, I am using the term in the popular sense to mean one who is devoid of empathy for their fellow humans. The resultant lack of empathy often leads to cruelty. This has largely been the approach of right wing governments over the decades. Instead of taking a compassionate and humanistic approach to the issues of the day, the right demands conformity. Indeed, conformity is the price for safety.
As examples of the ostracism principle, consider how Trump treats anyone who looks at him sideways. Alternatively, consider Morrison’s or Canavan’s response to the protesting climate kids. Even if brownshirts do not yet exist and our so-called leaders are not yet actual fascists, they are hardline ideologues who are about using fear to control the population. We will keep you safe from this thing over which we keep stoking fear. Don’t believe me? Let us take a look back.
Compassion is not weakness, and we need to stop viewing in this way. It is possible for humanity to do better than this. We need to stop seeing governmental sociopathy as strength. Rather, we need to see it for what it is: vindictive cruelty designed to maximise fear, breed conformity and maintain the current power structure.

  1. Morrison said all the right things after Christchurch, but his history tells another story

    Morrison's call for an end to tribalism would have been more potent if his side of politics had not made it their standard modus operandi in the past 25 years, writes Laura Tingle.

    Morrison's history of taking low shots is too obvious to most people to allow him to be able to really exercise leadership in this space.

    But if you are really trying to stop it, you don't immediately respond to someone else attacking you with dodgy moral equivalence that begins in sentences like "I'm not going to be lectured by a party that.....", rather than acknowledging possible fault, or at least arguing your own position rather than simply attacking the other side.
    And you don't, just now, try to find the positive side to a politician who refers to Islam as a disease.
    The Coalition's track record when it comes to its preparedness to, at the very least isolate, and often tar the Muslim community in a way which excludes it has been in the spotlight all week in the wake of the Christchurch murders.

    Image result for Images of Andrew Bolt yelling

      Yo-yo Morrison And The Ups-And-Downs Of Making A Decision! - » The Australian Independent Media Network

    Getting your point across with reason

    Yes, leadership has its ups-and-downs, but I don’t think that I’ve ever seen someone who moves up and down as much as the human yo-yo, Scott Morrison. You know how the yo-yo works: it reaches the end of the string and it hurries back up to the top only to immediately sink again.
    I guess the thing that struck me about Yo-yo Mo’s threat to sue Aly was the simple fact that Waleed was reporting something that had been widely reported in various sources years ago. When it was first reported, our PM told us that he didn’t comment on Cabinet discussions. Not so last night, where he assured us that he brought up concerns about Muslim immigration because he wanted to “address them”. He didn’t explain how he hoped to address them as Shadow Opposition Immigration minister. Maybe he planned to help promote unity by complaining about the taxpayer funding flights to the funeral services of asylum seekers who perished when the ship crashed on Christmas Island.
    Or perhaps he was trying to help last night when he assured us that there were over fifty people on Manus and Nauru who had “character” concerns. When asked how many of them were actually “rapists, murderers and pedophiles”, he was less clear, but it was clearly “significantly more than one”…
    Is three significantly more than one? It is 300% after all.
    Still, I’m not sure what the point is. Is he suggesting that a non-convicted pedophile with a life-threatening condition which couldn’t be treated on Nauru would be allowed to die because we couldn’t keep them under control if they came to Australia? I mean, George Pell was taken to hospital because he’s got the flu and he’s an actual convicted sex offender.
    Watching last night, I couldn’t help but think that this Waleed Aly interview will be called a “trainwreck” which – as I wrote a few weeks ago, trains actually have tracks which they go off; this mob in Canberra resemble a car where the fighting for the steering wheel has become so intense that the wheel itself has ended up in the boot.

  The Ghost of Fascism in the Post-Truth Era.

Truth has no place in Bolt's world speech has no meaning other than the power of those with the ability to be heard. We saw Bolt's message in the fiasco called meaningful reasoned debate between him and Dr Robert Di Natali on the Bolt Report.  Andrew Bolt failed to listen or bother to communicate, but then he had no intention to do either, and it showed. (ODT)
While questions about truth have always been problematic among politicians and the wider public, both groups gave lip service to the assumption that the search for truth and respect for its diverse methods of validation were based on the shared belief that “truth is distinct from falsehood; and that, in the end, we can tell the difference and that difference matters.”[1] It certainly appeared to matter in democracy, particularly when it became imperative to be able to distinguish, however difficult, between facts and fiction, reliable knowledge and falsehoods, and good and evil. That however no longer appears to be the case.


Scenes of the persecuted church. In Canada, a Catholic priest is stabbed as he conducts a Mass on TV. In Australia, a Sydney University student magazine publishes a front-page cartoon of Cardinal George Pell being hanged. In Britain, an Iranian Christian is denied asylum because his faith is "violent". These are frightening times.


Firstly Bolt didn't seem to care that the Priest's stabbing in Montreal wasn't related to terrorism according to the police. We can be assured. Bolt will just walk away from that one. Never however admitting he was wrong.
Bolt's back trying to convince us our cup is half empty his innocence and joy stolen by those who'd disparage the Catholic Church. But you need to remember Bolt's an Agnostic and a living Oxymoron. But then his sensationalist banner is really only trying to sell News Corpse papers an Institution unto itself, not unlike the Church that's as influential and sits shoulder to shoulder with the with it in business. When and if Murdoch could be found on a balcony with the Pope at say Easter or the Fox Corp celebrations. Bolt, if he were in the crowd, would be heard yelling "whose that up there with Rupert?"

Andrew Bolt selling Newspapers has taken the un-independent line of the Vatican of News Corpse and head office USA.  The truth of the matter was a counterintelligence exercise to investigate if there was any Russian government effort to interfere with the US 2016 election. The FAKE News was Trump's efforts with the assistance of FOX to redefine the investigation into an investigation of Trump's collusion with Russia. The line which Bolt is taking here and is as Fake as his celebrity suntan.
".So far, his investigation has ventured into work done by former Trump advisers and Russian nationals. Thirty-four people have been charged with wrongdoing. "

Image result for Conrad Black


Conrad Black on Beto O'Rourke: "A hyperactive limb-flailing imbecile, babbling compulsively in a torrent of extremist nonsense. This is the candidate the media have been looking for." Matthew Walter: "Why are Democrats so weird?...  I do want to know is whether he actually took a handful of green feces, put it in a bowl, and served it to his wife."

18m Link

 Let's begin with who Bolt references for this post, Conrad Black. Imagine if anyone referenced Duncan Storrah or Zacky Malka for any opinion piece what Andrew Bolt would have done in disparagement. He refused and never forgotten them for their pasts. However, Conrad Black has been forgiven.  There we have it Bolt's stance that he really believes in any sort of equivalency is bullshit.

Conrad Moffat Black, Baron Black of Crossharbour, KCSG is a Canadian-born British former newspaper publisher, author, and convicted felon. In 2007, Black was convicted on four counts of fraud in U.S. District Court in Chicago. 
Black has been barred from entering the United States for 30 years though that could be appealed at any time. He has expressed no interest in returning to the United States.[89]

Bolt's second pick Matthew Walther writes for The Spectator The American Conservative a sure thing for a balanced opinion. But then Bolt just might be struggling to find a list of Democrats to mock.

Image result for Image of Rumpelstiltskin


Curious. Greens leader Richard di Natale asked to come on my Sky News show and came with written notes to read from. He clearly wanted to make a public statement about me and Sky, yet has not since referred to or linked to the debate we then had. Total silence, including from most of his green army. Why? Didn't it go quite as hoped? See and judge.

4m Link

Is it any surprise Andrew Bolt is writing about himself, and it's not a Paywall? Bolt's yelling, screaming are qualities that Dr Richard di Natali wanted to highlight what he calls "debate" a word he's never understood. Now Bolt somehow regards a reasoned rational and a defeat when all it was was a circus on Bolt's part emotionally zig zagging around the globe declaring Dr di Natale a loser for what Bolt accused him of "not knowing". Something happened in Senegal, the Philipines Montreal pick a place and an event connect them and yell now that's reasoned and rational. You have to laugh he didn't know he was wrong and the stabbing in Montreal wasn't according to police terror related.

 Nevertheless, Bolt knows the devious Green and doctor was on his show to "harm" him Sorry Andrew Bolt The leader of the Greens has never been seen to attack or attempt GBH on anybody and the same can't be said however of you.
What we have here is Andrew Bolt in some weird fashion admitting he was going over the top screaming and frothing at the mouth but is blaming Dr di Natali for his tilt. Guess those Muslims were to blame for Tarrant's irrational outburst too. 
Why if Bolt while he thinks he's so smart always puts his foot in his mouth? First, he goes home feeling guilty as shit about how badly his show went and how he came across. He then does even worse by not shutting up coming out trying to blame "them" in this case "him" for his dummy spit.
Go back and think about deleting this piece of stupidity Bolt you might feel better. 
Waleed Aly did an Interview with our PM Bolt could but won't use that as a yardstick to measure his own interview techniques it starts with listening. Understanding the other point of view rather than flooding the space with " I, I, I, I.... Otherwise, Bolt could have comfortably sat alone as he always does and editorialised.

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