Thursday 7 March 2019

Andrew Bolt's Blog,7/3/19; Protecting Pell now Milo ; Guess Incest Or Parenthood whose side is Bolt on? Burnside, BDS, ABC

Border security

Alt-right troll Milo Yiannopoulos banned from entering Australia


 Who and what ideas and behaviour Andrew Bolt actually promotes to gain attention to himself should be clear to everyone by now. Yet Murdoch media gives him the go-ahead. I suspect Bolt is a dual passport holder, and as such deserves to answer the same questions he demands of other Australians he claims should have their's withdrawn,(ODT)

A letter sent to Yiannopoulos by immigration officials foreshadowed this week's final decision.
The letter noted Australia had the power to block someone from entering the country if there was a risk that person would "incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community".
The letter was released by one of Yiannopoulos' strongest supporters, Sky News host Andrew Bolt, earlier this month.
In June last year, Paypal suspended Yiannopoulos after he used the online payment system to send $14.88 to a Jewish journalist.
The number 1488 is used by white supremacists and neo-Nazis because '14' represents the mantra of securing a future for white children and '88' represents "Heil Hitler".
The same month he sent threatening text messages to journalists, stating: "I can’t wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight."
The 33-year-old confirmed he wrote the messages but said that he sent them to the reporters as a way to troll them.

Image result for Dangerous (book)

When Bolt can't do it, he calls on some other paid lackey to do it for him and who better than ex-advertising guru now editor of The Spectator and Shockvertizer of Sky News but Rowan Dean to defend his defence of a failed political entertainer strapped for cash. 
The free speech advocates never ask free speech to preach what. Goebel exercised free speech, and he whipped up anti-Semitism to such a state it justified killing 6 million Jews. He whipped the same hatred of the Romani which helped kill 2 million Gypsies. That same free speech is being used against the Rohingya today and against Muslims and the South Sudanese here. What we have here are who racist idiots arguing that any ideas with the resources and technology that they have access to ought to be free, why? Because Newcorp is the equivalent of just another individual voice. It's not.
 What rot Newscorp is actively providing a mega- platform, not just a speakers corner box to stand on but a platform and loudspeakers the technology to promote bigotry and hate in an otherwise ordinary Democracy. Why call a conman strapped for cash who owes us $50,000 a victim? Because it gains them the attention of a Barnum a Bailey pornographic event. Milo isn't a victim in any way shape or form of anything other than his own use-by date that has left him with Neocons, ultra Racists  Nazis and Pedophile groups as his only supporters and on the verge of bankruptcy. 
If Bolt Dean are faux and fake supporters of "free speech" indecent speech and uncivilised speech un mannered speech in a world of children why is it they so anti- safe schools that want to promote decent speech?

  Police investigate after woman groped at Flinders Street Station

Molestation in a public space just couldn't claim Pell's defenders. (ODT)


Witch hunt journalism. The Age now runs any trash about Cardinal George Pell: "'Joe' [claimed in 1996] Pell...  had, 10 to 15 years earlier, been having sex with Mannix College trainee clerics at 'parties … involving young men’... He wanted $20,000 for compromising photographs which appeared to be of Pell... but could not produce the negatives."


The man who claims to be a man of reason sound very Trumpish in debating the Age doesn't he. For days he's been flouting his faith in Pell over a 4-week court process in which he was found guilty. Let's not consider the years of investigation by the police and the time the DPP considering along the mentions that there was indeed a case to be heard.
To hell with that effort of fairness. All this steam and bluster to sell you and me a subscription to a Murdoch dirt rag. Bolt's plea that Pell is innocent was mostly held because Pell wouldn't have done the acts he was charged with in any public place where as a chorus of others would Pell was the exception and how do we know because a man of Andrew Bolt's reputation has said so. Bolt's really not original is he the uses the exact word we heard Pell use in a video of a police interview in Rome "garbage". Is that meant to sway his readers # me too Pell the man really is a child of authority, isn't he? Until of course he'd be interfered with by some authoritarian figure himself.
A subject totally ignored by Bolt but sounding far more reasoned than him was the letter submitted by Claire Kathleen Linane the wife of a victim of molestation by a priest when a boy and the extent they would go to to have their way.

Transparency is logically a must as it's been documented that serial sperm donors do exist. The children have the right to not break our laws of incest which is possible, and ignorance is no defence in the face of the law. However, the court deciding on parenthood is something significantly different, and as Bolt likes to tell us there was never any "Stolen Children". The question of whether the court assesses each case individually or applies the formula of one suit fits all as history shows it did to indigenous children is significantly different. 
As this is a PAYWALL, I can only guess Andrew Bolt is on the side of history where stereotyping was heavily applied, and he prefers to say the reverse happened.
Andrew Bolt sees no "we" in Human Rights because it questions the interests of "me". The planet isn't "our" planet it's belongs to the survival of the fittest throughout history, and any interference in that and the free market of global competition will bring the world to the brink.
Philosophically Bolt has difficulty in explaining away China which has brought 1.3 billion out of poverty in less than 70 years. The world's history has been one of transition but Bolt and of course his notion of progress it might be asked in the benefit of whom. That is never really objectively assessed from all perspectives but told merely from those that benefited most.
Julian Burnside is dangerous as are the Greens or anyone that attempts to question the Colonial History of this country which only began 200 years ago.
Again the question arises from the man behind the desk the man who holds the volume button. Bolt's not arguing about free speech all our actions indicate that. What he's concerned about is he just might lose his microphone. Manners civility which Bolt calls for is thrown to the wind when he mocks and derides whole communities of Australians for their colour their religion and their beliefs in Australia's democracy.  It's surprising and refreshing to watch The Drum, Q&A where a semblance of a form of debate actually takes place compared with the platforms of Sky after Dark mainly when Pool Werks and now the NIB have decided to withdraw their sponsorships. Nothing scares Bolt more than a BDS against Newscorp as does the BDS against Israel.
The reality is Bolt is accountable to his audience and his advertisers. His advertisers are his weak spot and can be convinced what a waste of money he really is both in terms of ratings, value for money and the smell left associated with their brand. If he loses them, then he'll have no voice his greatest fear being switched off. His second most walking the streets of Melbourne in the belief people listen.

Bolt has always been into Tokenism, he looks for individuals like Sarah Henderson, Warren Mundine, Daisy Cummins to declare they are the real majority. However, all it shows is the amount of attention the minority gets when protecting their interests. Climate deniers are given 50% plus media attention on Sky, yet they represent the minority of global scientists. Warren Mundine where else but Sky would he be given the time when not seen as a representative of indigenous Australians Bolt turns to tokens easily found and represents them as the general. Henderson isn't representative of Liberal Party Culture no matter what she says, and Bolt certainly is holding her up as if the living proof.

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