Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real, 9/7/19; John Jarrett; Something News Corp shys away from The Israel Lobby is HUGE and worldwide; Water Water everywhere but not a drop to drink;

Image result for john jarrett actor

John Jarratt sues Daily Telegraph and journalist for defamation

After Geoffrey Rush, what are his chances? Legal Insurers are all backing him I bet.


Something News Corp dare not discuss

Is the Bromance over between Fox and Trump or are they scamming their audience to divide and confuse that they don't need each other? Who actually needs who the most. According to Roger Ailes, he could make or break any politician, even the President of the USA. Trump's bromance with Rupert seems less stable since the formation of Fox Corp and the stepping back of old man Murdoch and his son Lachlan taking control. Trump was a favourite son of Roger Ailes kingmaker. Murdoch's sons hated him, and it seems that hate overlaps in some way with Trump. Will that get in the way of their business together it seems, if anyone is ready to smash the crystal palace it's Trump? He has a history of destroying relationships, and Lachlan hasn't a history of success his father has had. However, even Rupert was terrified when investigated for phone tapping in the UK. So much so he did an Alan Bond and feigned dementia.


  Head of Israel lobby group exposed by undercover film resigns | The Electronic Intifada


The film, The Lobby – USA, was made by Al Jazeera’s investigations unit, but never broadcast by the Qatari channel, after a massive censorship push by the Israel lobby. Their undercover reporter observed The Israel Project from the inside, becoming an intern in 2016, later even being offered a job.
Part 1 https://youtu.be/H5RDdhLDYN0
Part 2 https://youtu.be/XytkI7afHcQ
Part 3 https://youtu.be/Mm-Dm4pO0xY

Secret influence campaigns; Are universal and with Murdoch Media support. We saw Sky's Outsiders PR program run by Rowan Dean and repeated in The Spectator presented not just as an opinion but "fact" by Ahron Shapiro and Rebecca Weisser both of the Australian. Who was paraphrasing who?

 The film reveals The Israel Project is running a massive online influence campaign.

The group runs a series of Facebook pages which appear to be about subjects unrelated to Israel, such as history, women’s rights and environmentalism.

But in reality, the pages are run by The Israel Project, and they have produced content that has reached millions of viewers.

“A lot of it is just random topics and then maybe like 25 per cent of it would be like Israel or Jewish-based,” explained a staffer who worked for The Israel Project on the pages.

“We have a lot of side projects that we are trying to influence the public debate with,” Jordan Schachtel told Al Jazeera’s undercover reporter.



What would Andrew Bolt do without the ABC he wouldn't have a job, and that's a fact. It's no coincidence that Andrew Bolt is suggesting that our government is wasting billions on a scare, but it's not GREEN. ABC Four Corners ran a program in the free market system of privatised water rights that has been a total failure that has driven billions into the hands of corrupt corporate bodies and individuals who have nothing to do with the land, farming or the want of sustainability of the Murray Darling  Water Basin. The marketing of Water Rights as opposed to regulatory licencing has created farms that actually are in the business of preventing water returning to the MD system by creating massive dams and water-hungry inappropriate nut and cotton farms where there was once a diversity of food production. All to drive the price of water up provide capital gains paid for by us the taxpayers and the accompanying government buyback subsidies associated with a market system out of control. All against the advice from Water Scientists, Water Economists and un-unified data hundreds of researchers have collected over the years auditing the amount of water that hasn't flown back into the MD system and who have been universally ignored and not even been listened to. Is it any wonder Overseas corporations have entered a 'money for nothing' market along with other friends of Ministers with offices in the Cayman Islands have bought into this get rich scheme? That Andrew Bolt calls a Green Problem and has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Instead of supporting the free-market system that's given privatised unfettered access to Australia's major resource water.
Nobody mentions that water right can be bought from the Murray at discounted prices and sold back to the government at inflated prices to then buy the higher-priced rights on the Murrumbidgee. That alone seems a simple case of insider trading that any respectable stock exchange would outlaw surely? Yet it goes on unregulated. Andrew Bolt calling it a Greens problem certainly distracts and deflects attention away from the systemic issues the ABC Royal Commissions and other investigations have uncovered that certainly aren't in the interests of the considerable private interests involved who are making billions off Australia's taxpayers while all governments both State and Federal stand by ignoring the scam.
Bolt focuses on South Australia talks about science reports and cherry-picks one to argue South Australia and Green policies are the fault of the lack of water in the Murray Darling system during a 'drought'. The word 'drought actually means 'no water' Mr Bolt. The problem isn't a single policy.  The ABC program actually draws attention to something far greater a whole water scheme devised that runs counter the outcome desired with no interest auditing or monitoring or no unified scientific interest. The only benefit it seems has been the financial rorting of the system in what is called "a free-market".
Bolt's want is to blame the system's collapse on Lake Alexandrina and a  Green policy. His real intention it seems is to distract from the Four Corners Program and ride on its tail and to yet again tell us science is more harmful than politics and Conservative politics is really the politics of care. However all politicians Sate, and Federal alike have done nothing to the privatised system that so criminally regulates our water a National resource we all own and not just some of us.


The Murray-Darling Basin scandal: economists have seen it coming for decades


The illusion of efficiency

Among the many problems with infrastructure schemes, two have stood out.
First, the measured cost of saving water through infrastructure schemes is two to three times as much as that of buying water on the open market.
Second, and more importantly, much of the supposed water savings are illusory. Much of the water “wasted” in irrigation systems is not lost to the environment. Most of the water leakage and seepage from irrigation channels eventually returns to rivers through groundwater systems. So “saving” this water through infrastructure efficiency doesn’t actually add anything more to environmental flows.
My 2012 analysis assumed a scientifically based effort to secure water savings at the lowest possible cost to the public. As the Four Corners report has shown, that assumption was massively over-optimistic. In reality, the scheme has been characterised by lax monitoring, cronyism and rorting.

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